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Are people inherently good or bad?


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I think its circumstantial. Normally good people may do bad things, given the right conditions. Will normally bad people do good things? Likely only if they get some direct benefit from it.

I am more saying that people will do bad evil things off the bat and have to make an effort to be good. I don't mean that there is more bad than good in the world, but more that we are all bad and have to work to be good. it's why tribalism is a thing, you are more able to beat others in a mob than alone so even being nice to others you agree with is a means to an end I feel.

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I would like to think that most folks won't do 'bad' stuff, just because...... But then, I have always been a bit naive. :D


There ARE good people out there, that would require some pretty extreme motivation to do something 'bad'..... So, there might yet be hope for this world. Not holding my breath though. :D

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I'm not going to stick around and debate (whether philosophically, or the heated way even someone endorsing a variety of hummus can get on the internet) but just my thought, I think humans are just neutral with some people a little more altruistic and some people a little more selfish. Some people are damaged and behave erratically. At least the thread title said 'bad' not 'evil' so that sidestepped one whole debate.

Generally any ideology is justified by the person who holds it, very few people (who aren't 14 and on 4chan, Steam or the YouTube comment section) unironically say they're evil, as opposed to "flawed", "defensive", "afraid" e.t.c.


The internet; where we are and what probably prompts these threads, makes it look worse because of the vocal minority effect. I openly take issue with how some people on the internet today embellish being edgy and dark, and noticeably clog up internet comment sections. Don't have to look beyond NexusMods being in yet another bait and forced controversy debacle. But, I do believe none of this can effect the course of human history. Vocal minorities as I say.



Anyhow. Your common person doesn't click on articles of minor acts of goodness, but they are still absolutely everywhere. Overall if humans were rounded to the most suitable D&D alignment I personally believe it would be True Neutral.

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Baby's are not born good or bad So it is those whose habits turn to do good or bad that teach babies the differences between good or bad. Adults are also led and trained. Some methods could be considered to be by torturers. People who antagonize others until the torturers can get them to do bad things like, shoot up a bunch of innocent bystanders so the companies that want gun control enforced get some attention. Hm? Makes me wonder who the torturers work for?


We do what we must as a baby to avoid anger. We prefer praise and lean toward discovery until we discover the elder's doing something they didn't want us baby's to see and learn about.


A baby will turn away from anger if someone constantly teaches them that the goodies they aren't sharing will cause anger in the person eating the ice cream if a baby tries to get some ice cream. The baby learns by building up defenses. By the time we are 7 we should know the difference between good and bad.


It's Bad to pet the kitten's fur the wrong way. It's Good to pet the kitten's fur the other way.


Bad to poop and piss in our diaper. Good to use the baby toilet chair.


What you are taught determines whether you lean toward the lessons for doing good just because they are so, and lean toward praise instead of realization of what the difference of good and bad degrees of good and bad are. The kitten won't howl and bite if you pet it nice. Making Mother angry because you failed to get to the toilet fast enough and she has to change your diaper until you are an old fart of three years old.


Teen's know it all and as Adolescents learn the lessor of two evils to avoid conflict with each other and the authorities.


Socrate's taught the children to examine ways of life and the laws of the community. He taught children not to be so timid and bow so much to authorities. Like so many teachers the court had him banned from society for teaching good common sense.


Care for a cup of Hemlock with your dinner?


What good or bad have you learned today?


Or is what you think is good just another good way for securing your safety from a bad mean old monster that would get mad if you didn't do as you were told?


Common sense rules when a baby is given good and protective guidance. Common sense lesson's from calm parent's and the authorities who are educators and teachers.


Laws with no common sense rule that are made by leaders tend to protect only the leaders, the businessmen and businesswomen in the community. Heartless leaders and old heartless cronies.


Once the children are old enough to play the capitalistic games and sports too they begin to realize who the Cheaters are!

We're number 1! We're number 1! Our team rules, their school team is number 2. We're number 1!


Badgering and cheating is Bad except when it's all in the name of good fun and sports so it doesn't get boring.


Is your common sense causing your hair to stand up on the back of your neck? Flight or fight!


Saving your body from harm is Good. Stand up to the threat that might get you harmed is Bad.


Did all your friends stand and fight?


Oh! That's probably why you're still alive! That's Good!


Some of your friends might think you're bad though. Bad for running away from the monster while they stood up to Robin Hood's enemy "The Sheriff of Nottingham"! Where was Robin Hood? Maybe you're just a little bit to small and all will be forgiven. Don't do it again when you're older though.


Oh, the Sheriff he's a fictional character created so Robin Hood, another fictional character, has an enemy. While there are a lot of real characters like the Sheriff of Nottingham in real life. Tax collectors and people charging much to much money to live in the city.


At least there were a lot of those bad people until Covid 19 thinned them down. There are still some bad people demanding more money for water to the land from the pipes delivering it to homes, and no one is standing up to fight them except me. Poisoners they are! The water is bad to drink, because it isn't properly cleaned, has fluoride added to assure us strong teeth, and Chlorine to kill viruses and germs. Didn't stop covid 19 though.


Around the fabled land where I live there are more dentists offices, a lot more. Until I stopped drinking the tap water my molars were rotting out and I had to have several caps put on my teeth.


Since 2014 though I have been drinking Deionized water only, the teeth I have left are strong and I can even eat Pop corn again without fearing chipping a tooth on a Popcorns skin, because of soften teeth from bad water. Buy your water from a dealer with a Deionizing Machine and you won't regret it.


You get enough Electrolytes from food and other stuff to need it in a bottled water drink. An occasional sport drink is okay! Just remember the word Occasional, sports drinks are not for every day drinking.


Are you bad or good in your own thinking? Or are you balancing your good compared to your bad? Would you dare walk the tight rope to determine your balance to find out if your more good than bad? SMILE!

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Neither. Most people just want to be left alone and lead a normal life. Do their job, built a life, maybe a family and have a small group of friends.

Most just want to live life.



I find that hard to believe after so many wars in history. people need a purpose so will join up to fight.

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