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DesuChan too?


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The world is full of talentless, childish individuals who because they don't like someone for their beliefs or creations they lash out and think in their own smugness that they're cute.They are their own worst enemies for they allow the rest of us to see the real them. Farewell and good luck Deus in all your endevors
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It's not the trolls that did it.


In fact, it was the shoddy moderating. By the ADMIN, of all people.


I run my own forums, and have been a moderator on several other forums, and not once, aside from the stupidity seen on deviantART, have I seen such... lazy moderating. Especially where theft was concerned.


THAT was the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back.


For those who wish to follow my modding endeavours, I highly suggest joining TESEyeCandy.

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Last I checked the issue was resolved as it was about images for your mods having the same style as someone elses. As far as I'm aware an admin asked you to try and handle it between yourselves respectfully; mainly because he knew both of you and knew you were both capable of being reasonable. I checked a couple of days ago and the person had indeed changed their preview images to something else. I thought that was case closed.


Fact is Buddah asked you to contact me if you had any further issues and I have yet to receive a PM from you, and you've thrown out a leaving article instead. Nice of you.

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Eventually this site will become a vast wasteland of nothing but trolls and people who don't mod.

and yeah, the human race has lost my faith years ago.


I respect people who say "screw you" to haters and continue doing what they love doing, but of course there are those who just can't take shite like that and to those people I say "farewell and sorry for all the arseholes"


yeah, yeah I know. Profanity.

I wouldn't usually use so much in one sentence if at all but crap like this gets me angry as hell.

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Eventually this site will become a vast wasteland of nothing but trolls and people who don't mod.

and yeah, the human race has lost my faith years ago.


Well, I doubt it'll ever get that bad.


Honestly, I don't think the Nexus is that bad of a place at all. Sure, you have punks here and there, and you have plagiarists about (I just reported one this morning due to a theft of one of my own pictures,) but such a thing is bound to happen anywhere. Just something you have to sit back and get used to. Or, as some people have done, leave. But it's inevitable that as long as you browse this god forsaken internet, your going to run across foolish individuals.

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Im my opinion, if people take their mods down, that's up to them.


P.S. DesuChan, the moderating on this site is far from lazy.

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Someone comes along with an original idea and they post it on the forums.


"I think I'll make a coke bottle that you can ride like a horse."


They begin modeling the coke bottle. Along comes another modder and they read the thread, they like the idea. They start moddeling their own coke bottle. The second modder contacts friends who have years of combined modding experience. One of the friends has already put dozens of ride able items in the game already. Together this "team" produces a mod with a ride able coke bottle and the modder who first thought up the idea is still learning to get the mesh right. It happens all the time, on the Nexus and any other forum you post an idea on. I used to wonder why so many projects were kept secret from anyone not on the team. After seeing several of my ideas created by modders with more experience than I have, I've learned to keep my ideas to myself.


Everyone here on the Nexus knows that I've been here for over a year and that I've spent the last six months working on a Pellucidar mod. I'm learning much of what I need to know as I go along. I fully expect to see a finished Pellucidar mod before I finish mine, it's just the way things are. You can't own an idea and if you post that idea, you might as well be giving it away.

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Indeed, the "lazy" comment revealed simply how ignorant and niave some people are to just how much work goes in to moderating this site. People who really think that might as well leave before they get shown the door.
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