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Advanced Search broken (500)


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The forum's search function has been broken for several weeks, if not months, now. Clicking on the gear next to the search box results in a server error (response code: 500).


I've tried this on both Edge and Firefox (latest versions in both cases).

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I'm afraid this is most likely a timeout. The forum has been struggling for years with all the content that it contains. Anything that is a long running query which may lock up the database has a fairly strict limit on it so that it doesn't impact other users.


We are hoping to migrate the forums to a new server some time in 2022 and part of that will involve a full re-index which may fix the search.

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Maybe I'm misunderstanding you here, but that might make sense if the issue popped up after a search query was initiated; clicking on the `Advanced Search` button shouldn't be executing any query to begin with (given my understanding anyway).


For instance, typing in something in the search textbox and hitting enter returns results (takes a few seconds but works all the same). So, I'm not sure if this has something to do with the database itself. More likely some kind of misconfiguration on the PHP side.

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Can you give me detailed instructions (including URLs if possible) for what you're doing when this happens? It's possible the advanced search page itself does a heavy query of some kind, possibly trying to get a list of all forums, members or tags.

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