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Fallout 4


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-Better animations

-Better main quest

-More variety in weapons/armor

-Better prostitutes :P

-Able to use melee weapons in a non-completely retarded and inept way (this might go with animations)

-Realism difficulty slider(non-realistic------------realistic)

-Better and more player homes

-More boss type characters

-Bit less bleak graphics, some green, etc.

-Radiation-induced superpowers (possibly) (Would be extremely hard to do this correctly, nothing too over the top)

-Better big guns

-Less ammo spread with fully automatic guns such as assault rifle and mini-gun

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It would be what is currently being discussed between Bethesda and Interplay: An MMO.

The MMO business isn't for everyone, and despite the advantages of being able to extort several thousand players out of 30 bucks a month, it can have unwanted effects on how the company is perceived, and directly impacts how capable they are of working on other projects. One example is Blizzard, although for years they were one of those companies that made some epic single player games, most of their effort over the last 2 years has been spent on WoW. Almost nothing has been mentioned about their new Starcraft game in the last year, and everything has gone pretty quiet on the D3 front. It's clear that most of their resources were being deployed for making the WoW expansion. They've gone from a single player game company to a MMO game company that also releases single player versions. Although it can be debated that both Diablo games were almost MMOs, the point is that rather than the player basically paying a monthly fee to play the game, the player simply had to pay once, owned the game, and could play whenever they wanted. While Blizzard might have lost a good deal of money keeping Battlenet up all these years, part of that whole part of owning the game, but still being able to play online with friends was really what made Diablo and Starcraft such big sellers. You could get lan parties together, and not have to deal with connecting to some primary server to play together.


While some online play might be an option that Bethsoft might want to consider, there are many gamers out there who are rather upset at the lack of games these days that don't require renting the game, connecting to the internet, or dealing with other users. Part of what makes games like Fallout 3 and Oblivion so great is that you can do pretty much whatever you want to do without having other players (or game moderators) to come along and spoil your fun. As Bethsoft games have had a major selling point of being modded to death, Bethsoft would be losing many more of their customers by making their game online and screwing out the modding communities of all the fun they can get from the game. Those of us who don't have very much excess cash to waste tend to only buy games that they can mod since we know that we will be getting our money's worth. Even if it were a totally freaking awesome game, I would not pay to play a TES or Fallout MMO.

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It would be what is currently being discussed between Bethesda and Interplay: An MMO.


That's right. It's nothing officially announced, but there are indeed plans for a "Fallout Online" (codename: Project V13).



It will be interesting to see if they license the CryEngine 2. :)


But we don't need a second or third WoW clone. Back to the roots of EverQuest or Ultima Online would be the best for a Fallout MMORPG. Sandbox-based MMO's offer a lot more options than any "Theme Park"-MMO on the market.

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If they were to keep this on the single player lines, then I'd add in a little diversity. Only thing that got old real fast is how everything is a repeat for the most part. There were very few truly "unique" areas.
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I would recommend to Bethesda to try and make their games more with aftermarket mods in mind.


For example, if it is painfully difficult for modders to create new weapon types, create as many different weapon types as you can and let the modders fill in the arsenal with like weapons. Key thing is to make the animations more fluid-like such as with that Assassins Creed game.



- Bethesda creates an M16 rifle, modders can create all the kinds of guns that are held the same and can use the same animations for clip re-loads (mags on bottom).

- Bethesda creates an alien rifle with a clip on top / side, modders can create all kinds of guns with ammo clips that reload on the top / side

- Bethesda creates a shoulder-mounted weapon + animations, modders can create more.

- Bethesda creates a sword, modders create tons of sword / melee weapons.

- Bethesda creates a round shield + animations for that size, modders create tons of shields

- Bethesda creates a wall shield + animations for that size, modders can create all kinds of large wall shields

- Bethesda creates a throwable object + animations, modders can create throwable knives, stars, darts, etc.

- etc.


Same with creatures. Create as many uniquely shaped creatures and animations as possible which can allow modders to create a much larger scale of creature variations. Creating one spider with animations will allow modders to create all kinds of custom spider bodies and textures and utilize the existing spider skeleton / animations.


One more suggestion (I promise not to write a book of suggestions since I do not think what I write would make one difference at all): Allow the game engine to be a bit more open-ended for modding. Rather than place hard limits on things such as a maximum number of weapon slots, allow it to be extensible and figure out how to keep it extensible but at the same time allow the game engine to be fine-tuned for what it allows. Right now, things may have a set maximum of 10 items in order to keep performance at a known standard but allow that number to grow and figure out how to allow this number to be dynamic but also maintain a performance standard. Games like Crysis allows for very highly detailed graphics but it generates the low-res graphics 1st and upps the resolution when the CPU and graphics card catches up with the scene render and if it cannot catch up, it simply stays at the lower resolution but gameplay continues without turning into a slideshow.


Ok, one more...overhaul and integrate a clothing / material simulator. That way, a single piece of clothing or armor can be modeled and then morphed onto the character...upsized or downsized based on the character's proportions (fat gut, flat chested, huge biceps, etc.)



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Pretty Much what Unholy Shadow said. Oblivion is breathtaking visually, while Fallout 3 is all about the dialog (and gore)


Fallout 4 should be much larger, and not have a main quest which ends the game.

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I personally wouldn't mind seeing some actual physics incorporated either. For instance, I was playing COD4, when a 'nade goes off, the grass and trees move. I'd also LOVE to see windage and elevation incorporated, and the ability to freakin go prone!!!
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