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Seriously, how in DENIAL is everyone on these forums?


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at I just said but in different words).

I somewhat agree with OP, after reinstalling Skyrim after a 2 month break (save descended into chaos) I was very careful about what mods I installed, I've only used 2k textures, limited the FPS to 40, left out a load of scripted mods (Enhanced Blood Textures, Wet & Cold, SkyTEST, Real Wildlife, Player Headtracking, Footprints, BFS Effects) and experienced a CTD before even making it out of Helgen Keep :confused:

Lol. you know that 2k textures are one the fastest way to get a ctd if you run out vram? - like i can make skyrim super unstable with nothing but pure texture mods . yep maybe if bethesda wrote better memory manager you wouldnt have ctd (it would still slow down and stutter though), but there is also simpler solution - like being slightly aware of the resources skyrim and mods you apply use and moderate them accordingly. or if you can bother with that - just run vanilla, if that isnt stable there are more issues with your system than skyrim or its mods

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at I just said but in different words).

I somewhat agree with OP, after reinstalling Skyrim after a 2 month break (save descended into chaos) I was very careful about what mods I installed, I've only used 2k textures, limited the FPS to 40, left out a load of scripted mods (Enhanced Blood Textures, Wet & Cold, SkyTEST, Real Wildlife, Player Headtracking, Footprints, BFS Effects) and experienced a CTD before even making it out of Helgen Keep :confused:

Lol. you know that 2k textures are one the fastest way to get a ctd if you run out vram?


Yep. HD 2K is one of the largest possible causes of CTDs, especially the full version. It devours memory and *will* cause crashes eventually. The amount of time you can play without crashes with HD texture mods depends on system specs, how many scripts are running, and how many cells you enter/exit.

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What i miss in general is the mentioning of ini-changes people make. Those are the worst as people just change their system after googling and making all kinds of mixed adjustments in them without actually knowing what the effect will be. Even with the cleanest loadorder those are a guarantee for unpredictable CTDs. People make those changes PLUS they install mods - so its impossible to offer any decent advice anyways. For good reasons i send people to the STEP pages - has worked for me everytime i had trouble myself.

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Agreeing with DJF23 here, Linkjoy does raise some valid points - that he renders unpalatable with the tone of his post. Someone else here said that 'reinstalling the game is NOT fixing it!' it is throwing the damned thing away and putting a new one in it's place. I think they were banned but their point stands. When you advise people to reinstall you are saying it is unrepairable! Whether it is rendered so by the user messing with it or running afoul of it's abundant flaws doesn't make a bit of difference.


But that in turn doesn't change the fact that for all it's flaws, for most of us here, it's the only game in town :yes:


Re-installing the game is a perfectly valid course of action because it allows for more accurate troubleshooting with a vanilla install. As another poster wrote, with mods there are too many variables involved, so eliminating those from the equation immediately helps troubleshooting be 10x more effective since it rules out mods by default and then leaves other areas to focus on e.g. OS, hardware, etc.



Abandoning a sinking ship is also a perfectly valid course of action. though it normaly leads to hard questions being asked of the person in charge. But deliberatly sinking the ship to get rid of the rats in the hold?


In response to comments about re-installing the OS, I still use XP because I know it very very well therefore have a firm grasp of the variables, and it is offline all of the time! (internet = Linux) consequentally with regular maintainence I don't need to re-install it from one year to the next.

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1. Improperly installed mods. (Read the install directions. I know its difficult, but give it a shot. And NOW is the time to ask, not later)


And another thing, I admire and appreciate the amazing work done by the gifted individuals here, but would it kill anyone to INCLUDE A README with the mod? The same discription that you already wrote for the Nexus page - in the .rar because not everyone uses the mod manager y'know. Some of us download to a seperate machine, transfer the (inspected) files and manually install.


It would help so much, thank you.

Edited by SayinNuthin
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1. Improperly installed mods. (Read the install directions. I know its difficult, but give it a shot. And NOW is the time to ask, not later)


And another thing, I admire and appreciate the amazing work done by the gifted individuals here, but would it kill anyone to INCLUDE A README with the mod? The same discription that you already wrote for the Nexus page - in the .rar because not everyone uses the mod manager y'know. Some of us download to a seperate machine, transfer the (inspected) files and manually install.


