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Lots of random CTD and texture pop in with lag


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I am glad that you were able to solve the mystery crashes, lets hope it stays that way. I am curious however as to why you added the string "STRINGS\, TEXTURES\, MUSIC\, SOUND\, INTERFACE\, MESHES\, PROGRAMS\, MATERIALS\, LODSETTINGS\, VIS\, MISC\, SCRIPTS\, SHADERSFX\" to "sResourceDataDirsFinal=" as it has always been my understanding that there should be nothing after sResourceDataDirsFinal=. I thought that by adding things after that that you would be placing limitations on the program. Of course, I am not an expert by any stretch of the imagination as programming is not within my wheelhouse.


Thanks for the video. You did fine considering you had never done one before. I do have a question and a suggestion. As for the suggestion, instead of clicking each and every node to adjust them into a straight line what I have done in the past is pick the one node and move it up to the desired/necessary Mhz, clicked out of graph, click apply and them bring up the graph again and all the nodes after the adjusted node line up perfectly (caveat: this works when all the subsequent nodes are lower than the first node). Two more short-cuts, once you have selected a node, press control and arrow down and the node will do down by 10, press tab and the cursor will jump to the next node.


As for my question, I was under the impression that you run the stress test on the card and note the highest Mhz reading and begin your adjustments as to voltage from that point. I will try your method and see what that does. My video card is rated at 960 - 1200 (Boost) MHz but under stress, it goes much higher. I will experiment shortly and will share the results.


Although you do not appear to be into settlement building, given your load order you should check out the mod on the site whose name must not be uttered (LL) for a mod simply called Stripper pole. It works great. All you do is assign a settler and they can be there 24 7, plus, they can sell you food and drinks!


I have two settlement build examples of my bars as pics under my name.


Take care.

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I am glad that you were able to solve the mystery crashes, lets hope it stays that way. I am curious however as to why you added the string "STRINGS\, TEXTURES\, MUSIC\, SOUND\, INTERFACE\, MESHES\, PROGRAMS\, MATERIALS\, LODSETTINGS\, VIS\, MISC\, SCRIPTS\, SHADERSFX\" to "sResourceDataDirsFinal=" as it has always been my understanding that there should be nothing after sResourceDataDirsFinal=. I thought that by adding things after that that you would be placing limitations on the program. Of course, I am not an expert by any stretch of the imagination as programming is not within my wheelhouse.


Thanks for the video. You did fine considering you had never done one before. I do have a question and a suggestion. As for the suggestion, instead of clicking each and every node to adjust them into a straight line what I have done in the past is pick the one node and move it up to the desired/necessary Mhz, clicked out of graph, click apply and them bring up the graph again and all the nodes after the adjusted node line up perfectly (caveat: this works when all the subsequent nodes are lower than the first node). Two more short-cuts, once you have selected a node, press control and arrow down and the node will do down by 10, press tab and the cursor will jump to the next node.


As for my question, I was under the impression that you run the stress test on the card and note the highest Mhz reading and begin your adjustments as to voltage from that point. I will try your method and see what that does. My video card is rated at 960 - 1200 (Boost) MHz but under stress, it goes much higher. I will experiment shortly and will share the results.


Although you do not appear to be into settlement building, given your load order you should check out the mod on the site whose name must not be uttered (LL) for a mod simply called Stripper pole. It works great. All you do is assign a settler and they can be there 24 7, plus, they can sell you food and drinks!


I have two settlement build examples of my bars as pics under my name.


Take care.

Hey monesq, so the reason I added the string is because I run a few mods directly from the data folder that I had to manually install since mo2 didnt know what to do with those mods. At first the game wasn't reading those manually installed esp files. After some research, I read that I should add that line to the fallout4.ini file. After doing that, the relevant esp files appeared in mo2. Its odd though, this time I did not add that line and yet, mo2 is still picking up those esp files anyway. My motto is "if it ain't broke, don't fix it", so I've just left that ini alone.


