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What are the strangest things you've seen in fallout 4?


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I always enjoy the BoS vertibirds that can't decide if they wanna crash or not.... They are on fire, shedding pieces/bodies, but are still in their tight circle, looking for a place to crash..... I had one that stayed in that predicament for quite some time. I even left the area, came back later, and he STILL hadn't crashed..... I had a "fire and forget" rocket launcher, so, dumped a few more rounds into him, and he finally went down. :D

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I don't think there's an age limit to smoking, only on buying them. That's certainly the case in the UK with alcohol, where you have to be 18 to buy, but if your dad takes you into a pub, he can give you a beer as young as 5. And yet the same is not true for a slightly violent film at the cinema :-/

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I don't think there's an age limit to smoking, only on buying them. That's certainly the case in the UK with alcohol, where you have to be 18 to buy, but if your dad takes you into a pub, he can give you a beer as young as 5. And yet the same is not true for a slightly violent film at the cinema :-/

In the US, you can vote, join the military, sign legal contracts, get married, etc, the day you turn 18, however, you can't legally purchase alcohol until you are 21. :D


Humans have some serious issues.

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When I woke up in Vault 111, I had company.


I left the room that you wake up in, went into the other room full of cryo pods, and there was a man in there, walking around, covered in frost just like the dead bodies that were still in the pods.


He couldn't be interacted with, nor did he really interact with his surroundings, he just paced around a little in that room.


Playing in the dark, in the wee small hours of the morning, I don't mind saying that seeing him there was a little unsettling.


I hadn't had a chance to set up the screenshot helper shortcuts in that playthrough yet and, for some dumb reason, didn't bother to capture a shot of him, since I didn't want the HUD in the shot, and wanted to be able to frame it just so... Ugh.


That bug never came up again.

Edited by Warl0cke
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I don't think there's an age limit to smoking, only on buying them. That's certainly the case in the UK with alcohol, where you have to be 18 to buy, but if your dad takes you into a pub, he can give you a beer as young as 5. And yet the same is not true for a slightly violent film at the cinema :-/

In the US, you can vote, join the military, sign legal contracts, get married, etc, the day you turn 18, however, you can't legally purchase alcohol until you are 21. :D


Humans have some serious issues.



In Germany you can have sex at 14, in the US it's 16 or 18 depending where you live. The problem with all these things is control. Nobody should ever control anybody. We are basically slaves to the government (taxes too) and I thought slavery was supposed to be abolished.


When I woke up in Vault 111, I had company.


I left the room that you wake up in, went into the other room full of cryo pods, and there was a man in there, walking around, covered in frost just like the dead bodies that were still in the pods.


He couldn't be interacted with, nor did he really interact with his surroundings, he just paced around a little in that room.


Playing in the dark, in the wee small hours of the morning, I don't mind saying that seeing him there was a little unsettling.


I hadn't had a chance to set up the screenshot helper shortcuts in that playthrough yet and, for some dumb reason, didn't bother to capture a shot of him, since I didn't want the HUD in the shot, and wanted to be able to frame it just so... Ugh.


That bug never came up again.


I just press printscreen, paste it into a photo editor, then trim off the hud stuff or any extraneous boring scenery, or a naked NPC that would offend the prudes in here.

Edited by hucker75
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The weirdest thing?



A weird exhaust pipe in the middle of nowhere (north of Starlight Drive In).

I used TCL to go through the ground to look if there is maybe something hidden under there but no, nothing.

It is one of those exhausts like they are on top of roofs of buildings.


One of the developers just thought "yes, we need a random exhaust / vent in the middle of nowhere".




I don't know why, but things like this really creep me out.

Like "structures that are not supposed to be there".


(I am weird, I know)

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