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SSE Engine Fixes and "isms"


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Seems the SSE Engine Fixes page (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/17230) was set to hidden because the mod author claims Nexus is " Allowing mods that promote homophobia, racism, sexism, or anything similar in our community is a mistake. This mod page will return if/when Nexus clarifies their position on this matter." Anyone know what this about? I am guessing it was about that straight marriage only mod, but hasn't it been taken down?


Not looking to start a flame war about free speech/censorship vs. moderated content (I am in favor of moderating overly offensive stuff), but I am curious what Aers issue is exactly.



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Seems like some mods were uploaded that tried to stay within the letter of the rules while clearly violating the intent of the rules. Nexus staff moderated against the most obvious vocal idiots, but took some time to discuss the problem mods themselves.


aers seems to feel they took too much time and have still been unclear on the rules.

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I think that is the point. The moderation seems fine around here. But Aers has a problem with it bad enough to hide his (very essential) mod?

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