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Update on site work and NMM 0.50 around the corner


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I'm actually looking forward to testing the new version of NMM myself. I work professionally testing videogames and apps, so testing a piece of software I like will be nice for a change :p Will we still be able to download new mods during the open beta (Stupid question, I know), kinda hoping to make sure I can still download, seeing as I'm still on Dialup (yes yes, archaic, I know. Only way around it is moving) with the new update to come.


On that sad note, any chance downloads could resume automatically when a connection error occurs, rather than having to press Resume each time? Seems that for some reason, my already Digital Snail connection gets worse while actually playing Skyrim and I need to ALT+TAB out of my game every 10min to click resume as some mods take me a day or two to download. Not a sob story, just a question.

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Sorry to hear you've been having so many issues with your database cluster.


What solution have you rolled out? MySQL Cluster Community Edition? Galera Cluster?


If you're interested, feel free to get in touch with me -- I've been a Database Architect for a fair number of years and have decent experience with MySQL Cluster (and far more with Galera). I'm happy to offer my skills/background for free -- your site and its mod authors have given me years of entertainment.

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@Dark0ne: This sounds great, I'm really looking forward to seeing how the file linking works out.

Not sure if you considered these but here are a few things I stumbled over with MO over the time:


1 In some cases the game-ini will reference mod files, i.e. if you install darnified ui for oblivion, oblivion.ini will list fonts from that mod. If you now remove those fonts (or the links to those fonts) oblivion will ctd

2. Some mods require ini changes, i.e. "The joy of perspective" here on nexus.

3. 1&2 mean you'll probably want to have individual ini files for each profile. This will confuse the heck out of people because settings like resolution changes affect only the current profile and many users won't understand that. Be sure to provide a good ui/explanation (at least better than MO does ;) )

Alternatively provide a way to work with "patches" to the ini files that will be applied to the global file depending on the active profile.

4. Similar: generated fnis files, generated skyproc plugins or the bashed patch from wrye bash depend on the installed mods, so these files are specific to a profile. You'll need some way of storing and switching out these files when switching profiles.

5. Also the plugins.txt and loadorder.txt are profile specific and need to be swapped out with the profile.

6. Save games will be profile specific and users will want to swap those out together with the profile.

7. afaik file links require Vista or newer, NTFS and administrators rights. You will probably find that these things aren't given for all users. Not sure if you already planned for this but you may want to provide a fallback for these users.


Please feel free to contact me (or have your programmers contact me) if you think my experience with MO might be of use. I'd prefer email or PM contact because I have only very limited spare time currently.

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About the NMM. Awesome work as always. But I've been asking since the release of skyrim for a search option in the NMM. There are many author that name their mods by their profile name first then the name of the mod. It is hard to remember all the mod names and authors. Sometimes you want for example to uninstall a blood mod. But you don't remember the name so you search by blood and it shows all mods with blood in the name. It isn't that hard to implement, it is actually easy. And I'm sure I'm not the only one who asked for this.


"The worst thing that can happen is that the converter cannot work out what mods you had activated and what mods you had deactivated, and so you’ll end up with a mod list with everything deactivated (requiring you to manage your activated mods and load order again), but we won’t know if this is a major problem until people actually test it. It works for us. It might not work for you."


This is bad. I for one have over 200 mods installed. Reactivating them will be a pain in the ass as I have many mod replaces that replace other mod that is activated(mostly textures of the same thing), and it is hard to remember what mod was first activated. Also reorganizing load order would be a huge pain as BOSS is not enough for my installed mods. Here would come handy the search option also.

Edited by mkta
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I switched to MO a couple of months ago and I love it because of the profile switching, but more importantly because it helps tremendously when figuring out what mod is crashing the game. You simply turn a mod off and its all gone or you move it down the list and all of its files move with it so now there overwriting another mod etc. I love the idea that nexus is going to do a similar thing because the amount of energy you guys pour into these things means it should work out to be even more awesome than mod organizer. I really am looking forward to how this comes along and I wish you all the luck for it.
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In response to post #9116653. #9117803 is also a reply to the same post.

With all due respect, complaining about a service which is offered free of charge for something as minor as having to spend a couple of hours fixing your load order, is unfair on those who do it. The guys at Nexus provide a fantastic service, and want to offer it to everyone, so make it completely free, and payment as an option.

I also run approximately 200 mods in my load order, between graphical and enhancement mods, item mods, quest mods, overhaul mods and patches. It isn't THAT big a deal to reorganise if something goes wrong with the way it imports the mods. Build a bridge, and get over it, and perhaps contribute to the project and it may assist with it going more smoothly.

Not to mention, as has been stated, open beta is optional. If you're that concerned about a couple of hours fixing your load order, don't participate. Really irks me when people whine about a free service. What's to stop Nexus deciding one day to just close up shop? Nothing, except their passion to encourage people in playing the game the way they want to play it. /endrant
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