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Fix for vine physics in dungeons causing massive lag?

Guest deleted2027229

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Guest deleted2027229

Anyone else had FPS problems in dungeons when the physics of vines goes haywire? I.e. vines just dancing all over the place. Is there a fix for it?

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Guest deleted2027229

Do you know if the fix would have been mesh replacers or would it have been record edits in the CS?


*edit... looked at the UOP readme.... I guess I'd like to know how to fix the "twitchy" roots... preferably from within the CS as opposed to editing meshes.

Edited by WanderRA
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*edit... looked at the UOP readme.... I guess I'd like to know how to fix the "twitchy" roots... preferably from within the CS as opposed to editing meshes.


Within CS you can only select a mesh and what and when the plant produce something. However, most problems with physics are from high FPS - what display refresh are you using when running Oblivion? You could try to change some time related settings in Oblivion.ini - for Havok it could be fMaxTime (default at 0.0167), lower value will slow things like how quickly will the dead fall to the ground etc. You can also look, if something didn't change other time related settings like fAnimationMult (default at 1.0000).

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Do you know if the fix would have been mesh replacers or would it have been record edits in the CS?


*edit... looked at the UOP readme.... I guess I'd like to know how to fix the "twitchy" roots... preferably from within the CS as opposed to editing meshes.


I'm not sure if the fix would have been a mesh fix and then replacement but that seems the most likely to me. I'll be home late Wednesday and if I think of it I'll have a look at what meshes the UOP includes (just means checking the extracted UOP download).

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I have that bug fixes installed and it does not help. I do dislike those roots and vines myself, not that I have LAG issues with them. But if you get LAG, want to get rid of it, just recall to a tiny cell and stay there 3s and recall back. My tent is a good cell to use for this. https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/52047

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