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Small pockets with horrendously low FPS


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Searching for an answer to this just gives people having problems with low FPS in general. That's not what's happening to me. I generally get 40+ fps. But there are a few places, often only 1 or 2 blocks (as in building/street blocks) wide, where my fps drops to literally less than 1, moving as slow as one frame every few seconds. Any idea where to start finding what's wrong?


This is an example, I've just left the problem area by swimming across the river in a southerly direction. This one extended across the whole river and a few blocks north. Is it perhaps one cell? Are cells the same size? Can I tell what cell I'm in? If I knew a certain cell was broken, what's the next thing to look for? Sometimes I get through it quickly, but I might be crossing a corner of a cell.



Edited by hucker75
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If you're using mods, there is a good chance one of them broke precombines which tanks FPS in this game.


I have scrap everything or some such thing, but I don't think that breaks precombines, because some things I still can't scrap with it, i fact I can't even disable something like some lampposts, presumably they're part of the scenery.


This isn't a slow down, this is something far worse. 40fps down to a third of a fps, is 120 times slower. And for very specific areas.

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If memory serves me right, that mod can break precombines. Essentially anything that modifies a cell can break precombines. I play Fallout 4 in excess of 80fps a lot of the time - but in Boston can get lurches into the teens. I often toggle on god mode while in Downtown Boston as fighting in there can be impossible at times. Mods that break precombines plus Bethesda's sloppy optimization and code makes this game a bit more unstable than it should be.

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If memory serves me right, that mod can break precombines. Essentially anything that modifies a cell can break precombines. I play Fallout 4 in excess of 80fps a lot of the time - but in Boston can get lurches into the teens. I often toggle on god mode while in Downtown Boston as fighting in there can be impossible at times. Mods that break precombines plus Bethesda's sloppy optimization and code makes this game a bit more unstable than it should be.


I have "scrap everything" and "scrappable commonwealth". All I'm really interested in is scrapping things in my settlement, like trees, fallen down huts, etc.


If I disabled them, do you think the game would become better? Or have they already damaged the cells?


I could just enable them when I need them. It's pretty much only settlements I've scrapped, not the general commonwealth. And it's the general commonwealth where I get crashes, almost never in settlements.

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I run scrap everything, and it doesn't generally cause me any issues. I see the same slow-downs you do, just in different areas, one of them is Vault 81, but, not all the time..... I may go in/out of there several times, and not experience any problem, but, next time I go in, when walking thru the decontamination area, if I look toward the security room, frame rate goes to essentially 1 frame per minute..... If I walk thru there sideways, it doesn't happen. Then, after I complete the 'molerate disease' questline, it never happens again.... There are other random places where I can see that sort of behavior as well, generally interior cells, and I have found no explanation for it.

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I run scrap everything, and it doesn't generally cause me any issues. I see the same slow-downs you do, just in different areas, one of them is Vault 81, but, not all the time..... I may go in/out of there several times, and not experience any problem, but, next time I go in, when walking thru the decontamination area, if I look toward the security room, frame rate goes to essentially 1 frame per minute..... If I walk thru there sideways, it doesn't happen. Then, after I complete the 'molerate disease' questline, it never happens again.... There are other random places where I can see that sort of behavior as well, generally interior cells, and I have found no explanation for it.


I think mine are random too.

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I've removed "scrappable commonwealth" and left "scrap everything" running. I managed to run around in the Goodneighbour and Diamond City area for a long time yesterday with zero crashes. Usually there's no way I can make it even quarter of the way across that central belt. Maybe I've found the culprit. I can't remember why I got scrappable commonwealth now, I can see I downloaded it a few days after scrap everything - perhaps to get things it missed, but I can get those with "disable" in the console. Maybe it's a bad idea to have two similar things, they might be arguing, like installing two virus checkers can grind a PC to a halt.

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