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posting images with nudity not strictly violating guidelines


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i respect all kind of images and and i also post female characters for example in bikini combat outfit. i really like beautiful characters and i even uploaded some presets (probably not beautiful in the eyes of everyone ;)).

some people seem to try to test the limits of these rules for whatever reason to post e.g. slipless female characters in games which do not support these configuration without using adult mods. why do they post not in the adult section ? maybe for the same reason i do not post in the adult section ? i don't know.


my questions:

1. where is the limit or better why do people use adult mod related images and do not post them in the adult area where they belong ?

2. would it not be better to offer a third third category for images with adult content not violating adult content guidelines but using adult related content?

3. i do not feel comfortable to see images clearly addressed to adults between images with plain "average" content, not violating adult guidelines but using adult only related mod content for the image and even exposing it in some cases. what is the purpose of such posts ?


my personal opinion: to make it easier for all who post images a third category would be helpful to separate three categories from each other. the present adult category includes content i would not post any image. not because there are no images to watch but because some extreme ones i'm not interested to watch - not even accidentally. i know it is all matter of taste and i respect all the content.

so if i`m the only one with this problem just forget about this topic.


in case more people are affected i would prefer 3 image categories in the future:

1. plain average images, clearly not exposing adult mods, not violating adult guidelines in any way and clearly without the purpose to test or to scratch the "limits".

2. images with adult content or using adult mods for the image, still not violating adult image guidelines.

3. images within described adult guidelines.

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There already is the 3 categories you describe. Although they may not be properly utilised as some users either don't read or have difficulty understanding the adult content guidelines.


1. The normal image share with your adult content settings set to off.

2. The normal image share with adult content on.

3. The supporter image share (available to current and former Premium members).

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yes, that is true. but for me it is about three stages for the the content not for different types of membership.

thanks for your answer but it does not solve the problem i describe. and i'm not talking about the supporter image section at all, which is fine but not part of the problem i want to discuss.


i gave an example which can not be solved with the existing system. the problem is that i don't know where to post my content if my images can be surrounded by images with no extreme but clearly adult focused content not tagged as adult content but also not clearly going overboard to justify an instant ban. i'm not even sure how to handle such images.


the question is why (for example) images posted with slipless females (obviously not clearly breaking the adult image guidelines) are not tagged as adult if they are clearly adressed to adults ? but this happens often.


the normal image share area needs more than two categories in my opinion because there are

at least three types of people posting here (cat 1 to 3):

cat 1. people who want to post stuff without any sexualized or violence promoting content.

cat 2. people who post mild sexualized and subtle violence including content (not porn), currently not clearly covered or filtered by the adult guidelines or simply ignored for whatever reason but also not content of cat. 3. i would say adult focused content but for some people not worth (?) to tag as adult.

cat 3. people who know that they are instantly banned posting their content without clearly tagging their content as adult content (they probably post in the supporter cat)


i think three categories (without the supporter cat) would make things easier for all people. maybe this would also be easier to moderate and people posting cat1 are not going to risk to be surrounded by images of cat2 (e.g some slipless girls, not tagged as adult content because it seems there is just no explicit need even following the adult guidelines). some people simply avoid to tag adult and also don't want to post in the supporter category. i will p.m. you with an example.

it is just a suggestion based on a situation i encountered several times.

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There already is the 3 categories you describe. Although they may not be properly utilised as some users either don't read or have difficulty understanding the adult content guidelines.


1. The normal image share with your adult content settings set to off.

2. The normal image share with adult content on.

3. The supporter image share (available to current and former Premium members).


I will say my deleted comment again but gently since I hope you wouldn't delete constructive criticism, the normal image share with your adult content settings set to off is not moderated as it should in my opinion, every tab has sexualized images that children shouldn't be able to see and that shouldn't pop up when people are working.


But in my opinion sexualized images should be in a separate section anyways regardless of the adult filter, some people don't hide adult content because of quest mods and the like where the thumbnails don't show anything and people just tag as adult to be safe + the tagging system which is there for mods but isn't there at all for images.

