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Water purifiers, generators, plants break down in settlements.


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Hello everyone and thanks for visiting this topic.

I faced such a problem that things like water purifiers, generators, plants, and other things for supplies or resources regularly break down in the settlement. Usually it happens like this: after exploring the world, completing quests, I return to the settlement (Sanctuary, I have the only one at the moment) and see a notification about the already completed quest where Sturges asks for help to equip the settlement, that residents do not have enough water, food, etc. ...

I fix all the water purifiers, generators, go out to explore the world again, and when I return, the situation repeats itself over and over again. In the settlement at the moment there are only NPCs from the Concord Museum, the settlement does not have a lot of resources and, in principle, this is just the beginning of the game, so it does not look like an attack on the settlement, besides, I did not receive a notification that the settlement was attacked. This is not my first playthrough, but this is the first time I encountered a similar problem.

Of the mods that affect the settlement, there are SimSettlements2, several add-ons to it, Workshop Framework, Scrap Everything, Place Everywhere, and various add-ons for buildings from the vanilla game (SimplyModularHouse, Modular Sanctuary Pre-War and Post-War Build Set, etc.). I sorted the order of the mods through LOOT, checked the order manually and did not find or did not notice something that could cause this problem. A little later I will lay out the full mod list to make it clearer.

If anyone faced a similar problem, I ask for help.


Here's link to esp. list - https://modwat.ch/u/FocuSwow3D (dunno how to share it another way)

Edited by FocuSwow3D
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Normally, the only time that stuff breaks down, is if you are attacked. Does Sim Settlements also add that? Does it have a configuration menu for it??


I did not find something similar in the mod's settings, after all, there is mainly about construction, there are no points about attacks. Also, I have not yet activated the start of the SS2 quest, also I do not have a single building from SS yet, there is only vanilla items like turrets, water purifiers and generators, so I'm not sure if it somehow affects this problem.

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I've had something similar happen to me at Sanctuary while I was still there, so indeed there was no settlement attack. I planted food and then went to refurbish a house, walked by the farm and all the plants had been destroyed. I replanted them and it happened again. Has only happened to that one particular run-through and not since (I hope I have not just jinxed myself).


As an aside, could be some of your defensive weapons shooting at some radroach or something and thus causing damage.

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This is a feature of Sim Settlements 2 called "Non-Plot Maintenance", which is intended to balance generators, turrets and other automated resources.


It's a bit unbalanced in the early game when you don't have a lot of junk, but the issue does go away. If you don't like it, you can turn it off in the Sim Settlements 2 menu.


Can also be a bit finicky, I understand. I made a thread about it here earlier this month.

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