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Lots of random CTD and texture pop in with lag


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Have you tried the Mod High FPS Fix? I play on a laptop and as a result, my rig (specifically, my GPU) thermal throttles. I tried everything (could not undervolt my GPU, thanks MSI) but with Throttle Stop my CPU runs almost 20 degrees cooler. The GPU however hovers around 80 degrees. When it hits 80, stuttering galore if not a CTD.


In taking a quick look at your load order it does appear that you are pushing your system, especially with the mod A Forest as well as any other texture mods on top of that. A Forest is a succubus when it comes to FPS. Looking at your crash log, the usual culprit shows up d3d11.dll. Almost 90% of all my crashes come from this under probable call stack. It is infuriating in that I regularly update the graphics for my card (RTX 2060 32GB of Ram two SSD for a total of 3 TB) and when bring up the topic of d3d11.dll the pat answer is downgrade to an older version. That cannot be the only answer.


Another mod I notice you have was the Heroine Replacer. I just had some bad luck with that mod and could not find the conflict. I eliminated it and the game played better.


I would suggest that you run some sort of a performance monitor to see if your GPU is thermal throttling as I suspect that is the culprit.


It also appears that you are very script heavy, which in and of itself may be a contributing factor.


Finally, not sure if you use scrapping mods or console commands tom scrap, but if you do, that could be a big reason why you are having performance issues. I have always used scrapping mods or console commands and have learned the hard way that a clean Commonwealth is not worth all the performance issues I have had. Once I finish my current play through, I will no longer be using any scrapping mods, or blueprints. While I am all into building settlements (I just finished an approximate 6,000 asset blueprint of Dalton Farm) and did scrap there, my FPS drops by nearly 30 and I get stuttering. Now, I'll just play the game without scrapping and if I want to have a big settlement build, I will simply change profiles, otherwise, I will embrace the filth that is the Commonwealth.


Just know that I am by no means an expert. I have learned about a lot of these issues because I have gone through what you are. I have tried to eliminate loose files by packing them, II have removed some GPU intense graphics and use High FPS Fix, Buffout and Priority Optimizer (can;t remember the name right now) and they have helped, but not to the extent I have hoped. Since it is cooling down here, not as many CTDs due to thermal throttling (still have CTDs but nothing like you have described). You may need to make a hard choice and start eliminating some mods, including A Forest (there is a fall version that was released that asserts it is GPU friendly but I will stick with Another Pine Forest and Vivid FO all in one as they seem to be less GPU intense.


Good luck man. I feel your pain.

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I've come to the conclusion that, this is not mod related as far I can tell. After disabling the mods that cause conflicts, the game crashes just the same. My FPS is perfect though, so the game is extremely optimized at this point, but also extremely unstable. I tried making a merged patch, that only made problems worse. With the merged patch, mod armors that I have in the game disappeared. They were still in my inventory but when equipping them, that part of my body would become invisible. I removed the merged patch, everything went back to normal.


Then I made smashed patch. After applying it, the game wouldn't even boot. It would just CTD right before the intro clip. I removed it as well and everything went back to how I had it before the patching.


At this point I no longer know what to do. This error seems to be somehow hardware related and not in the way that i don't meet the requirements (if that were the case I wouldn't be getting 60 fps in game with my ENB). I think somehow the game is utilizing my RAM in some sort of inefficient way that is causing the crash. For the most part, no other game I have does this, just fallout. If anyone interested in helping has not checked the log files or load order I posted on google drive, the error I normally get in the buffout 4 crash log is: Unhandled exception "EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION" at 0x7FF71299DC43 Fallout4.exe+1D4DC43. What does that even mean? The only thing I can tell is that it is memory related given the address it points to. Each time its a different address which makes sense since it will just find whatever memory slot is available in the stack frame and add (whatever the hexadecimal value represents) to the location in memory that fallout4.exe exists. It looks like the CPU is trying to perform some sort of addition with the fallout4.exe file and that hexdec representation. I am not sure what to do to fix this since it appears like this error is on the machine level. Any computer scientists here that might be able to help?

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The game engine ain't the best when it comes to memory management in any event. One of the reasons I use F4SE, is because of some of the memory enhancements it does. I *think* ENB will do the same thing, if set up properly in its ini file. I run ENB JUST for the memory fix. Duplication of effort? Maybe, but I can play for hours without a crash.

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Have you tried the Mod High FPS Fix? I play on a laptop and as a result, my rig (specifically, my GPU) thermal throttles. I tried everything (could not undervolt my GPU, thanks MSI) but with Throttle Stop my CPU runs almost 20 degrees cooler. The GPU however hovers around 80 degrees. When it hits 80, stuttering galore if not a CTD.


In taking a quick look at your load order it does appear that you are pushing your system, especially with the mod A Forest as well as any other texture mods on top of that. A Forest is a succubus when it comes to FPS. Looking at your crash log, the usual culprit shows up d3d11.dll. Almost 90% of all my crashes come from this under probable call stack. It is infuriating in that I regularly update the graphics for my card (RTX 2060 32GB of Ram two SSD for a total of 3 TB) and when bring up the topic of d3d11.dll the pat answer is downgrade to an older version. That cannot be the only answer.


Another mod I notice you have was the Heroine Replacer. I just had some bad luck with that mod and could not find the conflict. I eliminated it and the game played better.


I would suggest that you run some sort of a performance monitor to see if your GPU is thermal throttling as I suspect that is the culprit.


It also appears that you are very script heavy, which in and of itself may be a contributing factor.


Finally, not sure if you use scrapping mods or console commands tom scrap, but if you do, that could be a big reason why you are having performance issues. I have always used scrapping mods or console commands and have learned the hard way that a clean Commonwealth is not worth all the performance issues I have had. Once I finish my current play through, I will no longer be using any scrapping mods, or blueprints. While I am all into building settlements (I just finished an approximate 6,000 asset blueprint of Dalton Farm) and did scrap there, my FPS drops by nearly 30 and I get stuttering. Now, I'll just play the game without scrapping and if I want to have a big settlement build, I will simply change profiles, otherwise, I will embrace the filth that is the Commonwealth.