Edited by Butterfliezzz
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I would think it would be an easy test. Could you view these shots at work, without anyone mentioning the word 'porn'? If the answer is no, it goes in the adult image share.


i'm not sure if it is so easy. if i talk about my described cat 2 i would not say it is porn but it is still - in my opinion - clearly adult because the image is obviously not addressed to children, without being porn like in cat 3. so why is this not tagged and filtered as adult ?

my cat 2 and cat 3 are both adult content but cat 2 content is often not tagged as adult currently, which means there is no filter if you are not signed in. but why is an adult filter offered if it is so often not used ? my whish: use catergories where adult filter has always to be used even if an image is not containing porn or including extremely violent content but still obviously addressed to adults only. it was at least for me a reason to delete my images because i felt uncomfortable with my images in a category of a game surrounded by two cat 2 adult images consequently not tagged as adult. i can absolutely live with that but also thought this could be a topic/suggestion to make things better.


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thanks for this advice. if you think it is that simple it is ok, i tried to explain that it isn't. my approach would be to handle it a little more restrictive but in a positive way while giving the users more opportunities and responsibilities. but it seems there is no demand to change anything so we will see in future what we always see: adult stuff not tagged and not worth to report and very difficult to moderate if people use the image forum to test the limits. why should i report if rules like as they are ? currently there is nothing to report apart from clear porn or extreme violence.

there is a warning before you can post an image and that is good. but it is simple to ignore it with one extra click.

i don't think the "report" feature should be used as the one and only solution to make people more sensible for the click. it just generates more work for the staff.


why not more responsibility in the hands of the image poster ?


a first solution could be to set "adult image" as the default setting, to introduce an "untag" feature if you confirm this image is not for adults (instead of the common adult tagging) and to add at least some more text to read while untagging, explaining why this decision "to actively untag" is important and because to make sure to generally protect young people if the content is not intended for young people. i'm sure this will make the image poster more think about what he/she is doing if doing the extra step of untagging.

i explained the other solution with an added third category already. both combined would be my favourite.


this change would be a question of priority and to ask what is more important: the protection of an important group of gamers or as currently more comfort to handle the tagging feature.

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thanks for this advice. if you think it is that simple it is ok, i tried to explain that it isn't. my approach would be to handle it a little more restrictive but in a positive way while giving the users more opportunities and responsibilities. but it seems there is no demand to change anything so we will see in future what we always see: adult stuff not tagged and not worth to report and very difficult to moderate if people use the image forum to test the limits. why should i report if rules like as they are ? currently there is nothing to report apart from clear porn or extreme violence.

there is a warning before you can post an image and that is good. but it is simple to ignore it with one extra click.

i don't think the "report" feature should be used as the one and only solution to make people more sensible for the click. it just generates more work for the staff.


why not more responsibility in the hands of the image poster ?


a first solution could be to set "adult image" as the default setting, to introduce an "untag" feature if you confirm this image is not for adults (instead of the common adult tagging) and to add at least some more text to read while untagging, explaining why this decision "to actively untag" is important and because to make sure to generally protect young people if the content is not intended for young people. i'm sure this will make the image poster more think about what he/she is doing if doing the extra step of untagging.

i explained the other solution with an added third category already. both combined would be my favourite.


this change would be a question of priority and to ask what is more important: the protection of an important group of gamers or as currently more comfort to handle the tagging feature.

The responsibility ALREADY resides with the image poster. Having adult content set as the default, and only requiring one click to clear it, would make zero difference. We already have folks that REPEATEDLY re-post the same adult image, in the general image share..... even warnings don't always give them the hint that they shouldn't be doing that. That's generally followed by a ban.


I think you are over-optimistic about folks motivations for posting images....... Making them jump thru more hoops to do so isn't going to change that. Then you will have the rest of the folks that DON'T post adult images, complaining about another step......


You really are over-thinking this. It really doesn't matter what you do, unless you have moderation staff approve EVERY image before it is exposed to the general public, content is going to end up posted in the wrong place.


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it is not the point that the responsibility resides with the image poster (as i already said) it is about that there can be done more that the poster "feels" his responsibility.

i explained what i mean with more responsibility: to change the default setting to actively change the button from adult only while e.g. opening a text doing so.

this does not mean that there will be always individuals who ignore whatever improvement or change you create. i do not agree with you in this point. i think even small improvements do matter even if not for you and lazyness should never be underestimated. i don't think that staff approves every single image. if so the "report" feature would be mainly obsolete.

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