Unfortunately my ini files were not the only source of my crashing (though some of the crashing was eliminated in areas just as I spoke of). Another ctd that I am dealing with now, is one that occurs as I head down the road that travels west of the uss constitution which passes through cambridge. At some point at the beginning of cambridge is where the game will ctd. This is highly reproduce-able for me and I can trigger that ctd every time I hit that point. I did a little research into understanding the "Unhandled exception "EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION" at 0x7FF7BB541E9C Fallout4.exe+1D81E9C" error. Looking at 1D81E9C, the first two values 1D represents the location of a mod within my mod index. The values that follow it I believe is the mod's location in memory, at least thats what I understood of what I read about it. I looked in mo2 and found subway runner in that location and disabled it. I reached that same point and it crashed again with the same message. This time commonwealth underground was in that location (1D), so i disabled that too. I tried again and this time it was dxg11.dll (as you previously mentioned). I moved the file into a backup folder and rebooted f4se. After trying again, I was able to get through that area without a crash. I played the game for about another hour or so in the exterior commonwealth world space and no crash. I started to feel kind of empty without my underground mods, so I re-enabled both, reached that point in cambridge and crashed again. It seems that the culprits are underground mods(which i love) and the dxg.dll file (same that you mentioned). I also run south of the sea, which is apparently a huge underground expansion for the glowing sea. I think these three mods are conflicting and right now I am going to go through xedit to see if i can resolve any conflicts with a patch. I would love to run all of these at once. In skyrim, I use the underground mod, because i made the surface world very dangerous at night and I also play a vampire, so it is not in my interest to be outside during the day anyway. I wanted something similar in fallout so that it gives it a metro type feel. Lets hope i can resolve this in xedit, because I really suck at xedit (yes ive watched lots of videos and gamerpoets).


Your suggestions are terrific. I had no idea those shortcuts existed and every time I play around with afterburner I always say to myself "I wish there was a way that I could adjust these nodes in batches" and "I wish there were an easier way to select the nodes". Adjusting each individual node kind of makes me lose motivation to mess around with it, but now I think I will. As for setting everything to default and watching the frequency in the benchmark go as high as possible, I actually never thought to do that. Are you saying it might be possible to increase my goal frequency to a higher value, while also maintaining the same lower voltage that I currently maintain stabily (idk if stabily is a word)? I know I kind of answered your question with another question, but you brought something to the table that I previously didn't know. I need to experiment now. Normally I use the curve to find my max default frequency (wherever the highest node is), but now I will try to run valley on a default stock curve and see what I get. If i get a higher freq then 1911MHz, then absolutely, yes I will increase my goal constant frequency. If I can operate at a higher frequency at lower temps then I do now, then by all means I will.


Its not that I am not into settlement building, because I am definitely interested in it. Its just kind of a whole other game and I just have so much story and dlc, and mod missions and mod dlc to complete until I get to that point. I shall venture into the land of which we do not speak to acquire said mod after confirming I can get a fully stable load order. Also assuming it does not have a huge requirement list (since I have so many mods installed, ill probably already have the requirements anyway).

Edited by ShangWang1
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Just wanted to update for anyone who is having issues similar to mine. It seems the main culprits aside from all the other steps that I have taken, all the guides I have followed, all of the stability and performance mods that were suggested to me and I have installed; are my underground mods such as subway runner, south of the sea, ect.. seem to cause area specific crashes, most notable around the north end, swan lake, cambridge, and the railroad hq area. I have had partial success in spending about 2 1/2 hours making a patch for south of the sea based around my specific load order. I am not very good at xedit nor am I very good at patching, but I am able to now play the game for long periods of time without experiencing crashes, with around 491 mods enabled. As I mentioned most crashes are area specific from what seems to be mod conflicts between my underground mods. One thing i've noticed is that the buffout log almost always points to the mod in slot 1D (thats usually where my underground mods end up), which is how i knew it was my underground mods which were causing crashes in those specific areas.


Moral of the story.......Install buffout4!!!! and do it properly and verify that it works. It will help you figure out where your errors are. And when you get a ctd be sure to pay attention to this in the crash log: "Unhandled exception "EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION" at 0x7FF7BB541E9C Fallout4.exe+1D81E9C". The text I highlighted is what I payed attention to in order to try to fix the issue. From what I have read and as far as I understand, the blue text is the location in hexadecimal in your memory stack that the cpu instructions for the affecting mod you are using are placed. The yellow text is what you want to be most concerned with, it is the mod index location that your mod is active in (this value is not fixed, it changes as your load order changes. For example, if you have mod A residing in 1D and you remove mod A, mod B may take its place in index 1D). In mo2 this index can be referenced in the right pane under the category "mod index". If I am wrong about all of this please feel free to correct me, as this is the way I have understood the research that I have done.


