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Skyrim: The Friendly Giants


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So, despite my eyes not working, I've been able -- with some adaptive help -- to play and greatly enjoy Skyrim. However, there's a bit of immersion that I find a little inconsistent, hence the following idea.


In Skyrim's descriptions of giants, they are described as peaceful beings, content to 'just be'....as long as you don't get too close, or go after their mammoths.


Myself? I've had several "Giant Encounters", wherein my character, currently a Khajiit named Pax Oriona, will stand still and a Giant will simply give her a glance and walk on by. No drawing arms. No fights. No clubbing Pax Oriona over the head. Nothing.

So the thought occurred to me: What about a mod that allows for friendly interaction with the Giants of Skyrim? Conversation, perhaps trading even. Or, for the ambitious, even Giant-oriented questlines.


This is just an Immersion idea from a humble Skyrim player who is still new to Modding and its joys.



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That's not a bad idea, not at all. As for giant merchants I suppose you would have to set thing that could be used to barter with them, like food, ores, and ingredients. I'd image they would only speak brokenly, sort of like dragons or reiklings. So you might have to look into what is know of there speech itself. I could see them behaving a lot like a Song of Ice and Fire's giants and I could think up a few was the could be tied into quests along the lines of that behavior. Not that I would know how to actually do that in terms of modding. Though that one civil war mod did add giants into the stormcloak factions army lists, so it might not be that hard. I will give it some more thought.


- k9andsmith

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Hmm. I'm not too familiar with Song of Ice and Fire... I wonder, are there any resources on Bethesda's Elder Scrolls giants?


As for language, methinks it would likely be in a "primitive" English, so to speak. Not quite as clearly spoken as, say, you and I, but clear enough to be understood. To slip a micron of logic in, language could not have come to be without (or perhaps before? I'll need to get back my paleo history, heh) animal domestication. In the giants' cases, their mammoths.

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I would guess that broken English would work for there speech, like how a person talks while they only now a handful of word from a langue. As for a Song of Ice and Fire the giants there were a simple, tribal folk, who only could speak to people in an almost dead langue that had been used a few hundred years ago. Which reminds me, I had read some were that the dwemer were know as dwarfs in the north because that's what the giants called them, so there is president for their ability to speak. You might look on the elder scrolls wiki or at the game guide for information on them.


- k9andsmith

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Lore on giants: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Giant#Giant

It states that speakers of "Giantish" can stop giants from attacking when their territory has been threatened. Giantish was an intelligence based skill check in Daggerfall.


Something similar could be done where a perk is obtained after certain conditions are met. Then the perk allows for bartering/merchant interactions with certain giants.

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In Daggerfall, you can learn different enemy's languages. Its also a perk at the begining when picking/generating a class. Theres Giantish, Dragonish, Impish, Nymph, Orcish, Harpy, etc If you have the perk to talk the different enemy's language, it has a chance of being non-hostile upon encounter.

Source: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Daggerfall:Skills

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Oooh. I like that! I've noticed that a lot of folks like to mod things that bring back previous Elder Scrolls attributes (From Oblivion, Morrowind, etc.) That would be a neat addition. I think that'd be perfect within a Friendly Giant mod.


Heck, when I learn enough re: how to create a mod, I might do this myself. I just....have a ton to learn and adapt with first, heh!

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