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U.S. Federal Government officially shuts down!


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For the last time, can we stop blaming "our dysfunctional government" and start holding accountable those few that are actually causing the shutdown? Most of Congress does not want this to happen. But John Boehner is refusing to allow the House to even vote on the issue. He's scared to, because if he does then he may be challenged by people on an even more extreme wing of the far right - seriously, these people would make Golden Dawn blush - and come election season, he may have to actually campaign rather than rely on his heavily-gerrymandered district to provide an automatic victory.


All of this is due to one person. Don't spread the blame. It's all on him.

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I think people need to be reminded why the government has been shutdown in the 1st place.... it was over the healthcare law... A Healthcare law which has been polled significantly more popular than congressional republicans....


Right now congress in general is at an all time low polling at a favorability of 5%...

Edited by colourwheel
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For the last time, can we stop blaming "our dysfunctional government" and start holding accountable those few that are actually causing the shutdown? Most of Congress does not want this to happen. But John Boehner is refusing to allow the House to even vote on the issue. He's scared to, because if he does then he may be challenged by people on an even more extreme wing of the far right - seriously, these people would make Golden Dawn blush - and come election season, he may have to actually campaign rather than rely on his heavily-gerrymandered district to provide an automatic victory.


All of this is due to one person. Don't spread the blame. It's all on him.

One person is being held hostage by a minority in the house. By extension, they are holding the entire country hostage. Yes, our government is indeed dysfunctional. If it weren't for rampant spending, we wouldn't even NEED legislation for a debt ceiling, and this entire situation would never have come about.

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A few things that are really effecting everyone no matter where you live in the country while the shutdown continues...


CDC is closed... Unless you are a hermit or have an unusually strong immune system chances are you will get sick this year...


FDA is closed... Be careful what you consume... any drug, food, or drinks are no longer being regulated, consumers are at their own risk and no liability for those who sell consumer products that you can ingest....


Want to leave the country to go on holiday? good luck getting a new passport....


If you own a small business and needed a loan from the government, you'll have to wait. If you were planning to buy a house and needed a federal loan, you'll have to wait. If you're a veteran, you might have to make a few trips to the mailbox before that check arrives...


If you're on Social Security, you might not be issued a check for the time the shutdown lasts. The President expected to keep workers on the payroll to process checks but would there be enough employees to process new benefits for the newly retired?


Yes the sky isn't falling but now our nation is less than being the great nation we all wish it to be... It could be easily argued when our government isn't functioning properly that we are no better than some 3rd world countries...


Edit: here is a great example why our government is failing... http://www.dailykos.com/story/2013/10/08/1245266/-Rep-Markwayne-Mullin-lives-in-a-different-reality-than-the-rest-of-us We have too many morons in congress who don't even know the exact number of branches of government...


Edit again: Gallup polls today show the Republican party as a whole at a favorability of 28%... The lowest the GOP as a WHOLE has ever had in history....

Edited by colourwheel
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Finally after 16 days, over $24 billion lost in economic growth, at the expense of over 4.5 billion of unnecessary wasted tax payer dollars, and everything at the expense of millions and millions of Americans lives the government finally re-opens again for a few more months and our nation doesn't default. But sadly this threat gleaning over default has already put the country on a negative credit alert and other countries around the world are in talks of pushing a "de-Americanized" global world economy. The Republican party is at a national all time low of only 24% favorability. This sadly isn't the end of this fight I already see this happening over again in mid January.


If the republican party doesn't start solving problems instead of purposely causing them, their party will lose big time this next cycle. The Republican party can't afford to disrupt government anymore.


2013 has been a lost year for the republicans. They have not reached out to female voters at all, railed against immigration reform, alienated representatives in their own party, and almost completely destroyed the country economically.


Ironic after so many demands the Republican party made from defunding the ACA to demanding for Paul Ryan's tax code breaks the one thing they demanded and the Democrats settled on was something that was already part of the ACA law to begin with.... So basically the Republican party lost and got nothing....




I would say the real loser over this political mess is Ted Cruz. Even if this has gained him countless funding to run for president he would never stand a chance to be elected nationally. Nearly the entire republican party would back stab him in a heart beat if they had the chance....

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The de-Americanisation is not a result of this, it's a result of the U.S continually debasing its currency and the unsustainable levels of debt, a problem made worse by the current administration. Only yesterday London and Beijing agreed to trade currency directly and cut the dollar out, that would have been in the works before the shutdown.

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Country based around small government and individual economic freedom shuts its government down, economy crashes. Interesting.


Thing is, every major economic player has a debt problem. The US and Europe are obvious, but also China and India. The countries without debt are the ones that either got lucky enough to have specialised in something that makes a lot of money (cfr old Iceland) or do so at the cost of their trade partners (Germany). The only question is, which will fail first.


And without governments racking up debt to prop up their economy, unemployment in the West would be about 40-60%, just like elsewhere.

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Now that the tea party and Ted Cruz got nothing out of this shutdown and threat of default there is already talks of the idea to try to impeach Obama (not like I have never heard this before).... Not like there is any good reason to do so (as if Obama actually did something to be impeached?)... but hey seems like the obvious thing to do if your a faction of a political party that has no rational thought out strategy...


In retrospect to this impeachment for Obama idea, a Petition is already out calling for arresting and charging Tea Party Republicans with sedition.... something that could actually be held up in court...












Would love to see all elected Tea Party republicans on capital hill get 20 years and see Ted Cruz run for President in prison.

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In retrospect to this impeachment for Obama idea, a Petition is already out calling for arresting and charging Tea Party Republicans with sedition.... something that could actually be held up in court...












Would love to see all elected Tea Party republicans on capital hill get 20 years and see Ted Cruz run for President in prison.


Have these bloggers not heard of congressional immunity? The speech and debate clause will protect these congressman from prosecution. I love how the huffpo blogger tries to bypass congressional immunity by framing the government shutdown as extortion, only to realize that the definition of extortion he cites can't apply in this scenario.

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Temporary funding thru January 14, ability to pay bills till some time in february, probably able to continue that to mid-march, with some creative accounting. No one 'won' anything here. This is just a breif intermission for the holidays, and we will get right back to it after the first of the year.

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