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Good Game Suggestions.


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I'm looking for a good game, I'm bored waiting for the release of so many amazing games this year: Mirrors Edge 2, Watchdogs, Dying Light, GTA V, Saints Row IV, Star Wars: Battlefront, the list goes on and I'm too hyped for these games. I recently got Dead Space 3, which I like, and Bioshock Infinite, which I also like. Had a go on Dragon Age 2 as well, but I hate it, it's unbelievably boring and the controls really put me off.


I want a good role playing game where you can create a character, gender, appearance, traits etcetera, not necessarily in some medieval theme but any. I like games where you can do this and your character has a voice.


I'm bored of my ass and I want something to take my mind of the heap of papers and essays that I have to write.


Thanks :smile:

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Huh. I like Dragon Age 2.


Having said that, you could try The Witcher, or The WItcher 2. Your character speaks in both of those. (but you can't create a character)


Or you could try Dragon Age Origins, though I'm guessing you probably have played it already since you've played Dragon Age 2. Origins is considered to be better by most people. (You can't hear your voice in Origins though)


Dishonored isn't an RPG, but it's an amazing game (imo), and people often compare it to the Bioshock series.


Dark Souls is epic (imo), and definitely my favorite action rpg / action adventure game. It's also good preparation for Dark Souls 2, which is set to release next year. As a good rule of thumb, however, if you like Call of Duty you will probably hate Dark Souls.



Now that I'm done listing common games, I'll move to my list of less common games. As a fair warning, most of these games are not RPGs, and the majority of them do not let you hear your create a character, choose skills and traits, or hear your character's voice.


Warframe (new)

-fast paced online cooperative combat, 3rd person pov, customization, unique bio-mechanical art style, free


Zeno Clash 1 (medium age)

-brawler with a 1st person pov, unique fantasy punk art style


Zeno Clash 2 (new)

-open world, brawler, 1st person pov, some RPG characteristics, unique fantasy punk art style


Arx Fatalis (old)

-semi open world, 1st person pov, action/adventure/RPG hybrid, compatible with mods

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I can't really recommend anything because you've quite literally played almost the entire genre.


Guild Wars 2: Horribly stagnated as it has become, and featuring one of the worst communities in MMO history(rife with RL-based racism, horribly elitist, absolutely no desire to work together, overrun by trolls), Guild Wars makes up for it's many flaws by being one of the best core MMOs ever produced. Beyond the miserable community and total lack of evolution since launch, it's the only game I can think of that fits your description fully that's worth playing at all.


Dark Souls 2/Dark Souls/Demon Souls. Semi-open world third-person RPG, compatible with mods. Nexus supported. legendary game.


The RPG fom hell, Dark Souls suffers from a totally deserved reputation for having seemingly been designed by Satan himself. There's only one way to describe it's difficulty; EVIL, EEEEEEEEEVIL. But thankfully, it's backed up by some of the best controls and combat in the history of the genre, and while it may be harder than Iridium, it's also totally addictive and beautifully made and polished. If you don't punch a hole in your monitor in the first five minutes, this game will hone you into the best RPG player you have the potential to be, and you will come to absolutely adore it. It's painful, but oh hell it's worth it. It's cruel, hateful, and absolutely sublime.


Torchlight 2: Isometric RPG. Supports mods. potentially Free.


One of the biggest upsets in recent memory, Torchlight 2 is a little RPG that could. Could give enormous fun factor, could take on Diablo 3, could kick D3's poorly-made ass across the sand. Undeniably one of the best budget games of the last 3 years, Torchlight sells at an Indy price but delivers full-budget fun. Totally worth it.

Edited by Vindekarr
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This Zeno Clash game looks pretty great after seeing some gameplay and searching for it, etc. And yeah, I'm surprised I didn't list mass effect in my initial post :L I also hear your cries and raise them about Guild Wars 2, it really is a shame that the GW2 community is full of so many shitheads.. Completed Dishonored, it really does remind me of Bioshock, you're right


The only birds eye view RTS game that I really liked was the Command and Conquer Red Alert series for the girls and the art design, other than that I cant stand rts, they just seem to bore me.. the same with games like Torchlight and Diablo, etc. I might have a play at this Zeno Clash game and maybe Dark Souls, maybe the Metro games too, never played those and they're supposed to be good

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i like Command and Conquer but StarCraft (2) is still the best. C&C releases their games and thats that. Blizzard is constantly updating it and changing things and trying new things to try and make it an ever better game. plus the campaign in SC2 is amazing. reason enough alone to buy the game imo.

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Zeno Clash has some serious issues, especially the newest one. It feels like the developers were in a constant narcotic trip when they made it; the monsters just make no logical sense-a guy for example, with the body of a giant egg, an easter-island statue for a head, a wolf's tail, and baby's feet? W. T. F. The gameplay itself is similarly deranged; quests and puzzles often make no logical sense whatsoever, neither does the plot, nor even the controls. Besides the novelty of it being a first-person brawler, it's not actually a very good game at all IMO.


Borderlands 2 fits the bill in most aspects. It's hard. Almost Dark Souls hard. But like Dark Souls there's also the brilliant gameplay that makes you want to get good at it. It's a sci-fi(sort of) open-worldy RPG-FPS-thing. You can hear your character(infact they never shut up) and the dialogue is some of the best you'll ever see in a game-there is some AWESOME humor moments here, a lot of fourth wall breaking, and general silliness. Overall it's really quite similar to Saint's Row, but with first-person and more RPG elements.

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