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Effective Weapons


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Damage rating and reality: Not necessarily connected...at least from my view. In general, if I can pick up a long range weapon with explosive ammunition it will rapidly become my favorite, even if it means pulling the trigger very, very rapidly. Fully perked semi-auto shotguns are my favs for close in work. Explosive devices are great fun...as long as you use them on distant targets. When it comes to explosive weapons of any type, always be aware of the blast radius. If you're not, you'll likely be "hoist by your own Petard". Generally, the only use I have for handguns or double barrel shotguns is their function as merchandise or salvage. On the whole, I prefer "plasma" rifles to "lasers" and I find "gauss" rifles, in spite of a high damage rating, to be a disappointment. On the whole, I also stay away from bolt action rifles, break open shotguns, or revolvers(actually, handguns of any kind). They're either too slow or don't hit hard enough. Mines are great...if you've time to set them up and then have a handy bit of cover near by. So, to boil it down: Semi-autos are preferred in general with long range explosive rifles or shotguns topping the list. For close in work, shotguns work best for me, though plasma weapons work very well also. On a very few occasions, particularly at lower to mid level work when facing Deathclaws, etc,, gauss rifles can be useful. When it comes to creatures, always remember to go for the gut. I don't like full-auto weapons, mostly because they're either ammo hogs and don't hit hard enough, or, in the case of shotguns, cycle too slowly. In this game, I can cycle semi-autos nearly as fast as full-autos while hitting harder and more accurately.

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I run Modern Firearms, so, there is a WIDE variety of weapons available, from .22 pistols, to .50 caliber anti-material rifles, to 20mm chain guns. :D I generally carry a silenced pistol, a full-auto rifle of some description, and a long-range rifle. The vanilla weapons are laughable when it comes to range though.... I think the converted hunting rifle has a range of under 500, my Russian sniper rifle, (semi-auto) is over 1100...... yet I still encounter targets I can see, but, can't hit. (I run Ugrids at 7.)


I think my personal favorite 'room broom' though, was a semi-auto combat shotgun, with the explosive legendary..... Didn't have to hit the target, just get close, and splash damage would kill 'em. I made a '2LM' combat shotgun, with two-shot, (18 pellets, instead of 9) and explosive, and that thing was HIGHLY effective. Of course, at close range, two shots would kill me as well. :D Figgered that one out the hard way, of course. :D

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Semi-Auto is essentially Full Auto (pure cheese) - with the added bonus of you just use less ammo to get the job done. They are essentially one in the same. No real difference between a semi-auto with a 20-30 rd clip and a full auto sub machinegun.


I only ever play Bolt-Action, Lever Action, Breech Loaders and Revolvers now. Lone exception is a Colt Woodsman, .22LR with all that extra stuff that mod comes with gutted out. Just pure .22LR plinking.

Edited by fraquar
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  • 1 month later...

I really enjoy the BR77. Damage increases the longer you use the weapon based on the number of kills. It is, OP when you have reached the max, but it sure does a lot of damage when I am surrounded by 50 or so ghouls. I also like Modern Firearms, but there are maybe 5 or 6 of the weapons I like and they offer so many (too many) choices.

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  • 3 weeks later...


I'm sure you understand that at about 40,000 dps(!) the Hobo Killer is supposed to be a joke/prank. It's the offensive version of god mode. One might as well have a gun that calls the 'kill' function on the target every time one pulls the trigger. I inadvertently gave it to Nick Valentine once and had to take it away because everything was already dead by the time I realized I was in battle. Fun idea but not for 'serious play'. :cool:

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