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Collection: Modules


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Thanks for apreciation, and you're welcome :)


After a quick parsing... and just out of curiosity, why do you have 2 glock86 mods installed?

I'm not sure how well Vivid Weather works with NacX, though I heared it works for some people.

A crash to desktop (instead of loading into the game) is usualy an indication of missing masters, it has been reported that Vortex - sometimes - has issues to reckognize that.


Have a nice weekend.

Just as an FYI. I found the issue. I've run into a ba2 archive limit. Going through and combining a bunch of the ba2s in order to resolve the issue.

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  • 3 weeks later...


First thank you for your approach. We all have different tastes and this works much better over 300-400 mods dropped at once and wondering what's going on.


My main goal is to have the game have the best visual fidelity possible. (Whats the point of 64 gbs ram and a 3070 if you don't use it?)


For the texture modules do they cover everything, except bodies?

I like realistic physics like the hair moving in Witcher 3 and over modern games. Is that available?


Willing to give some support. Enjoy your break.

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  • 2 weeks later...


First thank you for your approach. We all have different tastes and this works much better over 300-400 mods dropped at once and wondering what's going on.


My main goal is to have the game have the best visual fidelity possible. (Whats the point of 64 gbs ram and a 3070 if you don't use it?)


For the texture modules do they cover everything, except bodies?

I like realistic physics like the hair moving in Witcher 3 and over modern games. Is that available?


Willing to give some support. Enjoy your break.


That was exactly my take on it, we all have different tastes, and the modular approach also helps to "switch" easily between a - lets say - FPS and/or building or even a RP approach.

It also helps to avoid possible (well, figure out) mod conflicts, since noone can cover all conflicts, not with those 100k+ mods available! ;)


Yes, the game (well, mods too) handle object and body textures "differently", as for each of them mods are "specialized".

For one, there are a multitude of different body mods, each of which has a multitude of different skin mods. I have modules covereing CBBE (the classic) and FusionGirl (which recently have become by new favorite).

Of course, they represent my personal preferences.


For a general texture overhaul there are 2 different module collections, a 1+2k and a HD one, however, I would recomend the latter (HD) only if you play with 1440+.


Since I have a low-med range computer/gpu, I did not bother looking for one (hair animation).

However, I wanted to buy a new GPU within this/next month, so maybe (I urge the maybe) I'll add a hair-animation mod in the future.


Hope this helps, have a nice weekend! :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wanted to say thanks for these easy to setup collections for Fallout, or at least if I was using Windows 10-11 it would be easy, but on Linux it was a pain as certain mods (bodyslide, F4SE plugins, MCM) were causing trouble for me. Additionally, Vortex had some hiccups.

But after a couple of hours getting everything to work in harmony, I now have a stable modded Fallout.


Thank you for these collections as without them I would of probably had an even harder time!

My Specs

SteamTinkerLaunch Proton 6.3-8f

OS: Manjaro Linux


CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core

GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti


RAM: 32 GB

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Hey, I've been using your modules and I've been enjoying it. However, it seems like lights aren't acting as they're supposed to; I tried looking through ENB settings but im unfamiliar with it and didn't have any luck. The lights above and inside the door are great examples of the lights being blindingly bright.

The modules I'm using are: 0 (NAC X), 1, 2 (1+2k), 4 (NAC X), 10 (CBBE), 11, and 16.




Edited by beastlybrayden
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Wanted to say thanks for these easy to setup collections for Fallout, or at least if I was using Windows 10-11 it would be easy, but on Linux it was a pain as certain mods (bodyslide, F4SE plugins, MCM) were causing trouble for me. Additionally, Vortex had some hiccups.


But after a couple of hours getting everything to work in harmony, I now have a stable modded Fallout.


Thank you for these collections as without them I would of probably had an even harder time!

My Specs

SteamTinkerLaunch Proton 6.3-8f

OS: Manjaro Linux


CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core

GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti


RAM: 32 GB

Great to hear its working for you on Gnu + Linux!

Im using Manjaro myself, its a great distro.


I would have been surprised if it would have been running "out of the box" on a linux system though 😁😄😉

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Hey, I've been using your modules and I've been enjoying it. However, it seems like lights aren't acting as they're supposed to; I tried looking through ENB settings but im unfamiliar with it and didn't have any luck. The lights above and inside the door are great examples of the lights being blindingly bright.

The modules I'm using are: 0 (NAC X), 1, 2 (1+2k), 4 (NAC X), 10 (CBBE), 11, and 16.





You are looking straight into spotlights though. :D

For a better comparision, could you please head a little back to RR, and then go ahead to Goodneighbhor and compare your view with these 2 screenshots from the spoiler?

Because I currently have no profile with an active SS2.




Module 00 - NAC X:



Module 04 - NAC X:





But basicly, I have to say it, it looks like I would expect it to.

However, you could press CTRL + ENTER (or END if you did not enable my supplied preconfig) to enter the ENB settings and "play" with the effects on the lower left until you're satisfied.

Edited by Sephrajin
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Loving the collection. Most comprehensive one out there.

Quick question, when using Module 4 : Weather: NAC X is it possible to also use TrueStorms? the mod not the collection. Couldn't find an answer to this, sorry if it has been answered.


No, the NAC X mod does handle weather and night by itself and declares itself incompatible with any other such mod (weather/night) which includes TrueStorms and DarkerNights.

But since the "NAC X weather" mods are not required as such, I made it its own collection.

Edited by Sephrajin
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