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Is it possible to roll back to 1.5.97 from the AE update by replacing the exe?


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So in the past whenever an update would cause mods and skse not to work you could download the previous version of the games .exe file from steam and that would fix it. Now granted Steam has for whatever reason made that a bit harder to do BUT if you possess a copy of the old .exe and merely replace the new 1.6.342 exe with the old 1.5.97 exe would that effectively roll back the game or is there far more involved in rolling back to 1.5.97?


Also before anyone asks, I can't link a copy of the old exe here or else I will get in trouble with the Nexus. Also I'm aware of the existence of the downgrade patcher but I can't use it due to technical issues. (don't ask)

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The downgrade patcher is the only apparent method to roll it back; I wasn't able to find anyone else who needed an alternative. Additionally, using the .exe for the AE doesn't seem to be compatible, otherwise the patcher wouldn't be so popularized and relied on.

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There is also this method:


requires reying on third part software, but then so does using a patcher:)

I recommend whatever method you use, you then make a mod out of the bsas, esms and contents of root folder.

In Vortex and I assume MO2 you can then have an SE profile and an AE profile.



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There is also this method:


requires reying on third part software, but then so does using a patcher:)

I recommend whatever method you use, you then make a mod out of the bsas, esms and contents of root folder.

In Vortex and I assume MO2 you can then have an SE profile and an AE profile.



Thanks! I may use that in the future.

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Before AE was released, Gopher released a video on how to back up your game and how to set up steam to prevent from automatically updating to AE. I am, still, waiting for a stable SKSE to come out before updating myself.

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