Just know that I am by no means an expert. I have learned about a lot of these issues because I have gone through what you are. I have tried to eliminate loose files by packing them, II have removed some GPU intense graphics and use High FPS Fix, Buffout and Priority Optimizer (can;t remember the name right now) and they have helped, but not to the extent I have hoped. Since it is cooling down here, not as many CTDs due to thermal throttling (still have CTDs but nothing like you have described). You may need to make a hard choice and start eliminating some mods, including A Forest (there is a fall version that was released that asserts it is GPU friendly but I will stick with Another Pine Forest and Vivid FO all in one as they seem to be less GPU intense.


Good luck man. I feel your pain.



Have you tried the Mod High FPS Fix? I play on a laptop and as a result, my rig (specifically, my GPU) thermal throttles. I tried everything (could not undervolt my GPU, thanks MSI) but with Throttle Stop my CPU runs almost 20 degrees cooler. The GPU however hovers around 80 degrees. When it hits 80, stuttering galore if not a CTD.


In taking a quick look at your load order it does appear that you are pushing your system, especially with the mod A Forest as well as any other texture mods on top of that. A Forest is a succubus when it comes to FPS. Looking at your crash log, the usual culprit shows up d3d11.dll. Almost 90% of all my crashes come from this under probable call stack. It is infuriating in that I regularly update the graphics for my card (RTX 2060 32GB of Ram two SSD for a total of 3 TB) and when bring up the topic of d3d11.dll the pat answer is downgrade to an older version. That cannot be the only answer.


Another mod I notice you have was the Heroine Replacer. I just had some bad luck with that mod and could not find the conflict. I eliminated it and the game played better.


I would suggest that you run some sort of a performance monitor to see if your GPU is thermal throttling as I suspect that is the culprit.


It also appears that you are very script heavy, which in and of itself may be a contributing factor.


Finally, not sure if you use scrapping mods or console commands tom scrap, but if you do, that could be a big reason why you are having performance issues. I have always used scrapping mods or console commands and have learned the hard way that a clean Commonwealth is not worth all the performance issues I have had. Once I finish my current play through, I will no longer be using any scrapping mods, or blueprints. While I am all into building settlements (I just finished an approximate 6,000 asset blueprint of Dalton Farm) and did scrap there, my FPS drops by nearly 30 and I get stuttering. Now, I'll just play the game without scrapping and if I want to have a big settlement build, I will simply change profiles, otherwise, I will embrace the filth that is the Commonwealth.


Just know that I am by no means an expert. I have learned about a lot of these issues because I have gone through what you are. I have tried to eliminate loose files by packing them, II have removed some GPU intense graphics and use High FPS Fix, Buffout and Priority Optimizer (can;t remember the name right now) and they have helped, but not to the extent I have hoped. Since it is cooling down here, not as many CTDs due to thermal throttling (still have CTDs but nothing like you have described). You may need to make a hard choice and start eliminating some mods, including A Forest (there is a fall version that was released that asserts it is GPU friendly but I will stick with Another Pine Forest and Vivid FO all in one as they seem to be less GPU intense.


Good luck man. I feel your pain.

Wow, you really seem to know your stuff. I have not tried the high fps fix. I just searched it and found high fps physics fix. I will be applying it and trying again. I am using buffout 4 and priority optimizer. I also went through smoothout, which is a really comprehensive guide and the reason I am now getting about 60fps.


As for thermal throttling, it was an issue i actually ran into before the summer (mainly because my cpu was getting absurdly hot), since i too am on a laptop. I actually cleaned it out and put some fresh thermal paste to my cpu and gpu (there was barely any when i first found it, and it wasn't well distributed. I don't think acer did a great job at pasting when they built this machine). I am fortunate enough to be able to undervolt and it works out great for me. My gpu actually maintains around 68-75c normally, its a bit high, but when using the turbo boost feature, i guess that is normal being that this is a laptop and all. It's my CPU that's the problem. It used to heat up to around 99c and then would start to throttle. This was pretty much eliminated after i did the maintenance that i mentioned + the undervolting (I appologize if i previously mentioned that I undervolted my gpu, it was my cpu). AC valhalla was actually the game that made me notice this was happening as even cp2077 ran better. It would start off running really smooth and then after about 20 minutes of play, it would start stuttering and getting really bogged down. This time, it seems, throttling is not the cause, I was using a temp overlay and it maintained around 75c when playing yesterday. I got crashes every 5 -10 minutes.


The d3d11.dll is from using Grim ENB performance edition. I almost can't play without it. Its a huge part of what makes this experience what it is. I absolutely love Grim ENB. When it works, my game is terrifying, part of it is because of Grim and whispering hills, but the other big factor is the ENB that I do not want to do without. Many other mods are mostly weapon and outfit mods, I wouldn't think they would not impose a heavy load on my system? But maybe I am wrong, who knows? In either case I am going to temporarily disable the ENB to eliminate that d3d issue you mentioned to see if that helps.


I should be able to do without heroine replacer since they are not my favorite replacers anyway and I was thinking about using other ones. Also, I don't use any scrapping mods. In my search to rectify this issue, I have noticed many people complaining about them giving similar symptoms to my own. I dont really build settlements, you kind of cant when a hord of some weird silent hill creatures are coming out of nowhere attacking you, or if siren head, or some wendigo is nearby, or if you are getting dragged into the "otherworld" constantly and everything around you goes pitch black, you forgot to craft nvg's and your flashlight barely does anything. I rely more on underground bunkers to either wait out the night or otherworld pulls rather than building settlements. also since i use the gas masks mod, there are frequent rad storms that require donning of gas masks so you don't die from radiation.


While my game may be script heavy, you should see my skyrim setup! My skyrim runs like trash, I get low fps (25-30) but no crashes while running about 550+ mods (that i know of). I'd take 30 frames over 60 any day if it meant the game wouldnt crash every 5-10 min.


