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Cluster move complete, a few bugs to fix


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Joining all the users with fubar-ed tracking centres :(... I really hope you guys can do something about it... My Skyrim T.C. looks fine but Oblivion T.C. is wiped clean, Fallout 3 is reduced to 1 page (from 5 or 6 I think...) and FNV is also incomplete.
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Got hit with the no-login bug this morning, cleared cookies as mentioned by others in this thread, and now I'm in.


Ran into another problem though- every file I've tried to download from the New Vegas site is giving me a "No file exists for this ID" error." I've tried the "Old World Blues Armors for Type 3"," Laurens Bathroom Poetry" and "Lurker101s Billboard Loadscreen and Poster Pack". I click manual download, choose a server and a few seconds later get bumped to the error page. The Skyrim and Fallout 3 sites are working fine.

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We successfully completed the move of our databases over to a new centralised cluster yesterday with the final site, Fallout 3 Nexus, moved in the afternoon. Moving the databases off the same servers that actually serve the sites pages has freed up resources on the servers that can go towards handling more concurrent connections and as such Im hoping youre finding the browsing experience on the sites this weekend, especially on Skyrim Nexus, are much more satisfactory.


There are currently a few known bugs on the sites that well be working on sorting over the next week. You do not need to report these errors to us as we already know about them:


  • Problems with people either being unable to login or being unable to stay logged in through page loads. Generally what happens is you enter your username and password, click the submit button, the main page loads but youre still not logged in. No error messages are shown. Were not sure why this isnt working for some people while its working for the majority but well look in to fixing that first.
  • People have reported the file servers sometimes report themselves as being overloaded or struggling despite other people downloading the same file perfectly fine. Assumed that any NMM downloading errors are of a similar ilk for the same people (e.g. if manually downloading fails so does downloading through NMM).
  • Issues with the Image Share not posting images and linking to the correct forum topics.

If youre experiencing a problem thats not on that list then by all means report it.


While Im very pleased that the cluster has worked out well Im still not happy. I want to be in a position where theres not one single point of failure for the sites so if a server goes down the sites still run perfectly. I also want to be in a position where increasing capacity is as simple as buying new servers. The old system wasnt that simple, and I want a system that is that simple. Right now were serving about 700 concurrent connections/second to the sites (not the file servers, they do loads more than that) and were hitting that limit regularly. I want to be able to serve twice that much. Weve spent over £33,000 ($50,000) on the database cluster and Ive now outlayed a further £18,000 ($28,000) on several static content servers that will serve all the images and static pages and a further £40,000 ($61,000) on moving all our page serving in to a specially developed cloud server system utilising 48 CPU cores and 192GB or RAM across 6 virtual servers, load balanced by two extra virtual servers to ensure redundancy. On top of that weve got to continue paying the billls on the old servers until everything is moved over, so were essentially paying double the amount it normally costs to keep things going from a hardware standpoint. Dont get me started on bandwidth or the file servers where weve got another 3 file servers on order at the moment. When you wonder where the Premium Membership money goes; this is where it goes.


Im happy with how things have gone so far and Im looking forward to a point where we can stop dealing with making the sites run properly and get on with making the sites better and expanding the network. Frankly, if I were to have another year like this current one Id seriously consider throwing in the towel. So fingers very much crossed.


Hi! Im emilking and i love this site Nexus. And i really hope you comeplete the cluster! I want it too go fast too but i know its not going fast. And so please respond back Dark0ne. How long its will take not exact but near :blush:

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Like others have said, all of my tracked mods on Oblivion Nexus, Fallout 3 Nexus and Fallout New Vegas nexus have disappeared.


Is it a bug or are they gone for good?


Why the silence?

Edited by rpsgc
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Okay, I see I'm not the only one getting error messages and not being able to download any mods. I wanted to get some armors for Type 3 Alice body replacer and out of five different mods I tried, I kept getting the same error message "No file exists for this ID". I figured there was some maintenance going on or something, but I didn't see any type of news alerting the community about anything. Hopefully all will be back to normal soon. Till then New Vegas will have to wait.

Edited by Trickysocks
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