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Transparent The Tops door/building? Can See Vault 21 through it.


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I have literally no idea what could cause this or why I am only now noticing this. But the top of the door to The Tops is literally transparent. Actually the whole building is. You can see Vault 21 through it. Hopefully, someone else has had the same issue and found a fix. Thanks.

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Generated modlist.


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My actual plugin count is much lower. There are a lot of asset replacer mods and xNVSE mods. Actual count is 204 enabled plugins out of 229 total plugins (the rest are merged into Wrye Bash patch), well within the limits of the FNV Mod Limit Fix, which allows a max of 255 plugins.

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Just because it allow for it doesnt mean you can or should fill it to near full~


Mods in FNV can affect each other and can create weird state which make it damn hard to trace bugs to which one.


LOD? Shader? conflict of various asset replacer? You decide~


If you just now notice it, it's possible that a very recent change in your load order (if not a new one) create this type of weird state.

Edited by laclongquan
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