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Premium Membership prices increasing from October


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In response to post #9041572.

While I agree on the whole, and for certain individuals, bear in mind that when people get used to a lifestyle, they begin to expect that lifestyle. This is true for anything. If you get used, for example, to getting three large meals a day, the day you get only two, you complain, because it's outside what you're now used to, and in a deficiency. One top of that, people's financial situation changes over time.

For instance, I bought my computer (and upgraded it) and bought Skyrim during a time of my life when I was making about $600/week after taxes and deductions on average, and when I had very few bills (phone and internet being the only ones I paid). Now, however, I'm in a period where I can only work so many hours per week (not allowed overtime), and can only make so much per hour, so I'm literally stuck at half of that previous number ($300/week) with many, many more bills to pay (rent, insurance for car and health, utilities, phone, internet, food, necessities such as toilet paper and toothpaste). All-in-all, I'm in a much, MUCH worse financial situation than I was, with nothing I can do about it save get a different, higher-paying job...of which there are none in my area within 50 miles.

People in this kind of situation are not at a point where they can just "work harder to get more money". My job literally -does not allow- me to make any more. Can't take on another job, either, since I'm going to college at the same time. So what, I wonder, would you tell ME to do?

Basically, what I'm saying is that you shouldn't come down so hard on people without first understanding where they're coming from, or at least making an effort to do so, which I personally believe you did not make the effort to do.
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In response to post #9041572. #9041696 is also a reply to the same post.

Vermis1031 There is a big difference btwn your situation. I did not see you coming on here complaining about the price increase or that you cannot afford anything so the site owners are jerks because they are asking for donations. You know your situation, you kept your situation to yourself and that was that. Obviously by looking at your donator tag you gave what you could when you could so you get what we are saying.

I do not think anyone on here is berating honest God ppl that cannot afford to donate or anyone who chooses not to donate and go on their merry little way. Life is what it is and donating is a voluntary thing.

The ppl jumping on the bandwagon complaining about a very small price increase to a membership status that is not forced on them in anyway meanwhile complaining because they cannot afford it and Dark0ne should not just keep it at the lvl it has been for a long time but that he should do away with donations or change them so they are almost free too. That is what is making ppl perturbed.

You also have to realize that from the past couple of days I can see a huge generational gap here btwn the ppl like myself and others who are like, "If you cannot afford to skip buying a couple of hamburgers to help out with the site then why are you on the internet at all?" and the the ppl that are wanting more for their free ride.

Us older players are like anyone else, we love something for free but we also know that free to us means it is costing someone else money. Nothing in life is completely free. Since we know you cannot get money without working for it. (usually) At some point you pay it forward when you can to those that helped you out when you had nothing. The guys that run the Nexus have worked their tails off and put a ton of time into this site for free of charge for years and years now without a paycheck. Not because they see a potential cash cow but because they want to give something back. The ppl that donate are ppl who see the hard work these guys have put into this site. We either know first hand like myself or others who see that doing what the Nexus group does costs a lot of money and very rarely do they ask for help.

We appreciate what this site gives out. What the modders on this site do for everyone and the time and effort put into everything. We want to keep that going as long as we can so we donate to the site owners and we donate to the modders as well. I do not buy a lot of games because I am really picky on what I enjoy. So instead of spending $50 bucks every couple of months on a new game I give that money to the modders on here and I give the site owners what I can so I can keep playing the games I already own.

To see ppl say on one hand that they have been on here for years downloading mods all day long every day because it is a free service but then on the other they begrudge the site owners for raising the price on the one paid service (donation) on here that is completely voluntary to buy that they have no real intentions of ever buying it because it is too expensive, is completely batshit crazy to me and others.

I know what it is like to have nothing, to have a lot and go back to not having anything at all. You adjust to what life throws at you. You make sacrifices until you are in a better situation. But one thing that you do not do is try to keep up the lifestyle you are "accustomed to" by telling everyone else that they have to give you free stuff because you think they can afford to do it or that you are entitled to have everyone give you everything for free.

No where has anyone said "If you do not donate you are a piece of garbage." what a lot of us have done is shown ppl that would like to donate but look at the prices as too much is that the donations are not expensive at all if you are already in a position to buy extras in your life. If you are barely paying your rent and cannot afford to feed yourself then donating is not an option for you at all but you do not have to berate the site owners over something you have no way of contributing to in the first place.

I hope that explains it a bit better... I know when I respond it is always a book but it usually takes more than a few words to explain things thoroughly. :)

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Donation is voluntary. Don't make judgement calls on someone's situation. You have not walked in their shoes and have no idea what their circumstance is. If you can not help..there is no need to go into details of why you can or can not. Simply help the site by being friendly and helping others with questions. That is needed as much if not more than money.


Now everyone take a breather and remember...this is a gaming site. No need to get your feathers ruffled about it. Much more important things in the world. Just take this post for what it was meant to be...a notification of the rising cost of doing business. That is all it is. Again..there are a million ways to help around here and very few of them involve money.


:) *hands out cookies*

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