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He's probably right. As a single player rpg, creating an economy and world to support a character focused on crafting is pretty much impossible. WoW's system works because the crafter can easily find a market for their items. As well as getting good character interaction with other players, feeling like they're actually playing a story of their own. The same can't be done with NPCs, the interaction won't be the same at all, and won't be as appealing.


Also, a MMORPG is much less story focused than a single player rpg, so they can get away with it. A MMORPG player who focuses on crafting doesn't have a main story to lose, since the "story" is focused around interactions with living players. Doing the same in a single player rpg results in a very limited experience, missing the whole point of the game.


There's also the question of interest. Features don't come free. Including a full crafting system would be a huge time demand, especially if it comes with the NPC interaction to support it. Is it worth either adding months to the development time or sacrificing other features, to satisfy a tiny minority of the players? No.

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Crafting would be a good idea if they managed to pull it off correctly, i meen like after i beet morrowind there wasnt much to do, lol, i would like the idea of not having to depend upon fighting as your main source of income, lol, i would rather like to beet the game, and then retire as a fisherman or something.




yours sincerely

Luthiel Dragonsoul

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Somehow I don't think either of those are going to happen. As Peregrine has explained, it would take too much time to do something that would appeal to only a certain amount of people. Plus, the game is likley going to be more combat based, since BethSoft is spending so much time and effort on the combat system.
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I understand the fact that it probably wont happen but dont you think they mine as well leave it up to the player, like if i wanted an rpg, i would want an RPG, i meen like imatating the normal every day things of real life.





yours sincerely

Luthiel Dragonsoul

1. Building swords and armour isn't part of everyday life. Nor was it in the medieval times, and I can assure you it's not in the world of Tamriel.


2. With BethSoft's decision to make this game mainstream, I can guarantee you that they won't "imitate the normal everyday things of real life." If I wanted ot cook a steak, I'd go cook one in real life.


3. Since when did game developers leave decision-making to the gamers? It's not like I can say, "Bethesda - I want the game this way," and they'd say, "OK. Whatever the public wants."


Rud's right - someone will mod Oblivion to include crafting. It's near-inevitable.

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Crafting within an MMORPG can often be fun and rewarding. I was one of the wealthiest characters in EQ2 for over a month due to my monopoloy on Tier 3 spell scrolls in the market. However, the same cannot be said for a single-player game where there's no player base. Being the wealthiest is no more rewarding or beneficial that being the norm in most cases. Lets face it, there was never a problem with aquiring money in Morrowind...


...That said, Morrowind did have a minute amount of crafting in the shape of enchanting. Its possible Bethsoft may expand on enchanting to make it more difficult, possibly skill based (i.e. a chance of you failing, or making the item less beneficial, or alternatively you could ace the process and end up with a better item than first anticipated) yet if they're going to do a system, they're going to do it to the full. And I can't see that happening.

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