*Edit: I was experimenting with your suggestions, after disabling and re-enabling the mods you suggested, I found that A forest and another forest were huge culprits in crashing my game. I just played for about 25 minutes crash free and then recieved a crash. Using the fps fix you recommended I maintained almost a locked 60 fps. My crashes are not tied to my fps i believe. Do you have any more suggestions in my load order that might improve my playtime without crashing? Disabling the forest mod really gave me progress, any more suggestions are greatly welcome. Though I have to say, the forest mod was amazing and its kind of sad without it, but if it means less crashing, ill take it.

Edited by ShangWang1
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Have you tried the Mod High FPS Fix? I play on a laptop and as a result, my rig (specifically, my GPU) thermal throttles. I tried everything (could not undervolt my GPU, thanks MSI) but with Throttle Stop my CPU runs almost 20 degrees cooler. The GPU however hovers around 80 degrees. When it hits 80, stuttering galore if not a CTD.


In taking a quick look at your load order it does appear that you are pushing your system, especially with the mod A Forest as well as any other texture mods on top of that. A Forest is a succubus when it comes to FPS. Looking at your crash log, the usual culprit shows up d3d11.dll. Almost 90% of all my crashes come from this under probable call stack. It is infuriating in that I regularly update the graphics for my card (RTX 2060 32GB of Ram two SSD for a total of 3 TB) and when bring up the topic of d3d11.dll the pat answer is downgrade to an older version. That cannot be the only answer.


Another mod I notice you have was the Heroine Replacer. I just had some bad luck with that mod and could not find the conflict. I eliminated it and the game played better.


I would suggest that you run some sort of a performance monitor to see if your GPU is thermal throttling as I suspect that is the culprit.


It also appears that you are very script heavy, which in and of itself may be a contributing factor.


Finally, not sure if you use scrapping mods or console commands tom scrap, but if you do, that could be a big reason why you are having performance issues. I have always used scrapping mods or console commands and have learned the hard way that a clean Commonwealth is not worth all the performance issues I have had. Once I finish my current play through, I will no longer be using any scrapping mods, or blueprints. While I am all into building settlements (I just finished an approximate 6,000 asset blueprint of Dalton Farm) and did scrap there, my FPS drops by nearly 30 and I get stuttering. Now, I'll just play the game without scrapping and if I want to have a big settlement build, I will simply change profiles, otherwise, I will embrace the filth that is the Commonwealth.


Just know that I am by no means an expert. I have learned about a lot of these issues because I have gone through what you are. I have tried to eliminate loose files by packing them, II have removed some GPU intense graphics and use High FPS Fix, Buffout and Priority Optimizer (can;t remember the name right now) and they have helped, but not to the extent I have hoped. Since it is cooling down here, not as many CTDs due to thermal throttling (still have CTDs but nothing like you have described). You may need to make a hard choice and start eliminating some mods, including A Forest (there is a fall version that was released that asserts it is GPU friendly but I will stick with Another Pine Forest and Vivid FO all in one as they seem to be less GPU intense.


Good luck man. I feel your pain.



Have you tried the Mod High FPS Fix? I play on a laptop and as a result, my rig (specifically, my GPU) thermal throttles. I tried everything (could not undervolt my GPU, thanks MSI) but with Throttle Stop my CPU runs almost 20 degrees cooler. The GPU however hovers around 80 degrees. When it hits 80, stuttering galore if not a CTD.


In taking a quick look at your load order it does appear that you are pushing your system, especially with the mod A Forest as well as any other texture mods on top of that. A Forest is a succubus when it comes to FPS. Looking at your crash log, the usual culprit shows up d3d11.dll. Almost 90% of all my crashes come from this under probable call stack. It is infuriating in that I regularly update the graphics for my card (RTX 2060 32GB of Ram two SSD for a total of 3 TB) and when bring up the topic of d3d11.dll the pat answer is downgrade to an older version. That cannot be the only answer.


Another mod I notice you have was the Heroine Replacer. I just had some bad luck with that mod and could not find the conflict. I eliminated it and the game played better.


I would suggest that you run some sort of a performance monitor to see if your GPU is thermal throttling as I suspect that is the culprit.


It also appears that you are very script heavy, which in and of itself may be a contributing factor.


Finally, not sure if you use scrapping mods or console commands tom scrap, but if you do, that could be a big reason why you are having performance issues. I have always used scrapping mods or console commands and have learned the hard way that a clean Commonwealth is not worth all the performance issues I have had. Once I finish my current play through, I will no longer be using any scrapping mods, or blueprints. While I am all into building settlements (I just finished an approximate 6,000 asset blueprint of Dalton Farm) and did scrap there, my FPS drops by nearly 30 and I get stuttering. Now, I'll just play the game without scrapping and if I want to have a big settlement build, I will simply change profiles, otherwise, I will embrace the filth that is the Commonwealth.


Just know that I am by no means an expert. I have learned about a lot of these issues because I have gone through what you are. I have tried to eliminate loose files by packing them, II have removed some GPU intense graphics and use High FPS Fix, Buffout and Priority Optimizer (can;t remember the name right now) and they have helped, but not to the extent I have hoped. Since it is cooling down here, not as many CTDs due to thermal throttling (still have CTDs but nothing like you have described). You may need to make a hard choice and start eliminating some mods, including A Forest (there is a fall version that was released that asserts it is GPU friendly but I will stick with Another Pine Forest and Vivid FO all in one as they seem to be less GPU intense.


Good luck man. I feel your pain.

Wow, you really seem to know your stuff. I have not tried the high fps fix. I just searched it and found high fps physics fix. I will be applying it and trying again. I am using buffout 4 and priority optimizer. I also went through smoothout, which is a really comprehensive guide and the reason I am now getting about 60fps.