It would help so much, thank you.


Exactly that is a filter criteria not to install a mod for me personally. If i feel a description is lacking basic info i personally require or there isnt any decent readme included i simply dont install that mod. Mods are free to download and use - there is no one forcing anyone to install something one isnt comfortable with. If i replace something in my car and go for the cheap undocumented part for my engine i wouldnt expect it to run as well as something from a trusted dealer. Modders come in different flavors - as any human beings. Some just throw their stuff out to make it available - others take pride in their work and document and support mid to long term. I personally know which group i prefer and which mods i install due to that - does my Skyrim look worse than others due to that? Do i have less fun? I dont think so actually - the lack of documentation in other peoples work actually motivated me to start modding for myself and due to the good documentation of those preferred modders i learned a lot about my personal system.

Edited by dwiss
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I personally Do have a lot of CTD problems, But I have never created a thread to address that what I usally do is look at all the threads that solved peoples CTDs and then try to fix mine, instead of making the forums full of CTD threads.


felt the same until I started using uExterior Cell Buffer=24 ( defaults at 36 ) in the Skyrim INI. For years i thought the mods or the scripts or the engine were faulty. I no longer crash and have developed a different view of the game as a result.


The only other adjustment Ive made is not using random alternate start mod and replacing the predator script with one I found posted online as it was stated to maybe be a culprit in some of the exterior cells crashes.


So I no longer see Bethesda's engine as bunk BUT only because I do not experience any CTD's.


As a note Im using SkyRe, Frostfall, 2K maxed textures, and ASIS with aggressive spawns. Stable as a rock. All of this happened after switching uExterior Cell Buffer to a value of 24.


Wow, That is amazing I actually made my uExterior Cell Buffer to 24 and I have not had CTD since thanks for that tip that really solved a lot of problems I cant belive its as simple as that. For all this time I have been constantly cleaning mods optimizing mods deleting them and other stuff but really I cant belive that fixed my CTD problems. Thanks!


I really agree with what other people has said here, No game in this world is perfect Skyrim does have a lot of problems but I dissagree with the OP I have never crashed, never CTD at all with Vanilla Skyrim.

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at I just said but in different words).

I somewhat agree with OP, after reinstalling Skyrim after a 2 month break (save descended into chaos) I was very careful about what mods I installed, I've only used 2k textures, limited the FPS to 40, left out a load of scripted mods (Enhanced Blood Textures, Wet & Cold, SkyTEST, Real Wildlife, Player Headtracking, Footprints, BFS Effects) and experienced a CTD before even making it out of Helgen Keep :confused:

Lol. you know that 2k textures are one the fastest way to get a ctd if you run out vram? - like i can make skyrim super unstable with nothing but pure texture mods . yep maybe if bethesda wrote better memory manager you wouldnt have ctd (it would still slow down and stutter though), but there is also simpler solution - like being slightly aware of the resources skyrim and mods you apply use and moderate them accordingly. or if you can bother with that - just run vanilla, if that isnt stable there are more issues with your system than skyrim or its mods


I have 4GB in VRAM alone, that shouldn't be any problem to me at all.

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Abandoning a sinking ship is also a perfectly valid course of action. though it normaly leads to hard questions being asked of the person in charge. But deliberatly sinking the ship to get rid of the rats in the hold?


If the game is a ship, then the rats are Bethesda's own oversights and mistakes. They're not the problem. The problem is the faulty traps the captain installed to handle the rats, along with the bouncy castle, the ball pit, the go-kart track, and anything else he recklessly added to keep himself entertained. Now there's just so much crap in there that even he doesn't remember where it all went, and even with the best of tools it's impossible to get it all out. If he wants to start with a bare ship again then he's gotta sink this one, claim the insurance money, and get himself a new one.

Edited by Hyacathusarullistad
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I have 4GB in VRAM alone, that shouldn't be any problem to me at all.


Guess again.


Skyrim's engine mirrors VRAM to RAM. And, once it hits the infamous 3.1 GB limit, your game will crash. So yeah, it is a problem for you as well.

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