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Premium Membership prices increasing from October


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Just bought my PLM about an hour ago and only noticed this just now! finances worth obviously i'm happy to have bought it at the lower prive. but personally, you guys do a hell of a job here and i couldn't be more satisfied about it so i'd still gladly pay the extra §10 for it keep up the good work guys we gamers appreciate it :)
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In response to post #9060134. #9062076, #9063310 are all replies on the same post.

The one thing I have receive confirmation regarding Steam is a family plan. Basically, once implemented, I can allow members of my family to play my games on their steam account. This is great for me since I have 3 steam accounts (my two boys and myself). They are constantly logging into my steam account to play a game they don't have, which leaves me locked out of steam. Now that won't be an issue. I assume that I'll be locked out of a game when they borrow it, but I'll still be on steam and be able to play something else. How this works for friends I don't know (they did say family - perhaps same IP address), but that's just a guess.

In any case, back to membership fees. I think you guys are very reasonable. I work for a company that does billions of electronic transactions every week, and bandwidth is our #1 expense in IT, will our server infrastructure and three backup sites being #2.
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In response to post #9060134. #9062076, #9063310, #9160188 are all replies on the same post.

Steam does NOT mess with anyone's computer, not that I've observed in years of fixing them. My laptop chugs when Steam updates games due to the 5400RPM mechanical drive, but my laptop gets 30 FPS in Vanilla Skyrim.

Anyone moaning about how Steam "destroys their computer" is just covering their ass while they pirate, or hoping their story will make them be not banned for openly pirating the game and trying to get help modding / running it on the forums.
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In response to post #9147229. #9149974 is also a reply to the same post.

I couldn't agree more. I've been a "lifer" for a bit now (can't reember when I bought mine), but its definately been worth every cent spent - and more!

Frankly, I'm surprised that they've been able to hold off as long as they have on bumping the costs...

Keep up the great work my Nexus peeps!

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If you love Bethesda games and the other games on the Nexus sites, then Premium lifetime membership is a huge bargain. I've had mine for years and greatly appreciate the features and ease of use. For the cost of an additional game, you gain premium access to making all your favorite games 100% better.
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