As for thermal throttling, it was an issue i actually ran into before the summer (mainly because my cpu was getting absurdly hot), since i too am on a laptop. I actually cleaned it out and put some fresh thermal paste to my cpu and gpu (there was barely any when i first found it, and it wasn't well distributed. I don't think acer did a great job at pasting when they built this machine). I am fortunate enough to be able to undervolt and it works out great for me. My gpu actually maintains around 68-75c normally, its a bit high, but when using the turbo boost feature, i guess that is normal being that this is a laptop and all. It's my CPU that's the problem. It used to heat up to around 99c and then would start to throttle. This was pretty much eliminated after i did the maintenance that i mentioned + the undervolting (I appologize if i previously mentioned that I undervolted my gpu, it was my cpu). AC valhalla was actually the game that made me notice this was happening as even cp2077 ran better. It would start off running really smooth and then after about 20 minutes of play, it would start stuttering and getting really bogged down. This time, it seems, throttling is not the cause, I was using a temp overlay and it maintained around 75c when playing yesterday. I got crashes every 5 -10 minutes.


The d3d11.dll is from using Grim ENB performance edition. I almost can't play without it. Its a huge part of what makes this experience what it is. I absolutely love Grim ENB. When it works, my game is terrifying, part of it is because of Grim and whispering hills, but the other big factor is the ENB that I do not want to do without. Many other mods are mostly weapon and outfit mods, I wouldn't think they would not impose a heavy load on my system? But maybe I am wrong, who knows? In either case I am going to temporarily disable the ENB to eliminate that d3d issue you mentioned to see if that helps.


I should be able to do without heroine replacer since they are not my favorite replacers anyway and I was thinking about using other ones. Also, I don't use any scrapping mods. In my search to rectify this issue, I have noticed many people complaining about them giving similar symptoms to my own. I dont really build settlements, you kind of cant when a hord of some weird silent hill creatures are coming out of nowhere attacking you, or if siren head, or some wendigo is nearby, or if you are getting dragged into the "otherworld" constantly and everything around you goes pitch black, you forgot to craft nvg's and your flashlight barely does anything. I rely more on underground bunkers to either wait out the night or otherworld pulls rather than building settlements. also since i use the gas masks mod, there are frequent rad storms that require donning of gas masks so you don't die from radiation.


While my game may be script heavy, you should see my skyrim setup! My skyrim runs like trash, I get low fps (25-30) but no crashes while running about 550+ mods (that i know of). I'd take 30 frames over 60 any day if it meant the game wouldnt crash every 5-10 min.


*Edit: I was experimenting with your suggestions, after disabling and re-enabling the mods you suggested, I found that A forest and another forest were huge culprits in crashing my game. I just played for about 25 minutes crash free and then recieved a crash. Using the fps fix you recommended I maintained almost a locked 60 fps. My crashes are not tied to my fps i believe. Do you have any more suggestions in my load order that might improve my playtime without crashing? Disabling the forest mod really gave me progress, any more suggestions are greatly welcome. Though I have to say, the forest mod was amazing and its kind of sad without it, but if it means less crashing, ill take it.


I really do not recognize some of the mods you are playing with. I really wanted to play the Grim mod as well as a horror play-through but I know that my GPU cannot handle the graphics (I really should have done some research on my MSI thin laptop, as there are so many complaints abut the heat issues, next time, a thicker laptop with better thermals.)


As for the mods I do recognize, and mods I have used in the past, I would look at the following Jasmine (nice eye candy, but was buggy for me).


As for your CPU, what are program are you using to undervolt? I use Throttlestop. In Throttlestop, under the FIVR tab where you do the undervolting, I played around with it by adjusting the Turbo limits. While this may seem counter productive in terms of performance, with the undervolt my CPU runs around 4200Mhz even with reducing the Turbo Boost (my base processor Mhz is 2600). You may want to look at that. I am surprised that the undervolt of the CPU did not drop the temps. As I stated before, my temps immediately drop almost 20 degrees when I enable Throttlestop. As for the GPU, I have not been able to find a sweet spot for an undervolt, so I just mess around with the overclocking (even when there is no overclocking of the CPU, it still Thermal throttles.)


You could also look at Previs Repair Pack (PPP) https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/46403?tab=files vs Boston FPS Fix and Beantown Interior Project as the PPP is more recent and covers all of the Commonwealth (I believe also interiors). I will be using that mod in my next play through.


Note: If you use PPP, make sure any mods you have do not break Previs data. If you still want those mods, place them under PPP.


Short of placing an AC duct right behind your laptop ( I have my laptop on top of Cooler Master laptop cooler, a fan behind the laptop and an evap cooler hitting the back of the laptop -still some thermal issues - I play outside as I like to smoke a cigar while killing ghouls) the bottom-line in my opinion is that given the limitations of a laptop when it comes to thermals, you may want to consider removing some mods. Think about it, you are not having fun with all these issues, what is the point? Fallout 4 has horrible optimizations, there is only so much y9u can do with the mods you have. Keep the horror theme, but slowly remove some of the visuals to get to a stable game. this will take time, but it may work for you. I wanted to play with Grim as well as Whispering Hills, but I am well aware of what my rig is capable of and running both would impact my performance.


Take it easy

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Have you tried the Mod High FPS Fix? I play on a laptop and as a result, my rig (specifically, my GPU) thermal throttles. I tried everything (could not undervolt my GPU, thanks MSI) but with Throttle Stop my CPU runs almost 20 degrees cooler. The GPU however hovers around 80 degrees. When it hits 80, stuttering galore if not a CTD.


In taking a quick look at your load order it does appear that you are pushing your system, especially with the mod A Forest as well as any other texture mods on top of that. A Forest is a succubus when it comes to FPS. Looking at your crash log, the usual culprit shows up d3d11.dll. Almost 90% of all my crashes come from this under probable call stack. It is infuriating in that I regularly update the graphics for my card (RTX 2060 32GB of Ram two SSD for a total of 3 TB) and when bring up the topic of d3d11.dll the pat answer is downgrade to an older version. That cannot be the only answer.


Another mod I notice you have was the Heroine Replacer. I just had some bad luck with that mod and could not find the conflict. I eliminated it and the game played better.