In the past 2 weeks I developed an obsession with getting my FO4 fixed so that I can actually play it. I am exhausted with all of this but I think it is near over. For people experiencing similar issues, I am hoping this thread saved you from spending as much time as I have trying to fix your game. I know I would rather read 3 pages of thread posts then spend 2 weeks driving yourself mad, trying to figure out why your game keeps ctding. Also, I forgot to mention, install baka scrap heap. By default FO4 sets aside only 70 or so MB for memory related stuff (you can read about it on the mod page, I dont remember exactly what those 70MB are for). If the limit is exceeded you game may crash or hang. Baka scrap heap expands that capacity and also comes with a ini file that allows you to determine how much it is expanded. By default it is 2x but i set mine to 4x the original amount. Anyway I hope this helps someone else going through similar issues.

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Just wanted to update for anyone who is having issues similar to mine. It seems the main culprits aside from all the other steps that I have taken, all the guides I have followed, all of the stability and performance mods that were suggested to me and I have installed; are my underground mods such as subway runner, south of the sea, ect.. seem to cause area specific crashes, most notable around the north end, swan lake, cambridge, and the railroad hq area. I have had partial success in spending about 2 1/2 hours making a patch for south of the sea based around my specific load order. I am not very good at xedit nor am I very good at patching, but I am able to now play the game for long periods of time without experiencing crashes, with around 491 mods enabled. As I mentioned most crashes are area specific from what seems to be mod conflicts between my underground mods. One thing i've noticed is that the buffout log almost always points to the mod in slot 1D (thats usually where my underground mods end up), which is how i knew it was my underground mods which were causing crashes in those specific areas.


Moral of the story.......Install buffout4!!!! and do it properly and verify that it works. It will help you figure out where your errors are. And when you get a ctd be sure to pay attention to this in the crash log: "Unhandled exception "EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION" at 0x7FF7BB541E9C Fallout4.exe+1D81E9C". The text I highlighted is what I payed attention to in order to try to fix the issue. From what I have read and as far as I understand, the blue text is the location in hexadecimal in your memory stack that the cpu instructions for the affecting mod you are using are placed. The yellow text is what you want to be most concerned with, it is the mod index location that your mod is active in (this value is not fixed, it changes as your load order changes. For example, if you have mod A residing in 1D and you remove mod A, mod B may take its place in index 1D). In mo2 this index can be referenced in the right pane under the category "mod index". If I am wrong about all of this please feel free to correct me, as this is the way I have understood the research that I have done.


In the past 2 weeks I developed an obsession with getting my FO4 fixed so that I can actually play it. I am exhausted with all of this but I think it is near over. For people experiencing similar issues, I am hoping this thread saved you from spending as much time as I have trying to fix your game. I know I would rather read 3 pages of thread posts then spend 2 weeks driving yourself mad, trying to figure out why your game keeps ctding. Also, I forgot to mention, install baka scrap heap. By default FO4 sets aside only 70 or so MB for memory related stuff (you can read about it on the mod page, I dont remember exactly what those 70MB are for). If the limit is exceeded you game may crash or hang. Baka scrap heap expands that capacity and also comes with a ini file that allows you to determine how much it is expanded. By default it is 2x but i set mine to 4x the original amount. Anyway I hope this helps someone else going through similar issues.

So what should i do with south of the sea? i use it but im told never to remove mods during a playthrought

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Just wanted to update for anyone who is having issues similar to mine. It seems the main culprits aside from all the other steps that I have taken, all the guides I have followed, all of the stability and performance mods that were suggested to me and I have installed; are my underground mods such as subway runner, south of the sea, ect.. seem to cause area specific crashes, most notable around the north end, swan lake, cambridge, and the railroad hq area. I have had partial success in spending about 2 1/2 hours making a patch for south of the sea based around my specific load order. I am not very good at xedit nor am I very good at patching, but I am able to now play the game for long periods of time without experiencing crashes, with around 491 mods enabled. As I mentioned most crashes are area specific from what seems to be mod conflicts between my underground mods. One thing i've noticed is that the buffout log almost always points to the mod in slot 1D (thats usually where my underground mods end up), which is how i knew it was my underground mods which were causing crashes in those specific areas.


