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Getting Arrows Away from my Inventory


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Do you get an Arrow automatically in your Inventory after someone shoots you a few times.


Im Requesting a Mod that Stops putting an Arrow in my Inventory when someone shoots me with it, since i pick my Arrows Specifically and i Hate unwanted Arrows.


It should be a MCM Menu with All the Arrows from the Game, including Dawnguard and Dragonborn, thus you can tick witch Arrow should Auto Remove/Drop itself from your Inventory after a few hits from an Enemy.


Why an MCM Menu with Arrow Choices, because lets say you picked up or made or bought arrows and an Enemy shoots you with that type of Arrow you have, you dont want the Mod to Remove all your hard work of Arrows.

Edited by daventry
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I know that feel bro.

-Clearing a large Falmer invested cavern.

-Well, that went well.

-Opening inventory to check what loot I got.

-Where the hell all these *insert ridiculously large number of* crappy falmer arrows came from??



Yeah, that's a good idea. While we're at it, if someone finds a fix to this, (s)he should also fix the NPCs getting the arrows you shoot them with too.

I mean, when you kill bandits, and you shoot one with a bow but (s)he didn't die. Now you got a bandit shooting at you with (possibly) dragonbone arrows. And they don't run out of them, so it's all the more annoying.

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