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Ignore purge for deploy


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I'll make it short and sweet.

I moved vortex and all associated folders from one drive to another, all mods still work fine nothing wrong.

I cannot deploy new mods. Vortex in all it's infinite wisdom believes it's a new install when I only moved it and wants me to purge all the old mods. I'd rather not purge since there doesn't seem to be any issues with any of the previously installed and deployed mods.

Is there a way to ignore the purge so I can deploy my new mods or do I have no other choice?

Thanks for your time and feedback. :smile:

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No, you have to purge if you want to add or remove mods with Vortex.


Going "Vortex in all its infinite wisdom" after you manually moved it is a bit like breaking someones legs and then going "why did you decide to not walk any more?"

You're the only one who made a choice here, Vortex is offering to repair it for you, that's how nice it is.

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Just clarifying this statement:


No, you have to purge if you want to add or remove mods with Vortex.

Should it read, "No, you have to purge if you want to add or remove mods with Vortex if you change Vortex's location"?

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