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Premium Membership prices increasing from October


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To be honest you guys really added way to much stuff, it was fine with just elderscrolls dragon age and fallout. now you guys added a lot more expenses for yourselves. but do not get me wrong im greatful for the years of entertainment you've provided me but you just added to many games to the nexus. Edited by yuty38
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In response to post #9039058. #9039186 is also a reply to the same post.

I completely agree and my post was not meant to sound crass or uncaring of ppl's plights. I was trying to point out that if you are buying extras like a Starbucks or Beer or stuff like that than the Premium Membership prices are on the same price level as that. If you are someone that has to count pennies to the last dime then I was not referring to you. I do apologize if it sounded like I was saying only ppl in third world countries would have money issues. Having lived in several I know that even if you have "money" it does not mean it will feed you.

I also know that just because you play video games that requires internet access does not mean that you automatically have extra to spend. You could have it for work and on your down time you enjoy fun on a game. I do not try to assume everyone's situation. What my post was trying to say and obviously it did not say it in a way that everyone understood where my intentions were coming from was that the prices are not astronomical. Sometimes putting the cost of things into perspective so that ppl can relate helps.

We all look at every thing differently. Some have the ability see the details of a picture, others only look at the big overall picture and others do not see a picture at all. Explaining things in a different way can help others better understand and that was all I was trying to do here.

This topic was only to inform everyone that premium donations were going up a bit. It took a turn that I am sure the site owners did not want it to take but it inevitably goes down that road. I think if we all stand back and take it for what it was intended to do and realize that everything is voluntary and completely affordable in comparison to other "extras" that we buy for enjoyment then a lot of us can help. If you do not buy extras in your life and things are that tight financially then my analogies are not going to help any way it is explained but no one is going to think less of you for it.

Again I apologize if anyone that is in real financial straights took what I said in the wrong way.
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Just bought a lifetime premium subscription to help support the site. When I think back over the hundreds of hours I have spent playing modded Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Dragon Age, and Witcher games I couldn't help but feel like it was time to help out!
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Hey guys and gals in the know, here's a question for you. I'm not rich, and I don't have a lot of money (which I alluded to in a previous post on this very topic), but on occasion, I like to hand out a dollar here and there to people who need it.


A while back, I bought the Lifetime Premium Membership (which, oddly enough, only lasts ~44 years), and I see no button anywhere for donations. If I had some spare dollars lying around, I'd like to give one or two to the Nexus again for all the hard work put into it, so where do I go for that, specifically?

Edited by Vermis1031
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In response to post #9038997.

Tell Robin there's no need!.. Today, the countdown ADDED one day to my credit, it's not a countdown, it's a "countUP", yeah!.. 86 years should do just fine, thank you :)
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In response to post #9045191.

No, that's not it. The other game hubs are very, very small. Skyrim is where most of their new expenses are coming from. Taking away the little-used and much smaller other hubs would be like... searching for spare change under the couch to pay your rent.

Plus, the other hubs bring in premium users as well. It's not like just the ES/Fallout base buys premium.
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