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U.S. Federal Government officially shuts down!


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In retrospect to this impeachment for Obama idea, a Petition is already out calling for arresting and charging Tea Party Republicans with sedition.... something that could actually be held up in court...












Would love to see all elected Tea Party republicans on capital hill get 20 years and see Ted Cruz run for President in prison.


Have these bloggers not heard of congressional immunity? The speech and debate clause will protect these congressman from prosecution. I love how the huffpo blogger tries to bypass congressional immunity by framing the government shutdown as extortion, only to realize that the definition of extortion he cites can't in this scenario.


Congressional immunity does not protect them from being prosecuted nor does it protect them from committing sedition.





The U.S. Supreme Court has gradually defined and redefined the Speech or Debate Clause in several cases over the years. The first case concerning the Speech and Debate Clause was Kilbourn v. Thompson, 103 U.S. (13 Otto) 168, 26 L. Ed. 377 (1880). The Court has interpreted the Speech or Debate Clause to mean that members of Congress and their aides are immune from prosecution for their "legislative acts." This does not mean that members of Congress and their aides may not be prosecuted. Rather, evidence of legislative acts may not be used in a prosecution against a member of Congress or a congressional aide.

Edited by colourwheel
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They want to lock peoples representatives up for not towing the line? I hope for their sake they never get the undemocratic country they so desire. I guess it's a good distraction though, they wouldn't want people noticing what this whole saga has made obvious, the U.S can't make debt repayments without borrowing yet more money, the U.S is living from hand to mouth, that should be setting Joe Publics alarm bells ringing.

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They want to lock peoples representatives up for not towing the line?


Congress has two simple jobs over everything else... Passing a budget and paying bill which they have already spent money on, regardless if absolutely nothing else has been accomplished legislatively. I don't know about you but If I had a job where one specific thing had to be done no matter what yet just decided to not do it and on top of that demanding to get a raise and a huge promotion, I think I would just be fired... If the specific job I was refusing to do ended up hurting people too possibly could lead to legal ramifications... The Tea party Republicans have done nothing but obstruct government all through out this year....


For a political party which claims to be so fiscally responsible, concerned about the economy, and champions on reducing taxes, these republicans in office sure are not acting like it.


This political stunt has cost the country over $24 billion lost in economic growth, 4.5 billion unnecessary dollars at the expense of tax payers, and has disrupted and hurt millions of American lives... And the Government was only shutdown for 16 days...


I keep hearing over and over again from the right wing how "government is the problem", yet shutting down the government is more of a problem it would seem.

Edited by colourwheel
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They want to lock peoples representatives up for not towing the line?


Congress has two simple jobs over everything else... Passing a budget and paying bill which they have already spent money on, regardless if absolutely nothing else has been accomplished legislatively. I don't know about you but If I had a job where one specific thing had to be done no matter what yet just decided to not do it and on top of that demanding to get a raise and a huge promotion, I think I would just be fired... If the specific job I was refusing to do ended up hurting people too possibly could lead to legal ramifications... The Tea party Republicans have done nothing but obstruct government all through out this year....


For a political party which claims to be so fiscally responsible, concerned about the economy, and champions on reducing taxes, these republicans in office sure are not acting like it.


This political stunt has cost the country over $24 billion lost in economic growth, 4.5 billion unnecessary dollars at the expense of tax payers, and has disrupted and hurt millions of American lives... And the Government was only shutdown for 16 days...


I keep hearing over and over again from the right wing how "government is the problem", yet shutting down the government is more of a problem it would seem.



There's even further proof of this due to the fact that they changed House rules. What exactly do I mean? See this video here:

The GOP's little rule change they hope you wouldn't notice;



And there's loads more evidence that the 'Tea Party', that loads of people are still praising despite this fact, threatened to shut down the government before they were elected into office. In fact, it was in their running campaigns, telling people that they would still need their support because they were still going to call and ask "Why haven't I got my check this week?" "Why is such and such place closed down?". It's just as ludicrous as many others. I agree with ColourWheel on this, these people aren't fiscally responsible. At all. In the words of Rachel Maddow, "If you vote Republicans (TeaParty) in office, they will burn the place down. And enjoy themselves while doing it." So far, I've not seen a shred of evidence that points the other direction. If you want the video to that too, I can supply it if you request it (though after I find one that has better audio, for those without headphones).

Edited by pheo3309
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I find it funny that those who agree with the course the government is taking would think elected officials should be charged with trying to take down the government because they diligently worked to bring the issues to a head. I think if the Democrats had this much balls we wouldn't have went through two incredibly stupid wars. One we are still fighting and we are sending money to Pakistan so they can buy more ammo to shoot at our troops.


