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Premium Membership prices increasing from October


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In response to post #9027314.

So you haven't been following lately, because the sites have been under attack, and they are trying to move to the more flexible and stable cluster server setup, which in turn have meant a lot of maintenance.

If anything that should make one interested in supporting, so that they can get the funds to do it better in the future.
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For what you all provide for all of us on this site I think the Premium Membership prices you have are more than reasonable especially the Lifetime membership. Typically we pay anywhere from $30 to $100 for a really good game. Because of your site I am able to replay those games over and over with entirely new content and play styles that the original developers either could care less about adding to the game or they have given up on creating additional DLCs for said game making it monotonous to keep playing. Because of this site I have been able to keep playing 3 of my all time favourite games literally years after they were first released. To me that is an extremely valuable service that you provide and it is absolutely free to the players.


I see ppl slap down anywhere from $100 to $200 for collectors editions or special pre-order editions of games and all they get is maybe 1 or two extra items in the game along with a few cheap collection accessories. But when it is all said and done, most of those ppl will come here after their first play-through looking for mods to make the game re-playable or more enjoyable and never consider donating to you guys because they think $20 is too much to pay for a 6 month Premium Membership. Even the Lifetime Premium Membership at $79.00 is nothing considering how many years ppl have used this site and the content they are able to get from using the site. $79 is only $6.58 a month for one year but it actually gives you unlimited access for the lifetime of this site being up and running. So you are actually paying a whole lot less than that.


I do understand that kids cannot easily donate. I know what it is like to be so strapped for cash that I had to live in my truck for almost a year. But now that I am not in that situation and I am able to help out someone who gives me the ability to have hours and hours of fun for free. Anyone not in a situation where it is a choice of feeding yourself or playing a game should really think about donating if they use this site often. $6.58 a month or the other packages rates offered are literally the same or cheaper than buying a Starbucks, or a CarlsJr. Premium Burger or any other little treat you buy yourself that is above paying your bills.


It also lasts a lot longer than any of those things so you are getting a lot more for your buck while supporting an amazing website that literally gives you months and years of enjoyment. That's my two cents and hopefully it shows how really inexpensive supporting this site costs in comparison of the fun and joy you obtain for the service they provide on here.



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In response to post #9026880. #9028080 is also a reply to the same post.

@nikpav: Your post makes no sense. Why would you reply to someone and say what was already given under the lines, quite obviously too?

AdBlock IS a browser extension which serves to block ads (duh!). Deactivating AdBlock for the Nexus is a way to increase the Nexus income through ads.
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I would love to support this site, but sadly i am a student, i don't work and i live at the expense of my parents, and they are not willing on paying for this type of things, but when i will have the possibility i will buy a premium membership! Edited by daddolus
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