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Will future skse mods work with pre AE update version of skse?


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So I'm aware that most skse mods would require an update on author's end to work with the new skse64 for the recent cc update on SE, which is why I didn't update, my question now is will future mods made with the new skse work properly on my current game? and what about my existing mods that got update to the new skse, will they stop working right if I update them?
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Broad stroke answer: Mods designed for one version of SKSE will not work properly, if at all, with other versions of SKSE.


More detailed answer:

  • If the mod uses a DLL plugin dependent upon SKSE, that mod will require the version of SKSE it was designed for.
  • If the mod uses a DLL plugin dependent upon Address Library, that mod may work with other versions of SKSE if the SKSE installed is the version that the installed Address Library was designed for.
  • If the mod merely uses SKSE added papyrus events or functions, it should be forwards compatible unless SKSE deprecates an event or function critical to the mod. Furthermore, such mods should be backwards compatible throughout all versions of SKSE that include the events and functions used by the mod.
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Basically, it's up to the author. They can make the mod only for 1.5 version of SSE, only for 1.6 version of "AE" or provide a version of the mod for each. I've seen several that offer different downloads and several that packed both versions in a FOMOD so that you can choose as you install.
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While there are new mods being put out, and some being updated, some of the key mods are not being updated, yet. That is because Silverlock team has, yet, to put out SKSE for SE, and an actual working AE version. The one that's there now is a "beta" version, if you will. I would imagine that the team is working on getting SKSE up to date with the different "versions" and will come up with something fairly soon. The big mods that use SKSE haven't updated, yet. So, my advice, is until the Silverlock team is done, don't update SSE, and keep playing SSE as is.

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While there are new mods being put out, and some being updated, some of the key mods are not being updated, yet. That is because Silverlock team has, yet, to put out SKSE for SE, and an actual working AE version. The one that's there now is a "beta" version, if you will. I would imagine that the team is working on getting SKSE up to date with the different "versions" and will come up with something fairly soon. The big mods that use SKSE haven't updated, yet. So, my advice, is until the Silverlock team is done, don't update SSE, and keep playing SSE as is.

The Preliminary 2.1.3 version for AE (1.6.323) is more or less done, 99% acording to the team.

Atm the SKSE-team is only ONE person.

The current SE version, 2.0.20, is what it is, a version for the "old, 1.5.97" game that you no longer can purchase.

Many important mods are updated: Adress Library, SSE Dispaly Tweaks, SPID, PapurusUtil.

SkyUI works. Nemesis works (dont need SKSE). DynDOLOD works. ENBSeries works (dont need SKSE).

Here is a good link to get current update status for many of the most popular SKSE-dependent mods: https://modding.wiki/en/skyrim/users/skse-plugins

The most important/popular not yet updated might be: NetScript Framework and DAR (i doubt DAR will ever be updated)

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There are two people working on SKSE. Not just one. Otherwise, their website would state as much. And the version for AE is a preliminary build. It is not stable. Here is the important detail directly from the website:

"The link below is a preliminary build of SKSE64 with support for Skyrim SE 1.6.318, aka the Anniversary Edition. The plugin manager has been updated with a new versioning system to handle post-AE plugins. If you are a plugin developer, please read PluginAPI.h for the breaking change regarding how plugins report their versions and compatibility with different runtimes.
If you have an existing mod setup on pre-AE that you would like to keep working, this is not a sign that you should upgrade and start using this version of SKSE. However, if you have already upgraded to AE and are feeling adventurous, then try this out."


The above means that you should NOT update SKSE to latest version yet. SkyUI relies on SKSE, so do several other mods I use. Papyrus will not work properly without the latest, experimental, version of SKSE. So you have to roll it back. I found that out the hard way. There are a myriad number of mods that need SKSE and they aren't being updated as of yet.

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You're reading way too much into that note. First of all, it hasn't been updated since Nov. 11 and still references 1.6.318. There have been two more updates to SKSE since then. Second, if the features required for a mod are working then that version of SKSE is fine to use with that mod. Updates to SKSE won't suddenly break an already working function.


Currently, there are no updates to SKSE needed for any mods to function. All anyone is waiting for is the mod authors to update the mods themselves. And more get done every day.


If the mods you want to use are functional now, waiting for a new SKSE won't make them more functional.

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If curious you can read the posts from the dev "extrwi" on Reddit. It is rather clear that version "2.1.3" is finished and working just as good as the version for the old version.

I have found no problems what so ever running +200 mods (275 plugins)


More and more mods not working with the latest SKSE are being updated every day.


We must understand that the vast majority of mods do not need SKSE and there are probably more people playing modded Skyrim without SKSE than with it.

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