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Vortex doesn't see ANY games


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I started using Nexus Mods back in the heady days of Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (the original) . . . been absent from gaming for about five years for personal reasons. Now, on completely new machines being forced to use M$ W10pro on a MSI GT76 Titan DT 10SGS laptop -- I cannot get Vortex to see any of my Steam installed games. I've tried the automated scan (both quick and full scans) and I've tried going directly to the steam game directory and pointing it to the specific game root directory. Because of limited storage, I only have a few games installed (now the the laptop is out of warranty, I plan on tearing into it and maxing the storage out). I have ME: SoM, the Stalker series and Borderlands 3 installed right now. It does not recognize any of them and give an error message that states it doesn't see a valid game installed (or somesuch) and that it expects to see .... and a couple of files are names. In most cases, at least one is there but the other is not.


Did Steam change the way it names the start-up file? Is there a way to point to a specific start-up file even if it isn't the one that Vortex is expecting? Is this a new problem or have I just been out of touch for so long that I'm missing the obvious? Besides automated and/or manual Vortex installs, what else is there to try?

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Vortex supports only the games listed on the games page.

If you want to manage one of the games listed there, just click on it and follow the instructions.


Borderlands 3 and ME:anything are not supported, various stalker games are - through third party extensions. So you will be guided to installing the extension before Vortex even has a chance of discovering the game.

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