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Simpler / more balanced housing mods?


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I love unique housing mods. However, most of the ones I find are "All options ticked, 7 stories with more storage than the entire rest of the Hold put together".


I'm looking for more simple, balanced, tasteful, subtle options like the Riverwood Hunter's Cabin. Can anyone recommend something similar? I can't seem to find any when I look that aren't gigantic convenience mansions.


I'm not putting those mods down - they're very well made, and some of them are very very nice homes, they're just not what I'm looking for.

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My own Goldwatch and Grayhill Keep might interest you. Both practice a good deal of restraint and realism. Stonespire is similarly realistic without being over the top although I think you're looking for something more humble. I'd also recommend the Seabreeze Estate. It's a nice house right on the side of the sea. If your character is a Mage I would recommend the Mystic Home.

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