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Why do so many people NOT want Dual Wielding in the next Fallout?


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All I'm saying is it is better to have it than to not. If it's there and you don't like it, it will be VERY easy to disable with mods. If it isn't in there and you want it (majority of people will), it will be hard to put it in with mods.


Think about it.


Also, I don't think it will be for all weapons. you can't duel wield 2 giant battleaxes or 2 crossbows in Skyrim. It would be for smaller weapons and melee, like a pistol in one hand and a knife in the other.


Either way, I don't really care, but I just think the game would be more fun and more versatile for modders with it.

Edited by MostlyMuggie
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All I'm saying is it is better to have it than to not. If it's there and you don't like it, it will be VERY easy to disable with mods.

Yes, I bet a part of the game engine is easy to disable with a single plugin. Which is a reason no one was able to enable dual-wielding in current games or disable dual-wielding in Skyrim (like I tried) - all that is built into the engine, not into the masterfile.

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I don't even know how they'll handle reloading with dual-wielding. Seriously, I don't think it's possible (unless they make it so the guns are just lowered beneath screen and the sounds play, CoD style).


With that in mind, perhaps they won't make dual wielding.

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  • 1 month later...


It is much better to have it for greater mod possibilities.

Yes, as a choice, but not as a generally accepted way of using weapons. They can just build it into the engine and let modders take care of it, would be much better.


Personally, I hate when people suggest it just because it's "cool" because it's a very useless thing. Everyone thinks about how good it looks, but nobody thinks about the fact that it's a pointless exercise. Sure, it looks cool, but in a post-apocalyptic world where ammunition is scarce (unless you let Bethesda make the game, then there's ammo anywhere) you're basically wasting ammunition and a single bullet can mean the difference between life and death.


In Skyrim that works because the weapons are melee, not ranged. It's easier to handle two blades than two guns, less thinking involved, no need for precise aiming, no wasted ammo, no recoil, no empty clips, ability to dodge hits, etc.


As someone who has extensive knowledge of handling firearms, I can agree it's possible to use two weapons at the same time. Firing pistols at the same time only works if firing at stationary targets that are wide apart, moving targets are very hard to hit when you have to account for target speed and aim with two weapons at the same time, and firing at a single stationary target is a mess. Automatic weapons are damn near impossible to dual-wield because you can barely hit anything with one automatic single-handed weapon unless the target is in the same room with you, you'd be lucky to hit anything with two of them.


Then you have to account for the fact that most people in this world are right-handed, most others are right-handed and a small percentage is capable of using both hands equally effectively. Problem is, right-handed people have problems firing weapons from their left hand, and left-handed people have trouble firing weapons from their right hand. So you actually have one weapon that will maybe hit the target since you can't aim right switching from one gun to the other, and a second weapon which will just spray bullets all over the damn place since you can't hold it right.


And then there's recoil. Pistols and sub-machineguns are hard to fire and you need training, it's not like FO3 where you get a pistol and know how to use it immediately because you used a BB gun, pistols are not rifles and they're much harder to use. Each time you fire you need to take a moment to realign your sights with the target, which is hard enough with a single weapon and near impossible with two of them, there's just not enough time to do it (which is why it's a mess to fire two guns at a single target). Why do you think a proper way to hold pistols is with two hands?


Also, reloading. Reloading a pistol while having another pistol in your other hand complicates things a lot, you have to take the magazine and push it into the pistol. Complicated? Nah, that's easy, complicated is when you have to do that while having a pistol in each hand, being fired at and running to cover in order to survive, all at the same time.


And finally, because Bethesda is making it. Seeing as how people yapped about dual-wielding for a long time, and seeing as how this is Bethesda we're talking about, I wouldn't be surprised to see dual-wielding Kalashnikovs. :rolleyes:


Bottom line is - it's not "fanboyism" or "being an idiot", it's the fact that anyone who knows about weapons will be staring at the screen thinking "what the f*** did I just saw". It's illogical and only seen in movies and emergency situations when you need covering fire (and that one is rare). I can see the option set there as optional that can be toggled on/off or player-only stuff, but if NPCs are going to use dual-wielding, I ain't getting the game. I'm not interested in "kewl lookz", I want to play a game that has some sort of sense, and dual-wielding doesn't. In a situation where there's plenty of ammo for someone to do something like that, like in today's state of things where you can literally find ammo in a bush, feel free. But in a place and situation where every shot counts and you pray to find any kind of ammunition? No.



This. I'm so glad you said it so well. Kudos to you my friend.

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I (personally) don't like dual-wielding in video games. I'm more the silent, tactic guy than the super-hero firing with two guns on everything moving, but that's my personal attitude, of course.

I don't think that Bethesda will implement this feature in future's Fallout-games. It is really hard to get that work and to look realistic at the same time (think about all the animations needed for reloading etc).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Usually when someone suggests it in the request section of FNV or FO3 they get told it's not possible on the game engine and/or without a lot of animation edits.


The problem with adding it to fallout 4 etc is once dual weapons are added no one uses non dual weapons (why use 1 pistol when you can get twice the fire rate with 2). This could obviously be rectified by causing a severe accuracy reduction when dual wielding and increasing reload time.


I think decreasing accuracy is the way to deal with it, let people dual wield but make sure there is a price to pay. I don't doubt dual wielding will be in the next game, Bethesda only care about what looks cool, they don't care about much else.

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I want Duel Wielding with in reason of course like Pistols and one-handed SMGs, Knives basically anything One-Handed, although there should also be some Penalties for using duel wielding weapons for Guns Accuracy needs to be lowered.

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I want Duel Wielding with in reason of course like Pistols and one-handed SMGs, Knives basically anything One-Handed, although there should also be some Penalties for using duel wielding weapons for Guns Accuracy needs to be lowered.


Knives yes but guns make no sense, in the Fallout universe ammunition is scarce and every shot has to count, dual wielding and spraying bullets around like Rambo wouldn't happen.

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