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Dismissed Companions as Settlement Leaders or Mayors ?


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Hi there..

during my researching and collecting of companions... I have seen 'not a few' people mentioning they are using such and such a companion as a settlement Leader or Mayor or things to this effect...


REGARDLESS of whether the 'settler' who is being asigned is a dismissed companion or not... is there such a thing in FO4 please as ASSIGNING SETTLERS TO RANKS OF SETTLEMENT LEADERS OR MAYORS??


any links to discussion about this topic would be graciously appreciated thanks in advance...



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Only with a mod. But, I don't know which mod..... In the vanilla game, the player is the leader, and the settlers are incapable of doing anything for themselves. They need to be told where to sleep, where to work, what to guard, etc. They are all uniformly inept. :D

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  • 2 months later...

Love to see a mod that lets you use your Pip-Boy to dispatch companions (ones that you have obtained but aren't currently using) to settlement attacks to greatly increase or set defense success rate to 100%. Alternately, maybe just reset the default defense success rate to 100% automatically for any settlement that has an inactive companion stationed there, and allow remote dispatch of inactive companions to specific settlements at any time. Useful, immersion-friendly way to make use of companion downtime and reducing settlement attack whack-a-mole.

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I do this also, but on a rpg way. Aka. I just dismiss them to a settlement - 1 per settlement.


In my mind as a mayor for this settlement, in reality they are of course just better npcs as the settlers, because every companion comes with his own perks and maybe also better weapons as the common settler. So they are usually a good helper by settlement attacks.

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