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Papyrus function to reload last save game?


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Hi everyone,


I was wondering if any of the scripting gurus out there knew of a papyrus function that will load the last save game? Basically as one of the side quests in my mod I would like to do an escort quest in which you have to defend a carriage from bandits until it reaches a certain location without the driver being killed. The problem is I don't know of any papyrus function that would do this. If it does exist, I would need it in this context:


Event OnDeath(Actor killer)
      Debug.Messagebox("The Carriage driver has been killed!")
            (Reload last save game)
If anyone knows of such a function, please let me know!



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Requires SKSE

Make a save with this command. Probably when you assign the quest.



Then load that save with this command whenever the character fails the quest.



Exact script setup I'm not too sure of, but maybe it will help get you started.



This is the only method that I can see, there is no stock function to load a save game.

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Thanks for pointing me there, it looks like the right code! Unfortunately I don't really want my mod to be SKSE dependent since I don't want it to have any requirements (except Skyrim ofc). Thanks anyway!
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Thanks for pointing me there, it looks like the right code! Unfortunately I don't really want my mod to be SKSE dependent since I don't want it to have any requirements (except Skyrim ofc). Thanks anyway!


I guess if that's the case the only way I could see this happening is if you were to kill the player and allow the game to just do it's thing, (Perhaps using a Imod to blacken the screen so the player will not see themselves being killed?)

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