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How to get BaseID of a Generic NPC?


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I'm using WOTC, and for some reason, a single super mutant, which was part of a large squad, is set to essential. Trouble is, I can't find his baseID to toggle it off.

" Help 4100c70e 4 npc_" doesn't work and if I use the generic name it spits out about 50 variants with foreign ID's that make no sense like "FF00454C"

I can't even disable him. It says something like "even though it has enable state parent (4100C706) this is not a valid behavior and will be ignored"

Searched high and low in F04Edit and can't find any of these ID's. Please help!

(strangely very similar variants with almost the exact same refID aren't set to essential- just this one annoying guy)

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That better console is very helpful, but unfortunately I still can't toggle essential on this mutant. I used the baseID and the command executed without a hitch, but he is still essential. I even tried toggling it on and off 1>0.


Any idea what is going on here? I can't even play the game as he just hunts me down even after I recycle him.




The only thing that worked, at least for now, was toggling CombatAI, then recycling. The first time I used recycle on him, I used Tdetect and followed him as he made his way to where I was fighting him earlier. I attacked him and he disappeared when his health got to zero.


I think I died after that, so it wasn't saved. The combatAI toggle + recycle seems to have done the trick for now. He did not reappear at his spawn point using this method. No other mutant spawn is effected by this, which is weird because there are about 50+ variants added by WOTC.




Well that didn't work either. He came back with a vengeance. I resorted to adding him as a friend and so he just lingers around the diner. I kind of feel sorry for him now lol.

Edited by surg23
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Is he set to essential, or is he just not taking any damage at all? Even essential characters will have their health reduced, and when low enough, will go into a 'wait state', until they recover some health.


I have encountered Super Mutants though, that regardless of what I hit them with, they simply don't take any damage whatsoever. For those guys, I open the console, click on 'em, and type in KILL. THAT takes care of 'em. :D

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Is he set to essential, or is he just not taking any damage at all? Even essential characters will have their health reduced, and when low enough, will go into a 'wait state', until they recover some health.


I have encountered Super Mutants though, that regardless of what I hit them with, they simply don't take any damage whatsoever. For those guys, I open the console, click on 'em, and type in KILL. THAT takes care of 'em. :D


Yeah, he is most definitely set to essential. I knew it right away as he drops to his knees when his health drops to zero. Confirmed with .isessential command. He seems to be the only essential generic npc in the entire game. Being that WOTC adds so many variants, I'm chalking it up to an oversight or scripting glitch.


I have not encountered any invulnerable entities. There were times when I thought that was the case, but it turns out that the nameplates are just a little janky and it will show you the nameplate of a nearby target instead of the one you are firing at. There are however some extremely tough enemies birthed from the union of WOTC+Harder enemies +Arbitration. The ghouls in particular are virtually indestructible unless you have bleed or other form of debuff. I picked up a wounding pipe pistol pretty early on and it has been my saving grace. 25 bleed damage per shot and it stacks! Viable even against the toughest of enemies. Molotov's also seem to be extremely effective in this context. They are just a pain to aim with though lol.

Edited by surg23
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Rank 2 of the explosives perk is supposed to give you a throwing arc for grenades... but, I have found it rather hit or miss whether it shows up or not. Interior cells seem the worst, and it rarely shows. Of course, it only shows where your grenade is going to land, not where it is going to bounce around to. (maybe less of an issue for molotovs.....) I find that perk quite handy for tossing grenades thru windows/doorways and such. :D

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Rank 2 of the explosives perk is supposed to give you a throwing arc for grenades... but, I have found it rather hit or miss whether it shows up or not. Interior cells seem the worst, and it rarely shows. Of course, it only shows where your grenade is going to land, not where it is going to bounce around to. (maybe less of an issue for molotovs.....) I find that perk quite handy for tossing grenades thru windows/doorways and such. :D


I can't remember ever taking that perk. Maybe that will give me the edge I need. Not sure if it will help with the clipping on objects with sloppy collisions, but it's a start.

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