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DDoS season begins, sites a little bit unstable


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In response to post #8464601.

I was thinking the same thing, lots of new mod users because of the game going on sale on Steam. There has even been a complaint or two about Nexus and NMM in the official Steam Skyrim forum. The sad thing is that many noobs will get a decidedly slanted view of Nexus from this, they'll end up thinking the only good site for mods is Steam.

Not that Steam doesn't have its own host of user/server issues from time to time.

I know I haven't enjoyed getting blocked by bad gateway errors, but it is the price of dealing with things in the digital realm.
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You're not the problem, but you're a part of it in the same way you're a part of the problem during an epidemic if you sneeze without covering your mouth with your hand or don't wash your hands after going to the toilet.




For the record, sneezing into your hand is almost as bad as not covering at all. It's probably the most common way things are spread. Sneeze into the crook of your elbow. You don't handle things with that part of your body, thus limiting germs being spread.



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In response to post #8465322.

crook of the elbow ? just use some paper 'towel' and throw it away, i'm not sneezing anywhere ON my body thx, lol.

next thing you know ppl are wiping their noses with their sleeves... 0.0 Edited by alantor
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In response to post #8465322.

crook of the elbow ? just use some paper 'towel' and throw it away, i'm not sneezing anywhere ON my body thx, lol.


next thing you know ppl are wiping their noses with their sleeves... 0.0





You're not always so lucky to have a kleenex on hand when a sneeze comes about. Elbow is the second best place to use.

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