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DDoS season begins, sites a little bit unstable


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While I'm glad to finally know what's been going on I am saddened to find out that one of my favorite sites is having to deal with this kind of crap. I was hoping that it was just a higher number of people making use of the site due to school being out for the summer. Guess I'll just have to weather it out and hope these idiots get bored soon.
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In response to post #8470697. #8470861 is also a reply to the same post.

"claim to have a higher motive, like leaking government secrets and such, but they are one and the same to me"
Immediately thought of Ed. S. (you know) ! :) Still sits somewhere near here under the supervision of the FSB (former KGB) :))
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In response to post #8464287. #8470878 is also a reply to the same post.

Unless something managed to addle your AV enough to always report nothing... Ah, good old paranoia. :P

In my experience, AV tools tend to invent threats if they can't actually find anything, just to convince their users that they're still useful and shouldn't be uninstalled. :D
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In response to post #8469038. #8469792, #8470339 are all replies on the same post.

I stopped using AVG some years ago because it caused me so many problems. Always use Microsoft Security Essentials/Windows Defender now. It may not be as sophisticated as some of the other anti-virus products on the market, but I've not had a virus yet in about eight years, and it's much less intrusive than many of the other programs.
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More so than just sneezing out in the open with nothing covering your mouth? Only if you don't wash your hands afterwards. I tend to carry hand lotion with me most places; especially if I'm going on public transport.

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