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Premium Membership prices increasing from October


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Quote Dark0ne:

"No, Premium Membership is about people who want to help support the sites. If you're baulking at the price point then you've completely missed the point of the entire service and, frankly, you're not who I'm looking for support from. "


Sounds like "You don't pay anyway, so shut up." At least to me.


But what I really wanted to say is that the price raise does not only affect the Nexus, but also the average guy out there. On breadline you have to think how to pay your f*#@ing electricity bills, rent etc.


So people who don't support the Nexus financially are not in every case those who don't want to. Some simply cannot. This may come to mind when looking out of the window.

Edited by ratrace
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In response to post #9030501. #9030907, #9031358, #9033330, #9033413, #9033675, #9033804 are all replies on the same post.

you are not thinking clearly, visiting this site makes Robin money, even if i have no premium membership, if no one where to visit this site, advertisers would not be interested in the site and there would be no money from ads coming in.

and i'm not english, so i couldn't find another way to say what i said, that's why i said blame, i ment it differently, but you probably do not care, you just want to mingle in the conversation probably.

Edit: ah quickly editing your comment tells me enough.
Edit2: since you keep editing your comment, i did not demand anything.

and you presume i do not enjoy the website, the fact that i have critique does not mean i'm not enjoying the site. Edited by Guest
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People complaining about the raised prices seem to miss the point of Premium - it's not a premium service so much as it as donation with benefits. You're not buying premium to access the premium features, you're buying it to support the site.


Personally, I think it would benefit Nexusmods to rename "premium" into "donator" features. It would help people understand that they should donate to help keep the Nexus network running and growing, and the premium features are just a token of gratitude.


I'm planning to buy Premium as soon as I restore my financial capacity to do so, but I have little interest in Premium features - I love the free services the site provides, I love the convenience of tracking/endorsing mods and the Nexus Mod Manager, and I want it to be financially viable for Nexusmods to continue providing the same services for the foreseeable feature.

Edited by Emberstrife
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I don't think the price increase is that big of a deal. It's still free to get on here and download mods, it just is going to cost more to do it faster, ad free etc..


Besides, if you can't afford a cheap and simple luxury like the premium membership, you may want to go out and work a little harder and not sit around playing video games and complaining about money on the internet.


my humble opinion is all

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I tried to become a Life time Premium Member using my iPad (Im currently travelling) and I always get an error. Would love to pay you guys for membership but need help on this. Will see if I can supply more details on the error soon.
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In response to post #9030501. #9030907, #9031358, #9033330, #9033413, #9033613, #9033675 are all replies on the same post.

@ printerkop
My apologies, I had to take care of something important. Trigger-happiness and all that, and so you saw my wrongly edited post. I restored my post as needed.

People visit these sites quite frequently enough, as the statistics on the bottom of the page shows; doubt ads are any problem in terms of revenue. However, the donations were set up as people who genuinely wants to help with the continuation of this site, as Robin pointed out. If you don't want to help with the site, that's your choice. In no way would that change other people's generosity, mine included. The good points of Nexus outweighs the bad, in my viewpoint. Edited by ZeroKing
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In response to post #9030501. #9030907, #9031358, #9033330, #9033413, #9033613, #9033675, #9033804 are all replies on the same post.

i'm new, so i still have to find that out.
but i did download a few nice mods, so i do like that possibility, that's why i said that i would become a premium member if the site was better.
i see a lot of room for improvement.

and Catch 22 is a fraise that people use to turn things around so it suits their need at that moment.
nice food for philosophers. and people that like to make simple things complicated.

i would just have send Yossarian on that flying mission, crazy or not.
what needs to be done needs to be done, simple.

the chicken was first to lay the egg, it's ancestors just decided at a certain moment to lay eggs cause it was a better means for procreation.
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In response to post #9030501. #9030907, #9031358, #9033330, #9033413, #9033613, #9033675, #9033804, #9033956 are all replies on the same post.

I am not a expert on these things but I think that these Nexus-sites have more than few thousand visitors per second and I think that I saw a statistic somewhere saying that the Skyrim-Nexus site alone had over 1 million unique visitors daily at some point. This kind of network usage requires very large pool of resources to be used. I mean that even my country's main mobile-phone network/Internet providers have big down times + lag while they have similar kind of (possibly even larger) bandwidth usage and with much much more funds and resources at their disposal so I am very happy that the Nexus sites work as they do. I don't know what kind of a Internet connection you are running but I can open any nexus page in 2-3 seconds normally and in 10 seconds if the sites are under heavy load.

I will see if I can transfer some funds to my PayPal account and buy the premium so I can support this wonderful site that has been the source of joy to me for all these years.

Thank you Robin and rest of your crew keeping this up and working as you have done so far and I hope that this site continues to exist as long as there are games out there ready to be modded :D
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