I would suggest that you run some sort of a performance monitor to see if your GPU is thermal throttling as I suspect that is the culprit.


It also appears that you are very script heavy, which in and of itself may be a contributing factor.


Finally, not sure if you use scrapping mods or console commands tom scrap, but if you do, that could be a big reason why you are having performance issues. I have always used scrapping mods or console commands and have learned the hard way that a clean Commonwealth is not worth all the performance issues I have had. Once I finish my current play through, I will no longer be using any scrapping mods, or blueprints. While I am all into building settlements (I just finished an approximate 6,000 asset blueprint of Dalton Farm) and did scrap there, my FPS drops by nearly 30 and I get stuttering. Now, I'll just play the game without scrapping and if I want to have a big settlement build, I will simply change profiles, otherwise, I will embrace the filth that is the Commonwealth.


Just know that I am by no means an expert. I have learned about a lot of these issues because I have gone through what you are. I have tried to eliminate loose files by packing them, II have removed some GPU intense graphics and use High FPS Fix, Buffout and Priority Optimizer (can;t remember the name right now) and they have helped, but not to the extent I have hoped. Since it is cooling down here, not as many CTDs due to thermal throttling (still have CTDs but nothing like you have described). You may need to make a hard choice and start eliminating some mods, including A Forest (there is a fall version that was released that asserts it is GPU friendly but I will stick with Another Pine Forest and Vivid FO all in one as they seem to be less GPU intense.


Good luck man. I feel your pain.



Have you tried the Mod High FPS Fix? I play on a laptop and as a result, my rig (specifically, my GPU) thermal throttles. I tried everything (could not undervolt my GPU, thanks MSI) but with Throttle Stop my CPU runs almost 20 degrees cooler. The GPU however hovers around 80 degrees. When it hits 80, stuttering galore if not a CTD.


In taking a quick look at your load order it does appear that you are pushing your system, especially with the mod A Forest as well as any other texture mods on top of that. A Forest is a succubus when it comes to FPS. Looking at your crash log, the usual culprit shows up d3d11.dll. Almost 90% of all my crashes come from this under probable call stack. It is infuriating in that I regularly update the graphics for my card (RTX 2060 32GB of Ram two SSD for a total of 3 TB) and when bring up the topic of d3d11.dll the pat answer is downgrade to an older version. That cannot be the only answer.


Another mod I notice you have was the Heroine Replacer. I just had some bad luck with that mod and could not find the conflict. I eliminated it and the game played better.


I would suggest that you run some sort of a performance monitor to see if your GPU is thermal throttling as I suspect that is the culprit.


It also appears that you are very script heavy, which in and of itself may be a contributing factor.


Finally, not sure if you use scrapping mods or console commands tom scrap, but if you do, that could be a big reason why you are having performance issues. I have always used scrapping mods or console commands and have learned the hard way that a clean Commonwealth is not worth all the performance issues I have had. Once I finish my current play through, I will no longer be using any scrapping mods, or blueprints. While I am all into building settlements (I just finished an approximate 6,000 asset blueprint of Dalton Farm) and did scrap there, my FPS drops by nearly 30 and I get stuttering. Now, I'll just play the game without scrapping and if I want to have a big settlement build, I will simply change profiles, otherwise, I will embrace the filth that is the Commonwealth.


Just know that I am by no means an expert. I have learned about a lot of these issues because I have gone through what you are. I have tried to eliminate loose files by packing them, II have removed some GPU intense graphics and use High FPS Fix, Buffout and Priority Optimizer (can;t remember the name right now) and they have helped, but not to the extent I have hoped. Since it is cooling down here, not as many CTDs due to thermal throttling (still have CTDs but nothing like you have described). You may need to make a hard choice and start eliminating some mods, including A Forest (there is a fall version that was released that asserts it is GPU friendly but I will stick with Another Pine Forest and Vivid FO all in one as they seem to be less GPU intense.


Good luck man. I feel your pain.

Wow, you really seem to know your stuff. I have not tried the high fps fix. I just searched it and found high fps physics fix. I will be applying it and trying again. I am using buffout 4 and priority optimizer. I also went through smoothout, which is a really comprehensive guide and the reason I am now getting about 60fps.


As for thermal throttling, it was an issue i actually ran into before the summer (mainly because my cpu was getting absurdly hot), since i too am on a laptop. I actually cleaned it out and put some fresh thermal paste to my cpu and gpu (there was barely any when i first found it, and it wasn't well distributed. I don't think acer did a great job at pasting when they built this machine). I am fortunate enough to be able to undervolt and it works out great for me. My gpu actually maintains around 68-75c normally, its a bit high, but when using the turbo boost feature, i guess that is normal being that this is a laptop and all. It's my CPU that's the problem. It used to heat up to around 99c and then would start to throttle. This was pretty much eliminated after i did the maintenance that i mentioned + the undervolting (I appologize if i previously mentioned that I undervolted my gpu, it was my cpu). AC valhalla was actually the game that made me notice this was happening as even cp2077 ran better. It would start off running really smooth and then after about 20 minutes of play, it would start stuttering and getting really bogged down. This time, it seems, throttling is not the cause, I was using a temp overlay and it maintained around 75c when playing yesterday. I got crashes every 5 -10 minutes.


The d3d11.dll is from using Grim ENB performance edition. I almost can't play without it. Its a huge part of what makes this experience what it is. I absolutely love Grim ENB. When it works, my game is terrifying, part of it is because of Grim and whispering hills, but the other big factor is the ENB that I do not want to do without. Many other mods are mostly weapon and outfit mods, I wouldn't think they would not impose a heavy load on my system? But maybe I am wrong, who knows? In either case I am going to temporarily disable the ENB to eliminate that d3d issue you mentioned to see if that helps.


