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Unable to change file Background Image


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I am in the process of using the publishing wizard to publish a new file.


Step 3.1 allowed me to assign a background image for my page, but I messed it up and want to redo it.


Using Manage Images, I select a new image I want to use for the background and crop it, but when I hit SAVE, I am moved to the confirmation page and I see my old background image still there.


I figured it might be a cache issue so I hit refresh and I still see the old background image there, but now there is an error message above it: Incorrect image size .


Whatever is going on, its not working. It can't be an image size error because it was the same image I used for the first time. I have also tried it with different sized images, still no joy.



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I have the same... I cannot change background image on my page or change the hotfile image... It lets me select and crop a new image then when saving - old image appears. Have this for the past 2 days now... tried everything, different browsers and so on.


I'd love to change the hotfile image, because - the mod is hotfile :]






Seems to be working now again... mhhh

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Works on my recent mod, but I've had this same problem with http://neverwinter2.nexusmods.com/mods/81

since I uploaded it in the first place a year ago, and I still can't get rid of that auto-generated closeup on "The Nether Scrolls". I've reported it several times, re-cropped it dozens of times, and deleted the image it was generated from, picking a new primary image and cropping that one dozens of times, and it still remains there. The only difference now is that now it says "Incorrect image size", when it didn't before. It's exactly as FavoredSoul and Prod80 describe for me.

Edited by Tchos
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  • 5 months later...

I'm currently trying to get a hotfile-pic in position. no chance! I'm croppingsand saving and i always get a black image or a "incorrect picture size" (used different browsers and settings). I tried 20x to get a background image in with the same problem. don't ask me how, this pic is now accepted. i have no clue for this problem.

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this is the link which fails to add the cropped hofile-image after pressing "save".

i'm always getting no image/empty field or a black image or "file size incorrect". I removed and inserted 50 times - no succsess. it's the same with the backgrund image. very strange.

Edited by xrayy
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