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Certain OBSE plugins don't work anymore.


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It seems MenuQue, HUD Status Bar's, Oblivion Reloaded, and Walk Blessed are completely non-functional for me. HUD Status Bar's claims through the console that it won't work properly unless I use MenuQue v7 and above, despite having v16b already installed.


MenuQue is more than likely not being utilized considering HUD isn't properly detecting it. Walk Blessed won't let me switch shoulder cams regardless of how many times I tap the Z button, and changing the keys to anything other than its default doesn't seem to help either.


None of the settings in Oblivion Reloaded appear to work, and no log file is being generated in the exe directory at all even when it's esp is active.


I have no idea what's going on, and this isn't my first time installing Oblivion mod's either, yet a bunch of things just don't want to work for some reason.


I have everything installed through Mod Organizer 2.

Currently using xOBSE v22.5.


EDIT: I've tried uninstalling both mod organizer and Oblivion, then proceeded to reinstall them. After installing Mod Organizer I tried installing Walk Blessed only in order to test if it'd work. It still didn't, not to mention when I initially installed MO2 and tried to run it, it claimed it need some kind of "elevated privilege" despite having installed the game outside of the programs folder and having UAC turned off, this is incredibly odd, like, did a

update for Windows do this to make security on my system this stringent?


EDIT: Alright, so installing it as administrator had made it so that the warning prompt wouldn't show up, but walk blessed still doesn't work. I tried adding both the Oblivion and Mod Organizer 2 folders to Windows exclusion's list, but still thing's wouldn't work. I have no idea what's preventing certain OBSE based mods from running.

Edited by ArcturusFyr
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The first step I always use when troubleshooting OBSE plugins is to confirm that OBSE is working. The simplest way I know to do that is start the game and make a save. Exit and then look in your Users\[username]\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves folder and see if you see two files each time you save (e.g. MySave09.ess and MySave09.obse). If you only see a single save file each time you save then OBSE is not working and thus no OBSE pluggins will work.


If you're getting two save files then the next step is to look in your obse.log for clues (mine is found in my Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion folder ... no idea where MO2 may hide it).


Note that you will find an error mentioned for MenuQue (specifically OBSE_Kyoma_MenuQue.dll). That is as intended. OBSE_Kyoma_MenuQue.dll is used to prevent the old versions of MenuQue from loading and screwing up the new versions of MenuQue and the error about not loading correctly can be ignored.

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If OBSE plugin still fails to work after following Striker879's advice, than you propably must downgrade to older version of OBSE. Also I would recommend to install OBSE by hand, because with various distributions a install procedure is little different (for example GOG version needs own loader version).

Edited by RomanR
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