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GOP leader threatens to cut CNN and NBC from primary debates


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The GOP seems to wish to put their party back in a political bubble yet again....


"The head of the Republican Party threatened Monday to cut out CNN and NBC from the GOP presidential primary debates if the networks do not shelve their plans to air lengthy features on Hillary Clinton -- who is widely expected to be a Democratic candidate in the 2016 election. "


In a written statement, Priebus said if the networks don't meet his demands, he will seek a "binding vote" at the upcoming Aug. 14 RNC meeting declaring that the party "will neither partner with these networks in 2016 primary debates nor sanction primary debates they sponsor."


The funny thing about this is that NBC news and NBC entertainment have nothing to do with each other when it comes to the Hillary Clinton Mini series. Not to mention the Mini series scheduled to be aired on NBC will be produced by Fox TV Studios which is closer related to FoxNews than MSNBC or NBC.


CNN defended its planned documentary in a written statement...


"This documentary will be a non-fiction look at the life of a former First Lady and Secretary of State. Instead of making premature decisions about a project that is in the very early stages of development and months from completion, we would encourage the members of the Republican National Committee to reserve judgment until they know more," the statement said. "Should they decide not to participate in debates on CNN, we would find it curious, as limiting their debate participation seems to be the ultimate disservice to voters."


If you ask me this is just an excuse Priebus is making to avoid critical coverage and questioning for the GOP Primary Debates and putting their candidates in a safe and friendly environment to avoid early embarrassment for their potential nominees.


This early Fear and Loathing of Hillary Clinton can't be a good sign for the GOP when Hillary herself has yet to even publically announce if she is even running for presidency....

Edited by colourwheel
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Washington has degenerated beyond the point of kindergarten playground foolishness. Why anyone votes for ANY of the bozos in DC is beyond me. And that goes for BOTH parties.


Are the american people really so stupid as to continue putting the same idiots back in office, campaigning on the same promises that they failed to deliver on in the last elections? Unfortunately, I think the answer to that question is: "Yes, we really ARE that stupid."

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This is actually kind of humorous since it actually happened locally during the mayoral election last year. The incumbant was not endorsed by the local newspaper and in a press release, the candidate stated that the newspaper in question was not invited to the victory party. It was a moot point since there was no victory party from which the paper was excluded.

I agree, this is a little like pre-school play my way or I'm taking my game and going home kind of attitude.

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Washington has degenerated beyond the point of kindergarten playground foolishness. Why anyone votes for ANY of the bozos in DC is beyond me. And that goes for BOTH parties.


Are the american people really so stupid as to continue putting the same idiots back in office, campaigning on the same promises that they failed to deliver on in the last elections? Unfortunately, I think the answer to that question is: "Yes, we really ARE that stupid."


Well it's not a matter of intelligence, it's that to be honest, the media doesn't portray new runners fairly. At least from what I've noticed. You see a few commercials, someone stirring up the waters, but after that there's nothing and the hype is behind the more 'experienced' politician. I wish that there was a limit for how many terms one can get in the House and the Senate. That way there would be someone new by the end of a term. Right now the USA is trying to change. However you have some older politicians in office that don't want anything to change. Some things need to change, while others don't. They butt heads, then they get in a fuss, and then it becomes another Jerry Springer spin-off show. Only not as entertaining. Well... At least the non-senile ones. I could be wrong though! As far as the other things, I totally agree. It's like I'm in school all over again. Only this time it's the teachers that are fighting.

Edited by pheo3309
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Ahhh.... an honest Republican statement on what they feel freedom of speech and the press should be.


And no surprise that Clinton scares the bejeezus out of them. GOP members have been soiling their depends every time someone mentions her since 2012.


CNN and NBC should agree and never cover another Republican or event ever again on the news and do us all a favor.

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Washington has degenerated beyond the point of kindergarten playground foolishness. Why anyone votes for ANY of the bozos in DC is beyond me. And that goes for BOTH parties.


Are the american people really so stupid

Well I don't know if the American people is stupid, but in response to the Republicans threatening to shut down the government because they aren't getting their way in a straight up-or-down vote on an unrelated issue, the American people said this:


I wish the republicans the best of luck getting Obamacare repealed. (and I will be voting straight republican ticket in '14)

So... there's that.