I should be able to do without heroine replacer since they are not my favorite replacers anyway and I was thinking about using other ones. Also, I don't use any scrapping mods. In my search to rectify this issue, I have noticed many people complaining about them giving similar symptoms to my own. I dont really build settlements, you kind of cant when a hord of some weird silent hill creatures are coming out of nowhere attacking you, or if siren head, or some wendigo is nearby, or if you are getting dragged into the "otherworld" constantly and everything around you goes pitch black, you forgot to craft nvg's and your flashlight barely does anything. I rely more on underground bunkers to either wait out the night or otherworld pulls rather than building settlements. also since i use the gas masks mod, there are frequent rad storms that require donning of gas masks so you don't die from radiation.


While my game may be script heavy, you should see my skyrim setup! My skyrim runs like trash, I get low fps (25-30) but no crashes while running about 550+ mods (that i know of). I'd take 30 frames over 60 any day if it meant the game wouldnt crash every 5-10 min.


*Edit: I was experimenting with your suggestions, after disabling and re-enabling the mods you suggested, I found that A forest and another forest were huge culprits in crashing my game. I just played for about 25 minutes crash free and then recieved a crash. Using the fps fix you recommended I maintained almost a locked 60 fps. My crashes are not tied to my fps i believe. Do you have any more suggestions in my load order that might improve my playtime without crashing? Disabling the forest mod really gave me progress, any more suggestions are greatly welcome. Though I have to say, the forest mod was amazing and its kind of sad without it, but if it means less crashing, ill take it.


I really do not recognize some of the mods you are playing with. I really wanted to play the Grim mod as well as a horror play-through but I know that my GPU cannot handle the graphics (I really should have done some research on my MSI thin laptop, as there are so many complaints abut the heat issues, next time, a thicker laptop with better thermals.)


As for the mods I do recognize, and mods I have used in the past, I would look at the following Jasmine (nice eye candy, but was buggy for me).


As for your CPU, what are program are you using to undervolt? I use Throttlestop. In Throttlestop, under the FIVR tab where you do the undervolting, I played around with it by adjusting the Turbo limits. While this may seem counter productive in terms of performance, with the undervolt my CPU runs around 4200Mhz even with reducing the Turbo Boost (my base processor Mhz is 2600). You may want to look at that. I am surprised that the undervolt of the CPU did not drop the temps. As I stated before, my temps immediately drop almost 20 degrees when I enable Throttlestop. As for the GPU, I have not been able to find a sweet spot for an undervolt, so I just mess around with the overclocking (even when there is no overclocking of the CPU, it still Thermal throttles.)


You could also look at Previs Repair Pack (PPP) https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/46403?tab=files vs Boston FPS Fix and Beantown Interior Project as the PPP is more recent and covers all of the Commonwealth (I believe also interiors). I will be using that mod in my next play through.


Note: If you use PPP, make sure any mods you have do not break Previs data. If you still want those mods, place them under PPP.


Short of placing an AC duct right behind your laptop ( I have my laptop on top of Cooler Master laptop cooler, a fan behind the laptop and an evap cooler hitting the back of the laptop -still some thermal issues - I play outside as I like to smoke a cigar while killing ghouls) the bottom-line in my opinion is that given the limitations of a laptop when it comes to thermals, you may want to consider removing some mods. Think about it, you are not having fun with all these issues, what is the point? Fallout 4 has horrible optimizations, there is only so much y9u can do with the mods you have. Keep the horror theme, but slowly remove some of the visuals to get to a stable game. this will take time, but it may work for you. I wanted to play with Grim as well as Whispering Hills, but I am well aware of what my rig is capable of and running both would impact my performance.


Take it easy


Bummer on not recognizing my mods, but you have helped me more than you know as it is. In indoor environments, it really doesnt crash now. In the common wealth i still get tons. I am actually have grim and whispering hills running at the same time (there are patches that allow this). I was playing it yesterday, Since I am on survival, I was in the railroad hq and I needed to get to the uss constitution on the other side of the charles. Well while i was making my transit i got pulled into the "otherworld" and my game crashed. I probably could have booted it back up and made it, but it was around 12pm by me and i was tired and too freaked out to do it anyway, so im going to try again now and see how it goes.


As I was looking your gpu is even better than mine, im on a gtx 1060 6gb, you have an rtx 2060 and thats a fine card if i do say so myself. I am guessing you can't use its potential due to your heat issues and thermal throttling. Which now bring me to heat issues, I also use throttle stop for my cpu, so that combined with the repaste that i did actually worked wonders as it still gets kind of hot, but not hot enough to start throttling down my clock frequency. I actually followed a guide and did alot of testing to achieve my results. I have turbo boost enabled and everything at 100%. I recommend, if you have the skills for it, give your computer a good cleaning inside and out (compressed air) to get all of the dust and buildup out of your machine, then clean off your cpu and gpu and very carefully apply new paste. Here is the guide that I followed for undervolting both my cpu and gpu (i did this after cleaning and repasting): https://www.yourtechbro.com/complete-undervolting-guide-for-cpu-and-gpu/


If i were you, I would try to stay away from overclocking your gpu, just because, that won't help with your throttling situation and your rig will be fighting itself. you'd probably end up at square one while you do that. I use msi afterburner to undervolt my gpu. You can do it with the frequency vs voltage curve (the link i posted, details how to do it). If you are confused about the method given on the link i posted, lmk and if you want, later this week I can try to make a quick tutorial video on how I do it (if i forget and don't post anything by friday, feel free to nag me about it).


I installed the prp mod and disabled my bostonfpsfix mod, I think thats what was allowing me to be relatively crash free on indoor environments. I also disabled a few more mods that might be resource intensive (Idc, I will not disable grim or whispering hills, they make my game what it is). I will keep searching my load order for 2k texture packs to remove. I think the more i remove the better it plays. I definitely see your point about not having fun with all the mods I have, so yea, im trying to do some house keeping on things i can do without (i love most of my mods so its hard to decide).


Thats awesome that you play it outside. If i owned a house with a yard, i think i would like to get a projector set up to play outdoor on summer and fall nights.


