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*RANT* How The BoS Is Disgraced In FNV


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So I was going along with Mr. House's plan since he seems like a nice guy who has honest motives and intentions, and no personal stake at all. Until he told me to kill the BoS and my jaw dropped. How could I possibly betray my fellow brothers from fallout 3? They saved the lives of countless wastelanders, protected others in times of need, and helped save the purifier from mass genocide. Mr. House gave no good reasons or explanations for their need to be eliminated, and wouldn't even talk about negotiating with them. So I promptly exited the conversation, opened up House's bio-chamber, and falcon punched him to oblivion with my saturnite fist super heated.


After doing that, I went over to greet the BoS. They were caged in a bunker for their own protection, had me wear a slave collar to do their bidden until they sufficiently trusted me, and told me very casually that their normal procedure was to just kill trespassers for their own benefit and security, and the only reason the ncr ranger living in the bunker and me weren't dead is because they thought it would be nice to have a liaison to the outside world, and wanted to test me by getting the ncr ranger to either leave or die. Not to mention after every turn from the beginning of the confrontations with the BoS to meeting their elder, each BoS member didn't hesitate to remind me that if it wouldn't have been for the elder's request to see me, they'd have gladly and quickly put a bullet in my head.


This is such a disgrace to what the BoS stands for and how they have been portrayed in previous games such as fallout 3. I understand making them a minimal part of FNV because it's a separate game that wants it's own story and characters, not relying on past factions. I get it. But you, Bethesda, didn't need to do it like this, by making them a small, pathetic, moronic faction of weaklings who somehow have no moral compass or sense of judgement when it comes to killings and logical reasoning. This just makes a Mockery of what they stand for.


Bringing them back as small easter egg characters and maybe a small group of BoS members who wander the mohave and help people whenever they see people who need help would have been sufficient and a good homage to them. Not making them this pathetic group of people. After experiencing their disgusting claims of being BoS and realizing they were nothing but impostors who were tarnishing the name, I blew their bunker sky high and let them all be burred alive to never be seen or heard from again, as to never tarnish their reputation.



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I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that you haven't played any of the earlier fallout games. The brotherhood of steel are NOT the knights in shining armor that FO3 made them out to be, they care about one thing and one thing only, tech. If you have it, they want it, if you won't give it to them, they'll kill you and take it. in Fallout one they send you off on a suicide mission when you first meet them. not in a "This is our only chance at survival and you're our last hope" sorta way, but in a "you're annoying, go die a horrific death from radiation poisoning" sort of way.


In reality, it's the FO3's version of the brotherhood that's the disgrace. The outcast were the true BOS in that game. They're actually portrayed correctly in New Vegas, they don't care about people, it's the tech that's important to them.

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I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that you haven't played any of the earlier fallout games. The brotherhood of steel are NOT the knights in shining armor that FO3 made them out to be, they care about one thing and one thing only, tech. If you have it, they want it, if you won't give it to them, they'll kill you and take it. in Fallout one they send you off on a suicide mission when you first meet them. not in a "This is our only chance at survival and you're our last hope" sorta way, but in a "you're annoying, go die a horrific death from radiation poisoning" sort of way.


In reality, it's the FO3's version of the brotherhood that's the disgrace. The outcast were the true BOS in that game. They're actually portrayed correctly in New Vegas, they don't care about people, it's the tech that's important to them.

are you talking about the quest when you have to go to west tek research facility (the glow)?

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I'd hate to break it to you...but Josh here is 100% correct. The only reason the FO3 brotherhood is full of so many good-guy-greggs is because Elder Lyons was a pretty good guy, taking pity after seeing what was happening to the wasteland (I think their previous campaign in The Pitt also inspired him in his decision...) Its noted throughout the entire game that the Outcasts are indeed the true brotherhood, and theyre no different from NV's (or any previous fallout's) BoS. Theyre a bunch of Xenophobic techno-philes. As cliche'd as everyone makes them out to be, I truly loved Lyon's Pride (Its the elite group led by his daughter that has this designation, but I like to call the entire chapter that, who wouldn't be prideful of those wonderful white-knights led by that wonderful old man?), but the closest thing you're getting to that in New Vegas is Veronica Santangelo, a member that actually has progressive ideas that involve helping others, but seeing as you blew up the bunker, I guess she hates your guts now. But hey, if you hate the brotherhood now, youll hate them even more if you do her quest. I can sympathize with you, I like to think Lyon's Pride is the wasteland's last good hope for a good future (Compared to the NCR, Legion, Followers, or Enclave [if theyre still around, that is]) I like to RP, taking over the dam and Vegas to give that chapter a good foothold in the west, but other than that, I guess NV is pretty disappoint when it comes to trying to be as good a good guy you can be.

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Pretty much what everyone else has said: What you're seeing in FNV is really the true BoS. The Capital Wasteland BoS that you saw in FO3 was technically not what the original BoS stood for. Hence why the Brotherhood Outcasts exists in the first place: They wanted to stick with the original ideals of the BoS, not the new ideals for the Capital Wasteland BoS. Thus the split.

Edited by dangman4ever
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And its been set up that the deviant Brotherhood chapters are the only one that can or will survive.If the world recovers, the BOS has to adapt or be crushed by a recovering American Wasteland. The truce in NV with NCR is really about the NV chapter going rouge. Because the BOS as it became is toast. The Midwest and East Coast chapters shed their xenophobia and became powerhouses, the West Coast clung to theirs and was destroyed bit by bit by NCR.

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I think the Outcasts role and the Brotherhood's role should have been reversed, it would have made more sense. I don't like the Brotherhood, in the end they're no different than the Enclave, the only thing that is different is that they don't commit genocide but then again they're not real fond of ghouls or super mutants. Their whole purpose is a farce, they claim to "preserve" and "protect" technology from others so that they do not kill themselves, but really what makes them any more morally correct to take this position. The Brotherhood is certainly not above using its technology to defend its interests. FO3's BoS was over equipped as well, I doubt the California Brotherhood would have been able to wage war with mutants and the Enclave, the NCR was the nation who fought the Enclave, not the Brotherhood, and this was in California, the supposed hub of Brotherhood operations.


I agree with House, the Legion and NCR, they need to be wiped out. Either, they change their "codex" or they will die out. It is ridiculous, seriously, even the Legion has more allies than they do. Everyone in New Vegas hates them.

Edited by ArgusMercenarySCCT
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The reason the legitimate BoS called themselves outcasts was to insult Lyons, as anyone with a right mind could tell that Lyon's group were the actual "outcasts."

I think the Outcasts role and the Brotherhood's role should have been reversed, it would have made more sense.

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The reason the legitimate BoS called themselves outcasts was to insult Lyons, as anyone with a right mind could tell that Lyon's group were the actual "outcasts."


You misunderstood my post. What I'm trying to say is that the Outcasts should have been the ones who wanted to help out people while the actual BoS should have stuck to its principles. I'm sure some people in the BoS would want to help the wasteland. The actual real, FO1, FO2 and New Vegas BoS(or the outcasts I guess) should have been the ones holding the Pentagon while the other group should have been much smaller, since usually the majority of the BoS favors what the New Vegas BoS, it is uncharacteristic that the majority of a BoS chapter would want to help out the wasteland.

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