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Funniest kill


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Ever since I managed to get 102% chance of absorb spell, my Paladin's become a real jerk when in Oblivion.


He'll stand in the middle of the Sigil room, and absorb the fire there, and every daedra in the room will just run into the fire and burn to death.

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Once, I used 100% chameleon, and I attacked the guards in Imperial City MD, and then they ran to the statue of the emperor, and they started to threaten it! xD Then a person went to them, and said: Oh, hello.



And once, I used TGM (cheat) and duplicated millions of daedras in Chorrol, and then I made them all aggressive. Then I somehow managed to get all the guards to stand behind the daedras, and then I tossed a BIG fireball at the daeadras, and they flew backwards, and landed on the guards. Guess what? The daeadras and the guards, died...



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This happened yesterday


I was going to Hawkheaven to test out a mod or 2.I had also installed "alyield meteoric iron weapons mod" ( i was there to test OTHER mods) But the author had also added several creatures of different types,wielding the said weapons.Since baddies of different types hate each other,an epic fight started.And one of the Hawkheaven NPCs joined.Bones were flying,bodies were falling,Magic and everything.Good thing i was invisible.In the end there was only ONE survivor - a gloom wraith with a alyield scimitar,his prize - me whooppin' his undead butt.The NPC that joined earlier won 2nd prize for his bravery,he won a resurrection from me (cheat).All in all it was quite amusing.

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I've had my fair share of cliff accidents, self-traps and lava-swimming, but the two stories that top the list are as follows:



Story #1:

I walked into an Oblivion gate and started doing my thing ('my thing' being killing everything in sight). I eventually found a Dremora caster (who we all know are freakin' marathon runners) who decided that the safest place would be the middle of the main tower.


He was right - In my zeal to hack him down, I drew the attention of at least 7 other Dremora along the way. After fighting as many as I could, I ran out of potions/magicka. Knowing my limit, I ran until I came to a door and went through it. This particular door was one to a walkway to a lesser tower. I knew I hadn't cleared out that tower yet, so I didn't bother to move forward.


Suddenly, I noticed a Dremora 'door phasing' to my right. I raised my claymore to block when I realised something - To either side of me was nothing but air.


Once phased, the Dremora plummeted down I-don't-know-how-far to his death. So followed his 4 surviving brethren as they tried to chase me through the door. I spent the next five minutes laughing so hard my magicka had regenerated enough to heal up and finish closing the gate.



Story #2:

So I entered this Oblivion gate (see a pattern yet?) and proceeded to do many painful things to many, many Deadra. I wound up on another of the aforementioned pathways between the main tower and the lesser 'gate' towers. Somehow, someway and to this day I have no idea how, I'd been noticed by one Dremora. He happened to be on a separate pathway from mine. Not expecting an attack, I was hit with a damage spell. I turned to the direction it came from and saw the Dremora charge towards me.


He charged DIRECTLY towards me, with a large amount of airspace between our separate walkways.


I'm absolutely certain he did not survive the plummet.





Edit: missed a crucial detail regarding actually going through a door and one regarding the differences between gates, towers and gate towers.

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I was jumping around in the imperial city market district and shooting arrows upp in the air with a cheat bow i had doen, it was in the middle of the day so there where a lot of npcs there.

Then i stopped and was thinking "Hey wtf shouldn't the arrows come down?"

and just when i thought that 8 arrows came down from the sky and killed 5 npcs.


I was pretty high lvl and i had a cheat bow that shoot arrows really fast.



and i remember once when the guards killed the adoring fan for no reason. 4 guards running around after the adoring fan.

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I was using the deadly reflex mod and testing out the new things it added. I slit the throat of a beggar in Bruma and was of course noticed by the guards. I resisted arrest. About 10 of them were there in a few seconds. I was standing high up where none of them would be able to reach me. At this point i thought "I wonder what the spell criticals look like", so i launched a large area frost spell at the small army, it froze them all. So i preceded to shatter them all. A minute later, a single guard came out of nowhere, went down on the ground and said "Oh my god, are you alright?" to the shattered peices. I laughed for a while and finaly got my ass kicked by the guard. I totaled more than 10000 gold in bounty.
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Haha yeah, deadly reflex makes for some awesome moments. I was on a murdering spree, in the middle of killing a man's sleeping wife, when he walks in the door. He watches me for a minute, looks at me, looks at his wife, looks back at me... and runs away like he'd just seen a demon. I'm chasing this guy all throughout town, getting the occasional whack in (out of arrows from using people as pincushions/testing crits), while he's screaming bloody murder and alerting guards left and right. I eventually killed him, but not before he'd alerted enough guards to ensure my own death would follow his shortly after.


I could've left him alone, but where's the fun in that?

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deadly reflex makes for some awesome moments.

Yeah, it really does. One time I decapitated a bandit, but he somehow stayed alive. It was really funny to watch him running around without his head. :P

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Yesterday while testing a weapon, the badit in the IC market district sewer fighted me. He didn't stand a chance and maybe he realized that as he had very low health and he stepped in the burning fire i died. Sort of a suicide.
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funninest kill was killing the adoring fan in a doorway then shutting the door watching a spaz atiick happen on him


i found his head and his arm streched to the other side of Battle horn hallway opened the door AFs head and arm goes back to where it should be and he goes flyin into my guard captain i am shocked he didnt die hehe


Sword Devil

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