*edit to "I probably could have booted it back up and made it, but it was around 12pm by me and i was tired and too freaked out to do it anyway, so im going to try again now and see how it goes." 12am not 12pm

Edited by ShangWang1
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Hello. Bunker Hill settlement cause a lot of problems, also Concord area close to Red Rocket settlement. CTD cause while there many people around, if someone use mods add new enemies. CTD cause from too many new textures or places or interiors overhaul mods, don't make good. At most cases, CTD cause from a low budget PC with a low memory graphic card - i know about it. CTD at a laptop with a good GTX graphic card - well is a laptop, right ?


i know there is a mod, or mods, improve the fps at some areas, but all we know, Fallout 4 is a good game, but no perfect made.


F4SE cause many many many, problems, so try not to use it.


That's all. Thanks.

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Hello. Bunker Hill settlement cause a lot of problems, also Concord area close to Red Rocket settlement. CTD cause while there many people around, if someone use mods add new enemies. CTD cause from too many new textures or places or interiors overhaul mods, don't make good. At most cases, CTD cause from a low budget PC with a low memory graphic card - i know about it. CTD at a laptop with a good GTX graphic card - well is a laptop, right ?


i know there is a mod, or mods, improve the fps at some areas, but all we know, Fallout 4 is a good game, but no perfect made.


F4SE cause many many many, problems, so try not to use it.


That's all. Thanks.

That is completely and totally false. F4SE does not cause any problems. It actually can alleviate some of them.


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Bummer on not recognizing my mods, but you have helped me more than you know as it is. In indoor environments, it really doesnt crash now. In the common wealth i still get tons. I am actually have grim and whispering hills running at the same time (there are patches that allow this). I was playing it yesterday, Since I am on survival, I was in the railroad hq and I needed to get to the uss constitution on the other side of the charles. Well while i was making my transit i got pulled into the "otherworld" and my game crashed. I probably could have booted it back up and made it, but it was around 12pm by me and i was tired and too freaked out to do it anyway, so im going to try again now and see how it goes.


As I was looking your gpu is even better than mine, im on a gtx 1060 6gb, you have an rtx 2060 and thats a fine card if i do say so myself. I am guessing you can't use its potential due to your heat issues and thermal throttling. Which now bring me to heat issues, I also use throttle stop for my cpu, so that combined with the repaste that i did actually worked wonders as it still gets kind of hot, but not hot enough to start throttling down my clock frequency. I actually followed a guide and did alot of testing to achieve my results. I have turbo boost enabled and everything at 100%. I recommend, if you have the skills for it, give your computer a good cleaning inside and out (compressed air) to get all of the dust and buildup out of your machine, then clean off your cpu and gpu and very carefully apply new paste. Here is the guide that I followed for undervolting both my cpu and gpu (i did this after cleaning and repasting): https://www.yourtechbro.com/complete-undervolting-guide-for-cpu-and-gpu/


If i were you, I would try to stay away from overclocking your gpu, just because, that won't help with your throttling situation and your rig will be fighting itself. you'd probably end up at square one while you do that. I use msi afterburner to undervolt my gpu. You can do it with the frequency vs voltage curve (the link i posted, details how to do it). If you are confused about the method given on the link i posted, lmk and if you want, later this week I can try to make a quick tutorial video on how I do it (if i forget and don't post anything by friday, feel free to nag me about it).


I installed the prp mod and disabled my bostonfpsfix mod, I think thats what was allowing me to be relatively crash free on indoor environments. I also disabled a few more mods that might be resource intensive (Idc, I will not disable grim or whispering hills, they make my game what it is). I will keep searching my load order for 2k texture packs to remove. I think the more i remove the better it plays. I definitely see your point about not having fun with all the mods I have, so yea, im trying to do some house keeping on things i can do without (i love most of my mods so its hard to decide).


Thats awesome that you play it outside. If i owned a house with a yard, i think i would like to get a projector set up to play outdoor on summer and fall nights.


*edit to "I probably could have booted it back up and made it, but it was around 12pm by me and i was tired and too freaked out to do it anyway, so im going to try again now and see how it goes." 12am not 12pm


The RTX is a good card, but the laptop manufacturer has locked the unit, so there is very little I can do with respect to the GPU and CPU (cannot overclock the CPU.)


Thanks for the video suggestion. I have looked at a myriad of videos and I understand the concept. The issue I am having is that the GU voltage maxes out at .906 volts and MSI Afterburner will allow an undervolt of no less than .700. That is not a big window to mess with. I have gone as low as .725 V as an undervolt and the result is pretty much a straight line and when I test it by using a benchmark program, the program crashes. At .725, at least there is somewhat of a curve but the temperature goes done less than 1/2 degree, which does not help enough as the video card appears to be set to thermal throttle at exactly 80 degrees. The best results from the standpoint of a benchmark I have gotten are the stock settings, which are OK for the majority of games out there, but not for a modded fallout, thus the slight overclock to the GPU. Still, using the stock settings the GPU will reach 80 degrees (sometimes 83 and one of the cores or whatever a hot spot is, as high as 100 degrees) causing thermal throttle. I think that I may have to play in a walk-in cooler!!


Still, my CTDs have been less lately since the temps have dropped here a bit at night. My recent CTDs occurred because I redid my load order (I use Vortex) which took me about 3 hours or so to complete by creating categories based on something I read online. Once my load order settled into my save game, the CTDs have been less.


I forgot to mention one thing for you (just came to me as I was building in Far Harbor.) Weather, fog, storms and shadows will f up your FPS and can cause crashes. Reducing video settings to perhaps high or medium (it is not that noticeable a change) will help, as well as ini edits regarding shadows and fog. Never use Ultra because the difference between Ultra and high is minuscule but the ultra settings place unnecessary stress on your graphics card, and thus in your game.


Sure, post a video. Maybe I will get some good ideas. I was messing with undervolting the video card today for around 4 hours with no luck.


Take care.