If they'd have done that would the country be now, going through such a hard time, or would we have still had that revenue to prop us up enough to weather the crisis we've been going through the last 4-5 years.


Personally, I think this is all about The Affordable care act that was a sissy move to begin with. This little horror still allows private insurance agencies and the Pharmaceutical companies to operate under the radar and in the future, with all their lobbyists and deep pockets they will be able to remove every benefit we have in this bill.


They've effectively gutted parts of the safety net and have given special interest groups an easy out that have given the Republicans the ammo they needed to place fear in the hearts of the American people. They should have stood by their principles and given the country what it needed, which was a fully national healthcare system like most of the industrial countries have already.


What pisses me off is the America, in it arrogant way didn't even ask for advise from the rest of the world, which has had national health care for a while now. I'm sure Canada would have been willing to give us the advantage of their experience. I mean, they have already the try and test phase and have discarded what failed and replaced it with what did.


The one thing that the Dems did to shoot them in their own foot was to not put this into effect nationally and have everyone from the President on down to the drunk living in a box live under the same rules. What the hell difference is there between this policy and separate but equal laws in the 1960's south? Separate is not equal and if the elites aren't under the same system as the poor what's to guarantee the quality of the healthcare?


If the Dems had done that, the right would have never been able to place a wedge between healthcare and the public and they damned sure would not have tried to close down the government. They would not have had the momentum that the Dems gave to them to even try something like this.

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Congressional immunity does not protect them from being prosecuted nor does it protect them from committing sedition.





The U.S. Supreme Court has gradually defined and redefined the Speech or Debate Clause in several cases over the years. The first case concerning the Speech and Debate Clause was Kilbourn v. Thompson, 103 U.S. (13 Otto) 168, 26 L. Ed. 377 (1880). The Court has interpreted the Speech or Debate Clause to mean that members of Congress and their aides are immune from prosecution for their "legislative acts." This does not mean that members of Congress and their aides may not be prosecuted. Rather, evidence of legislative acts may not be used in a prosecution against a member of Congress or a congressional aide.



The sedition charge makes me laugh, it seems as though everyone became an internet lawyer after the Zimmerman trial. I can’t think of any American politician, within the past 150 years, that has been successfully charged with sedition.


Sedition requires that force be used to prevent the execution of a law. I don't see how force was used in the shutdown. Congressional immunity will protect them from being prosecuted in this scenario. Article 1, section 7 of the Constitution gives Congress wide discretion to challenge any law by any means. It’s completely tautologous to claim that congressmen -- members of the government -- can be tried with attempting to overthrow that very same government. Boehner et al’s action is within the democratic process, what the House did qualifies as the operation of the government.


To seriously consider that the major opposition party be charged with sedition for exercising their legal powers, is itself probably more insurrectionary than anything the GOP did.

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They want to lock peoples representatives up for not towing the line?


Congress has two simple jobs over everything else... Passing a budget and paying bill which they have already spent money on, regardless if absolutely nothing else has been accomplished legislatively. I don't know about you but If I had a job where one specific thing had to be done no matter what yet just decided to not do it and on top of that demanding to get a raise and a huge promotion, I think I would just be fired... If the specific job I was refusing to do ended up hurting people too possibly could lead to legal ramifications... The Tea party Republicans have done nothing but obstruct government all through out this year....


For a political party which claims to be so fiscally responsible, concerned about the economy, and champions on reducing taxes, these republicans in office sure are not acting like it.


This political stunt has cost the country over $24 billion lost in economic growth, 4.5 billion unnecessary dollars at the expense of tax payers, and has disrupted and hurt millions of American lives... And the Government was only shutdown for 16 days...


I keep hearing over and over again from the right wing how "government is the problem", yet shutting down the government is more of a problem it would seem.



They have one job, representing the people that sent them there, how they choose to do that is their business, if they fail then the people can choose not to send them again. It is not their job to bow to Dear Leader and you certainly don't lock them up for not doing so. Seriously, some of the stuff coming from Obamas cheerleaders is alarming. If anyone needs locking up it's Obama, this is the guy who wanted to send U.S forces into Syria to back the very people responsible for 9/11, I'm sure there are laws against aiding and abetting enemies of the United States.

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We are already sending them weapons and such. (rebels in syria)


And sure, theoretically, our representatives in washington are supposed to represent their constituents veiws, but, it seldom works that way. They are beholden to the folks that donate the big money that got them elected, and if they want to get elected, or, re-elected, they will, in reality, represent THEIR views, not the peoples. Doesn't matter whom you vote for, you get the same result.

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