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Who does your character worship?


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Elven Long Bow

Itami Katana

Nose Ring of Power (to rule them all and in the darkness bind them)

Beauty as such


Race: Mirkwood Elf





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Name of you character: Criminal Scum


Weapon or Weapons of your character: Sword of burning c****, Sword of freezing c****, Sword of shocking c**** (all custom enchanted templar swords)


Head Slot: dread knight helm (retextured version)


Upper Body Slot: as above


Hand Slot: as above


Lower Body Slot:as above


Back Slot (Cape): Cape Of Immunity (custom enchanted black cape)


Feet Slot: as above


Amulet Slot: amulet of god (500pts speed, 500pts strength)


Class: Battlemage


Birthsign: atronach




The person they worship: NO ONE

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Name of you character: Jenrai Venom


Weapon or Weapons of your character: Jenrai's Vicious Hearts Shortswords (Pair - modified from Gizmodian's wicked Vicious Heart weapon mod to a pure Ebony Black with blood red trim (at least that was the idea. Looks a bit funked at the moment. Work in progress)


Head Slot: Varies. Usually rather dark, though.


Upper Body Slot: As above.


Hand Slot: As above.


Lower Body Slot: As above.


Back Slot (Cape): Cape of Shadows. Modified from the excellent Hem's capes for FCOM.


Feet Slot: Usually nothing, as it happens. Occasionally Mithril or Black Leather boots. He's a sneaky critter, inspite of being rather powerful. And regardless of how lightfooted one is, sneaking around in a 60lb pair of plate steel boots is highly unrealistic. That said, I suppose portraying an Ancient Elven Sorcerer Male Vampire in a world overran by Daedra and nutjub Paladins is realistic anyway? Nope... didn't think so.


Amulet Slot: Cape. Because I modded an amulet slot one instead of a tail slot one because I'm a nugget.


Class: Demon Knight - Created by the Ayelids to guard a "prison realm" of sorts. Long story. Also a mod that I'm working on but not real likely to ever see the light of day (hey, I never claimed I was good at this stuff)


Birthsign: You know, I don't think I can remember... ho hum. Thief, probably. My toons usually are.


Race: Ancient Elven Sorcerer. Male. Somewhat Vampiric - helps him survive in the, to coin a phrase, "void of the real".


The person they worship: The Ayelids as they were his creators. And he kinda hates every living thing in the realm of Tamriel as a result of their disappearance. But he hates the Daedra more - "They're leathery as cow, look like hell and taste like burnt mudcrab! how many times do I have to tell you idiots I don't eat BLOODY DAEDRA! ... go find me a nice wood elf to chew on or something..."


Happy Hunting.


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Name of you character: Az'kaa (yes I know that sounds Khajit - he's a breton)

Weapon or Weapons of your character: The ayleid shortsword from OOO (it has a hard name)

Head Slot: Crimson cloak or nothing

Upper Body Slot: Shadowmail cuirass (OOO)

Ring Slot(s): none

Hand Slot: Blood Leather Gauntlets or Shadowmail Gauntlets (Both OOO)

Lower Body Slot: Shadowmail Greaves (again, OOO)

Back Slot (Cape): none

Feet Slot: Blood Leather Boots or Shadowmail Boots (ooo)

Amulet Slot: None.

Class: Selfmade - Blade, Marksman, Acrobatics, Athletics, Mercantile, Security, Sneak

Birthsign: Steed

Race: Breton

The person they worship: None

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Name of you character: Illwen


Weapon or Weapons of your character: Daedric Longsword, Daedric Dagger, Daedric Bow, Daedric Arrows


Head Slot: none


Upper Body Slot: Deadric Light Cuirass (this mod: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=17247)


Hand Slot: Deadric Light Gauntlets


Lower Body Slot: Deadric Light Greaves


Back Slot (Cape): none


Feet Slot: Daedric Light Boots


Amulet Slot: Oblivion Triple Ruby (http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=13360)


Class: Dremora Kynmarcher(blade, destruction)/Bosmer Marksmen(light armor, marksman, alchemy)


Birthsign: Warrior


Race: half Bosmer half Dremora


The person they worship: Lord Dagon of course! :tongue:



Here she is:




I have a story going on with her, I like to roleplay :smile:

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Name of you character: Corinna Earthsong