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Bummer on not recognizing my mods, but you have helped me more than you know as it is. In indoor environments, it really doesnt crash now. In the common wealth i still get tons. I am actually have grim and whispering hills running at the same time (there are patches that allow this). I was playing it yesterday, Since I am on survival, I was in the railroad hq and I needed to get to the uss constitution on the other side of the charles. Well while i was making my transit i got pulled into the "otherworld" and my game crashed. I probably could have booted it back up and made it, but it was around 12pm by me and i was tired and too freaked out to do it anyway, so im going to try again now and see how it goes.


As I was looking your gpu is even better than mine, im on a gtx 1060 6gb, you have an rtx 2060 and thats a fine card if i do say so myself. I am guessing you can't use its potential due to your heat issues and thermal throttling. Which now bring me to heat issues, I also use throttle stop for my cpu, so that combined with the repaste that i did actually worked wonders as it still gets kind of hot, but not hot enough to start throttling down my clock frequency. I actually followed a guide and did alot of testing to achieve my results. I have turbo boost enabled and everything at 100%. I recommend, if you have the skills for it, give your computer a good cleaning inside and out (compressed air) to get all of the dust and buildup out of your machine, then clean off your cpu and gpu and very carefully apply new paste. Here is the guide that I followed for undervolting both my cpu and gpu (i did this after cleaning and repasting): https://www.yourtechbro.com/complete-undervolting-guide-for-cpu-and-gpu/


If i were you, I would try to stay away from overclocking your gpu, just because, that won't help with your throttling situation and your rig will be fighting itself. you'd probably end up at square one while you do that. I use msi afterburner to undervolt my gpu. You can do it with the frequency vs voltage curve (the link i posted, details how to do it). If you are confused about the method given on the link i posted, lmk and if you want, later this week I can try to make a quick tutorial video on how I do it (if i forget and don't post anything by friday, feel free to nag me about it).


I installed the prp mod and disabled my bostonfpsfix mod, I think thats what was allowing me to be relatively crash free on indoor environments. I also disabled a few more mods that might be resource intensive (Idc, I will not disable grim or whispering hills, they make my game what it is). I will keep searching my load order for 2k texture packs to remove. I think the more i remove the better it plays. I definitely see your point about not having fun with all the mods I have, so yea, im trying to do some house keeping on things i can do without (i love most of my mods so its hard to decide).


Thats awesome that you play it outside. If i owned a house with a yard, i think i would like to get a projector set up to play outdoor on summer and fall nights.


*edit to "I probably could have booted it back up and made it, but it was around 12pm by me and i was tired and too freaked out to do it anyway, so im going to try again now and see how it goes." 12am not 12pm


The RTX is a good card, but the laptop manufacturer has locked the unit, so there is very little I can do with respect to the GPU and CPU (cannot overclock the CPU.)


Thanks for the video suggestion. I have looked at a myriad of videos and I understand the concept. The issue I am having is that the GU voltage maxes out at .906 volts and MSI Afterburner will allow an undervolt of no less than .700. That is not a big window to mess with. I have gone as low as .725 V as an undervolt and the result is pretty much a straight line and when I test it by using a benchmark program, the program crashes. At .725, at least there is somewhat of a curve but the temperature goes done less than 1/2 degree, which does not help enough as the video card appears to be set to thermal throttle at exactly 80 degrees. The best results from the standpoint of a benchmark I have gotten are the stock settings, which are OK for the majority of games out there, but not for a modded fallout, thus the slight overclock to the GPU. Still, using the stock settings the GPU will reach 80 degrees (sometimes 83 and one of the cores or whatever a hot spot is, as high as 100 degrees) causing thermal throttle. I think that I may have to play in a walk-in cooler!!


Still, my CTDs have been less lately since the temps have dropped here a bit at night. My recent CTDs occurred because I redid my load order (I use Vortex) which took me about 3 hours or so to complete by creating categories based on something I read online. Once my load order settled into my save game, the CTDs have been less.


I forgot to mention one thing for you (just came to me as I was building in Far Harbor.) Weather, fog, storms and shadows will f up your FPS and can cause crashes. Reducing video settings to perhaps high or medium (it is not that noticeable a change) will help, as well as ini edits regarding shadows and fog. Never use Ultra because the difference between Ultra and high is minuscule but the ultra settings place unnecessary stress on your graphics card, and thus in your game.


Sure, post a video. Maybe I will get some good ideas. I was messing with undervolting the video card today for around 4 hours with no luck.


Take care.


Most of the fog shadows and storms come from both the curse, whispering hills and gas masks (i think). Those are the mods imo that form the basis of my experience. But yes you are probably right about them causing those issues based on those factors.


The good news is I may have solved my crashing. I created a new profile in mo2 and used the stock ini files. I then went into my game to once again cross the charles, which would normally guarantee a ctd and I just did not get one. To test this hypothesis I backed up and edited my fallout4.ini with the follwing line: sResourceDataDirsFinal=STRINGS\, TEXTURES\, MUSIC\, SOUND\, INTERFACE\, MESHES\, PROGRAMS\, MATERIALS\, LODSETTINGS\, VIS\, MISC\, SCRIPTS\, SHADERSFX\. After going back into the game, it immediately crashed on the bridge that you cross the charles to get to the uss constitution. It was weird because when i restored that ini backup, it still crashed. I deleted the profile and created a new one again. I enabled my mods, loaded my save and attempted to cross the charles again. Success! I crossed it, made my way to the constitution, saved my game and actually quit with a proper exit save. I have some more testing to do, but this might be it, finally. I think it was heavy ini modifications that were making my game constantly crash. The only difference i noticed without my ini being edited was in the sexy standing and sitting animations. The sitting animations are fine, but the standing one isnt working for some reason (maybe a look at xedit can fix this), but i guess thats okay because at least my game seems to work now.


I made that video that i promised for the undervolting, you probably already know everything I am talking about in it, but who knows, maybe you or someone else with similar issues will stumble across it and benefit from it. Maybe you might notice something i could be doing better and maybe I can benefit from it.


As promised, here is the link to the undervolting video I made:

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