Moral of the story.......Install buffout4!!!! and do it properly and verify that it works. It will help you figure out where your errors are. And when you get a ctd be sure to pay attention to this in the crash log: "Unhandled exception "EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION" at 0x7FF7BB541E9C Fallout4.exe+1D81E9C". The text I highlighted is what I payed attention to in order to try to fix the issue. From what I have read and as far as I understand, the blue text is the location in hexadecimal in your memory stack that the cpu instructions for the affecting mod you are using are placed. The yellow text is what you want to be most concerned with, it is the mod index location that your mod is active in (this value is not fixed, it changes as your load order changes. For example, if you have mod A residing in 1D and you remove mod A, mod B may take its place in index 1D). In mo2 this index can be referenced in the right pane under the category "mod index". If I am wrong about all of this please feel free to correct me, as this is the way I have understood the research that I have done.


In the past 2 weeks I developed an obsession with getting my FO4 fixed so that I can actually play it. I am exhausted with all of this but I think it is near over. For people experiencing similar issues, I am hoping this thread saved you from spending as much time as I have trying to fix your game. I know I would rather read 3 pages of thread posts then spend 2 weeks driving yourself mad, trying to figure out why your game keeps ctding. Also, I forgot to mention, install baka scrap heap. By default FO4 sets aside only 70 or so MB for memory related stuff (you can read about it on the mod page, I dont remember exactly what those 70MB are for). If the limit is exceeded you game may crash or hang. Baka scrap heap expands that capacity and also comes with a ini file that allows you to determine how much it is expanded. By default it is 2x but i set mine to 4x the original amount. Anyway I hope this helps someone else going through similar issues.

So what should i do with south of the sea? i use it but im told never to remove mods during a playthrought


I am definitely no expert on the matter of removing mods and if I am wrong about this, then someone please correct me. If you use mo2, the mods do not get installed in your fo4 data directory, therefore, removing them will not effect your installation. Even your ini files will go untouched. Mo2 creates ini files specific to your profile that can be edited all day without affecting the inis from your main install directories. However, and this is a big however, if you are worried about your save, you can bork it by removing mods that it may rely on and you will have to start a new fresh game from the start. If you use a mod manager that installs mods to the data directory (NMM) then removing mods can ruin your installation i believe.


Fortunately for me, I use mo2, so I can remove and add mods all day, no issues for me as far as my installation goes. I actually dont outright uninstall mods though. Instead I uncheck ones that I know I won't use from the left pane. I do this so that I can make another profile with those mods enabled for another type of fo4 experience. As for mods like SOTS, I don't uncheck them from the left pane, I uncheck them from the right pane. Even if you use NMM you should be able to do that too. All it does is disable the mod (the plugin), it doesn't uninstall it. If I were you, I would load my main save file, then create a new save, then quit the game. Uncheck sots and any of its children esps (patches, etc...). Then relaunch your game and load the new save you created. This should allow you to test your game without harming your main save file or your installation. If it works, Great!!!! if not, then SOTS probably is not your issue. Do you have Buffout4? If not I would highly recommend installing it and reading the error it produces similar to the example i gave in my previous post. That should give you a good indication of why your game crashed.


If you are using NMM, I would highly recommend you switch to MO2 if you don't mind starting over and re-modding the game. Its a way better organizer imo. The less you mess with the main data folder and main ini files the flexibility it allows for you to troubleshoot and swap mods around. I say this as a prior NMM user who totally borked my SSE game after spending so much time modding it, merging mods, bodyslide and outfit studio, troubleshooting, etc. that I don't feel like starting over again with MO2 (which would probably fix many of my issues).

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Why does everyone still think NMM installs mods to the data directory? It hasn't been that way since version 60 something, and it's on 80 something now. NMM works pretty much the same way as MO2, minus the ini changes.


And it isn't simply removing mods from your game that is the issue, it's the detritus left behind in your save file that is the problem. Things like scripts, and such. Remove a script-heavy mod from your game, and it simply doesn't matter which mod manager you are using, the game is still likely borked. You can try using fallrim tools to clean out script fragments, but, there is still a great deal of potential for the save becoming unusable. Thus, removing mods mid-game is just a bad idea. If they don't have ANY scripts, then you are likely safe. Otherwise, probably save yourself a lot of hate and discontent by adjusting your load order, and starting a new game.

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