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Why can't we delete our own comments but Mod Authors can?


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I've seen this topic be discussed a few times and read through it, but honestly I just want to know others opinions on the subject rather as sort of a personal case study to the limitations or rather functionality of NM. This isn't intended to slander anyone, as there are many cases of both hatespeech, unecessary and rude comments, but also abusive and nefarious cases of constructive critique and useful comments (such as gamers helping gamers, or corrections on certain individual subjects) being deleted, and there by censored from the public eye.

I understand the latter, with offensive language and the sort, but if we aren't even allowed to delete our own posts, why is it that someone else can at a moments notice w/o reason (if there stands to be none obvious)?

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Mod authors have the ability to moderate their own mod threads. That's it. They can also block users from specific mods, or ALL of their content. (they have to post in one of their mod threads first.)


The idea here was to let mod authors deal with their own threads, so nexus site staff don't have to. :D

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Mod authors have the ability to moderate their own mod threads. That's it. They can also block users from specific mods, or ALL of their content. (they have to post in one of their mod threads first.)


The idea here was to let mod authors deal with their own threads, so nexus site staff don't have to. :D

I get that, and that's fair enough, but why can't we delete our own posts? OR even, why, in a thread, are moderators able to lock other peoples posts even if there is no need?

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@ Hydshd ,
If you visit a mod page you are a guest, the mod author is free to moderate their own page as they see fit.
You are not entitled to anything, not to updates, not to getting answers to your questions and most certainly not to be able to say anything you want.
The mod author is the one ( and the moderation team from the Nexus also ) that decides what goes and what not, locking threads or deleting them or even block you from that mod or all of their mods.


Some use that power like they are a dictator of some sort, most of the mod authors are fair in their moderation of their own page.

The way you are commenting on the IA mod is indeed reason for moderation.
Read the policies, guidelines and the ToS from the Nexus and see why that is.




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Because posts are evidence of behavior. If users can delete their posts when they behave poorly, Nexus will lose the evidence they need to justify booting ill mannered and unruly users from the site.

Also know that mod authors do not really delete comments, they actually hide them. Further, authors may report rude, threatening, entitled and profane posts to nexus staff for review., which makes the posts fit into the category of evidence.

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@DarkDominion ,


Oh I'm well aware of how the situation in IA went, this question predates the correction of misinfo based off an assumption.

As for the drama of it all, I do believe my comments weren't the only one hidden there, and certain choice words delegated by you were also reason for intervention. But alas that is all said and done, you can hang up the towel on that note as you seem well capable of doing so.


Once again, this has nothing to do with entitlement, simply a matter of if this, why not that.



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@ScytheBearer Thank you for your clarification on the matter, the original question afterall more was a question as to why we couldn't delete our own posts though I'm aware they're logged.

That being said, it's just concerning when it seems unecessary.

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@ Hydshd ,


you can hang up the towel on that note

Ermm :ermm: say what now ? :blink:

Also, your mistake by thinking IA and IW both having MCM is not a problem for me ( it was for @kezardinjnr ).

No, your entitled behavior was from before that. Saying the mod needing an update because you thought the textures were "mediocre" and not "from this time" and the mod wasn't updated in years so you thought that was a good enough reason to update it. I reported you for that, and apparently that was enough for @kezardinjnr or the moderators to take your comment down, which of course would result in mine being taken down as well. :)


You can't seem to get how your behavior is being viewed on the Nexus, which is strange, seeing as that two of your comments were taken down.
My advice is to read the Policies and Guidelines and the ToS so you know what is expected of users on the Nexus.

Schöne Grüße


( oh, and no, I'm not from Maastricht :laugh: )

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Because posts are evidence of behavior. If users can delete their posts when they behave poorly, Nexus will lose the evidence they need to justify booting ill mannered and unruly users from the site.


Also know that mod authors do not really delete comments, they actually hide them. Further, authors may report rude, threatening, entitled and profane posts to nexus staff for review., which makes the posts fit into the category of evidence.



@ScytheBearer Thank you for your clarification on the matter, the original question afterall more was a question as to why we couldn't delete our own posts though I'm aware they're logged.

That being said, it's just concerning when it seems unecessary.


You are either being deliberately obtuse, or didn't really want a truthful response. So I will say it simply.


You may not delete your posts because deleting your posts would erase the evidence of your bad behavior. Without such evidence, you could lie and claim that you did not behave in a boorish fashion. Gratefully, you cannot hide the evidence, and everyone can see your misbehavior. They will understand why you are eventually booted from the site. My recommendation, become a better person and you won't need to hide evidence that you behaved like an < expletive deleted >.

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