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Also I would like to add that it would be beyond hypocritical for the Republican National Committee to not also denounce partnering with FoxNews in the 2016 primary debates nor sanction them as sponsors just based on the fact the Hillary Clinton Mini series is being produced by Fox TV Studios.


Ironic there is no mention what so ever about demanding Fox TV Studios to shelve their plans for the production of the Hillary Clinton Mini series as well...


In my opinion the republican party is becoming like a crazy and senile old man suffering from altimeters disease making unrealistic demands for personal satisfaction more and more as the years go by when the federal government is under Democratic control. An old man who refuses to even be treated for his own disease or give anything a chance or change to even help his own well being based on personal belief and ideology.


My personal perception is the fact the GOP is unwilling to adapt too or accept any change to anything when it's inevitable the conditions of our country strongly suggest without a doubt there can be no way to reverse history to make the country like it's the 1950's again. The GOP has gone beyond the point where even moderates are unwilling to support their causes and will start to lose their base if they even remotely move an inch back to the center of the political spectrum.


I apologize to those who find me deeply critical about the Republican party who may find themselves affiliated to either the party or their ideology itself. But if anyone is to blame for how the nation and the world view The modern GOP in such a negative way they only need to look at themselves in a mirror and point at their own reflection.


If the GOP really wishes to trap themselves in a political bubble again the republican party has more things to worry about other than just indefinitely losing TV network sponsorships. The GOP could just slowly disappear from the mainstream completely...

Edited by colourwheel
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As ugly as it is, your description of the Republican party is eerily similar to how Australia at least tends to view America; a very much former super-power that's fast becoming senile, too blind and arrogant to see that it's falling further behind the rest of the world with each passing day, yet utterly unwilling to change due to a perception of it's own perfection and a total blindness to how other countries are leaving it for dead. It's an ugly description but it's also a widely-held view; America gets very little respect, globally, and unless it starts making wholesale changes, it's going to very quickly find itself a cultural backwater, living in the dark ages, and surrounded by far more modern, progessive states.


One experience I've had time and time again-even on the Nexus-has been that Americans tend to become highly abusive whenever you even mention "communist" policies such as spending tax money on national infrastructure projects or *shudder* public health care. One experience I'll never forget was when someone here compared my politics to that of adolf hitler simply for suggesting that public health care worked pretty darn well overseas, so perhaps the biggest thing that will need to change are American attitudes.


It's a little know fact that adolf hilter's greatest stroke of evil was not genocide, human experimentation, eugenics or war-crimes, it was investing state funds to provide cheap medical care to those who can't afford private cover. The shear evil of a government spending the money that it's populace gives it, to give said populace a source of emergency medical care when they need it most, is just beyond imagining to normal people. It's staggeringly, shockingly evil and only the leader of the nazis could apparently, have come up with it. End sarcastic rant.

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Washington has degenerated beyond the point of kindergarten playground foolishness. Why anyone votes for ANY of the bozos in DC is beyond me. And that goes for BOTH parties.


Are the american people really so stupid

Well I don't know if the American people is stupid, but in response to the Republicans threatening to shut down the government because they aren't getting their way in a straight up-or-down vote on an unrelated issue, the American people said this:


I wish the republicans the best of luck getting Obamacare repealed. (and I will be voting straight republican ticket in '14)

So... there's that.


Let me explain my reasoning here a bit....


I don't want the dems to have complete control.

I don't want the repubbies to have complete control.


Given that the republican party is so fractured right now, they don't know their head from a hole in the ground, I foresee the dems picking up some seats in both the house, and the senate, and very possibly the presidency in '16 as well. That is a situation I would just as soon avoid. So, instead of voting for some third-party candidate, that likely has zero chance of winning, I will vote for the opposition that just might have some small chance of offsetting the dems.


I see it as the most effective use of my vote, to make sure that NEITHER party gets control across the board. It isn't the ideal situation, but, when it comes to politics in america, ya work with what ya got.

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