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FaceGen Editor Crash

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I remember having this problem with Fallout 3 where the Construction Set would crash upon loading FaceGen.


This only happens with the New TES Construction Set, the old Construction Set works fine but its unable to edit .esp that were modified by the New TES Construction Set.


This is recent, as the CS worked and I edited or created many faces, so I don't know what causes it to crash. I have tried the common "fixes" such as clicking the preview check among others.

Edited by DiegoReyes1995
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CS crash when you push the first TAB before you PUSH the second TAB of the 2 face TABS. So Push the last one first, containing all the details and that is a common CS issue as far as I know. This issue does not exist in CSE so try it out really. If you use ENB, I have a fix for it, 2 different BAT files I made, that turn off unwanted SCE files when playing the game as it loads ALL DLL's in the Oblivion folder, no matter what it is, and when you run my CSE Batch, it turn off ENB, as CSE crash if you have the enb dll in the Oblivion folder. All dll files always gets loaded by programs asking for *.dll or if it is a common exe behaviour, I do not know honestly. All i know is that all TES gamnes and editors read all DLL's that they see and so does OBSE, SKSE and all those programs as well, well maybe only from the OBSE/Plugins folder, but the principe is the same. They act like vacuum cleaners, executing every dll... DLL = Dynamic Library L-something, consisting compiled code, made in any language really that can compile code into exe or dll.


I will lookup the dll wiki... The right name is Dynamic Link Library: https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dynamic-link_library Well it does not matter really but it will give you a clue what is going on when you start a program.


So what happens when Obivion loads and runs the CSE DLLs. it runs slower, much slower, the start up of the game gets extremely slow. So yes, you need my bat files or make you own :D

Edited by Pellape
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I actually manage to fix this issue.


I had to delete the meshes and texture Master Files and redownload them via File Verification. I think the CS eventually loses the path to the Master Files (or files inside the Master Files get corrupted) when loading FaceGen after some time using it, especially if you are constantly moving and deleting mods.

Edited by DiegoReyes1995
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I see, if you try CSE, you will never want to use CS again, ever. It has filter options for everything, even much better and smarter then the one made for Skyrim CK, which has 2 filter options. But if you only edit faces, CS will do but if you make bigger stuff, CSE is much faster and smarter to use. There is a reason it was made as CS is very clumsy and time consuming. I also dislike the white background as I want to use a dark theme, which they show here, but default, it is white as CS:




You also see the small Filter boxes in 3 of the windows. As you see, that is pointless to use when editing an object like an NPC, creature or whatever but the ability to filter out your own stuff is amassing, like in the Object, Preview, Cell window among others, even in the quest and dialogue windows, which is extremely useful. I really love those small Filter Boxes. CSE is not only Filter boxes, but those are the ones I use every time I use CSE. It also highlight all your objects and put them at top, adding that green background so it gets easy to see what is yours, and what is theirs. :D It is also more stable than CS, but I do have managed to make it crash anyway. :wink: When it crashes, it will take a backup of your current work, so you never loose anything. I think it is an option you need to set in the preferences. The backups ends up at Data\Backup\


The actual Crash backup, do get renamed, to CrashBackup.bak well something like that, so when we need the backup, we have to give it the right name and copy it back to where the original was, back to Data\ and the first time I needed the backup, I had to ask the author - WHERE THE H IS MY BACKUPS???? :wink: Well he told me almost immediately. So he do give quick support.


He do not consider the slowness of the game with his DLL's as a bug, which I do. So he closed that report I made, which was a bit annoying, but my BAT files still do a perfect job, so everything is just fine as it is. :D

Others made similar, but mine do a better job I think, renaming more files than the other is doing, to make stuff work as fast and smooth as possible.

Edited by Pellape
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