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[WIP] The Black Marshes


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In response to queries on Facebook and youtube, I felt I should update our thread here with the following information about the postponement of the beta release. This is quoted directly from a response to a query on Facebook:


"We've struggled a little recently. As often happens, some new members haven't been contributing so it's meant more work for the 3-4 core team members. Quest building is still underway though and I'm writing up the rest of the quests that will appear for the beta now. We had marked out October as a release date but I think we're now looking at November/December at the earliest. Sorry to keep folks waiting but it's best to have something that feels finished." Annoying but true. Teams tend to report the same thing each time despite having had some modders drop in to produce something really nice and then disappear (it may be small but we appreciate it). Others can just waste your time. >:(


We'll get there anyhoo. There's waaayyy too much content here to give up so if anyone knows of any experienced quest coders, let us know.....

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Hello Ibsen,


Been following this for some time and have to give a big thumbs up on what you've managed to accomplish so far. always wanted to see Black Marsh come to life. Sorry to hear about the struggle with workload. I would like to offer my help in whatever small way. Although my time is somewhat restricted between RL, work, and personal mod projects.


Still studying on a lot of modding aspects atm, but working on my own projects I have learned to do texturing pretty good, landscaping and path grids, and have just learned how to create VWD meshes. I know how to create npcs, do basic eat, sleep, wander ai packages. Just barely learning quests and dialogue...and by that I mean just reading the tutorials I DL'd..hehe.


Anyway ....if I can lend a hand let me know. My time is limited, but will help in whatever capacity I can manage.





M Hahn

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Oooh, an offer of help! That would be gratefully received, mhahn123. As long as you're realistic about what you can manage then that would be great. If you can drop by the Dark Creations website and set up an account here then you should be able to make your way over here and send me a message to let me know you've arrived.


At the moment, we're very much in need of quest modders and scripters but there is certainly a need for someone to help me out with designing the last few dungeons if you fancy that. And we should eventually have some more interiors and NPCs to sort out (although at the moment, all of that is done.....I'm just thinking of adding a few more towns and cities).


Sadly, we don't have the resources to teach people how to do stuff much as we're all way too busy ourselves so we don't take on any noobs anymore (not that I have anything against them, of course). Yet you sound like you know your way around the CS.


Hope to see you soon. :thumbsup:

Edited by Ibsen3
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Hi Ibsen,


Sorry to be back with bad news but it looks like I won't be managing any modding for some time. I experienced my first ever hard drive crash two nights ago. Had to borrow a friends computer to take care of my monthly obligations and just thought to send this message while I was here. Didn't want to just leave you hanging with no response. I'll get signed up and check in once I have a new pc all set up, if you still need help at that point I'm up for some dungeon building, cluttering, whatever.


May be a little bit though, I have an IT friend trying to retrieve my gaming files from the old pc. If he can't I just lost a good bit of work. Had a lot on external HD, but not the most recent stuff. Live and learn I guess. :(

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Ah, sorry to hear that. That's a pretty shitty state of affairs. Been there and felt the pain.


I look forward to hearing from you when you're all set up but thanks for letting me know....and take care to choose the right PC. I tend to always trust Dell.

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  • 2 months later...
Just thought I'd mention that we're still going as always. It looks like the whole worldspace's regions will be generated for the release although there won't be perfect landscaping to the East. Go check out progress on our FB page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Elder-Scrolls-IV-Black-Marsh/159193210793000
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  • 3 months later...

Ibsen3 i've been keeping an eye on this mod for quite some time, and even though your short on modders, i congratulate you and your fellow modders for continueing to work at the mod. I wish i knew how too mod Oblivion, otherwise i'd gladly help out. But, all i can do is just show my support for your project. Best of luck too you Ibsen3.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you very much, Sarus31! We rarely get noticed over here for some reason but it's good to know that we still have people keen to get their hands on the mod. In case you didn't know, you may be interested to hear that I try to regularly update our Facebook site with an indication of our progress. I'm due another update soon since we've recently recruited another dungeon modder. The truth is we don't really need another dungeon; it's just that he's really good so I figured why the hell not just expand on what we've done so far? :biggrin:

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  • 3 months later...

Time for an update!

We do have a ton of progress to report. Where do I begin... How about alphabetical order?

  • Arthmoor opened the cities for us and provided us with a travel network. I can only say that the travel network is unique and does not use carriages. http://www.theassimilationlab.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.png
  • David Brasher has joined the team and is churning out quests faster than Ibsen can write them. He has also implemented crime processing and creature spawns.
  • Ibsen's Ghost continues to polish off the dungeons, write quests, do landscaping... Anything that needs doing really.
  • JetpackAngel continues to add cluttering and finishing off the interiors.
  • Sandor has rejoined the team to complete the region generation. He has also provided me with a ton of assistance and instruction on the use of TES4Gecko. The Black Marsh plugin is now load order independent and has complete LOD.
  • With Vorians help I got the local map for Black Marsh working and have created a world map as well.
  • I've also been zipping around fixing scripts to get various animations and traps working. BM has a lot of nifty stuff. :D

We still don't have a release date because there is just so much work to do! But things are definitely coming together.

For those of you who are looking to do some testing, we need to get the second quest in the main quest coded up, which lays down the foundation for everything else. David is working on coding up the second quest now.


Please note that Black Marsh has left Dark Creations and is now hosted on The Assimilation Lab.

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