Weapon or Weapons of your character: Nicos Gift, Blackluster Bow


Head Slot: N/A


Upper Body Slot: Black wisteria


Hand Slot: Black wisteria


Lower Body Slot: Black wisteria


Back Slot (Cape):N/A


Feet Slot: Black wisteria


Amulet Slot: Ancient towers tiara


Class: (Custom) Ranger (char is one of my chars from guild wars)


Birthsign: The Thief


Race: Abriael Human


The person they worship: Kynareth

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Im a fantasy author by IRW and I spend waaay more time than is healthy on my characters, here are a few of my favorites, starting with my main:


name: Vindekarre


race: ayleid elf female


class: custom revised battlemage. heavy armour, blade and combat magic




body armour(both have set bonuses): mythic ninja or heavily enchanted skingrad ceremonial(like daedric, but with elaborate black and grey details, and blood red trim)


head: usualy nothing, as I spent 2 hours struggling with the aweful customisation options in order to make her as good or better looking than most or all custom races, Im not gonna cover that, but when need be, deathmask and hood.


jewelery: various rings and amulets-I re equip depending on what Im fighting, so this changes frequently, aside from my usualy red dawn cape(hemingway's mythic dawn cloak with 20 shield, 40 hp and 40 magicka)


signiature weapons: darksplitter: enchanted double ended glaive, white fire effect. pitiless justice: enchanted daedric crossbow, firing fire bolts. pax exterminatus: apophis claymore with aoe damage. unholy devourer: customised umbra, replaces soultrap with magicka absorbtion. and lastly blackfang: custom schiavona broadsword, huge damage but no enchantment


worships: morgoth, khaine


Vin is a dark themed 'anti-paladin' black armoured, ruthless and emotionless, but generaly on the side of the greater good, makes for a very fun character to play as when added with the right mods.




race: vampire(xenius)


class: necromancer


armor: black daedric chestplate over black robes, large black cape and hood


weapons: magic, primarily necromancy and destruction, with some paralyze aswell. other than that: wyrmfang: dagger that paralyzes and attracts undead, useful more as a zombie targeting device than an actual weapon. Pariah: black scythe with drains and aoe direct damage. blood for the blood god: barbed mace, makes quite a mess. drains and absorbs HP. staff of reanimation. plaguemace: basicaly a skull on a stick, this has some NASTY damage attribute powers, which when they stack up, are almost unbeatable, my only god item


worships: khorne, nurgle, tzeench


named after an evil sorceress from the world of Warhammer, and with a guild wars necro/warhammer chaos theme, morgana is a psychotic necromancer who's ambition is simply to amass as much power as possible, with no political motivation, no sense of empathy, and no qualms about killing an entire city and reviving them as zombies, she is evil, nasty and not especialy good at anything other than making zombies, but so fun to play as I hardly care

I'd add some screenies too but Im not sure how-Im not normaly able to in any game aside from an MMO

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Name: Sinia


Weapon: Soulshade Dragons Fire, Bepher, Dreadweave Axe, or a Druidic Axe recolored red/silver.


Head Slot: Nothing.


Upper Body Slot: Avalanche princess


Hand Slot: See upper body slot


Lower Body Slot: See upper body slot


Back Slot (Cape): Lady Death Cape


Feet Slot: See upper body slot


Amulet Slot: Cruelty's Heart


Class: Nightblade


Birthsign: The Shadow


Race: Void Wanderer


God: None

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Character: Felicia

Weapon: elven long sword(cloned to have her name

Armor: dianos blue

elven shield(cloned for added health and a bit of extra defense)

Jewelry: amulet of all healing to maintain her 8 main stats unless being stealthy then the amulet of you no see me(i crafted both 1 is cloned from a blue amulet kinda looks like amulet of kings the other was from dream world amulet)

Class: i made my own

Birth sign: lady

Religion:Azura because she seemed like 1 of the best gods in Morrowind then again could just be she was keeping an eye out for the Nerevarine


i came up with a theory that involves her and the Nerevarine from Morrowind and uses the Telvanni for proof after looking at the politics and history of Morrowind


ok here is goes Azura is the Nerevarine's mother my evidence is Telvanni use treachery all the time to kill each other then the Nerevarine's so called buddies kill him and Azura gets pissed if she doesn't care about the Telvanni pulling the same crap then she must be his mother

Edited by chet
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