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Half Life 2 Demo released!!!


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Just like the title says - Valve has finally released the Half Life 2 demo. I was waiting for this to test if my PC could handle the higher graphics settings. Surprisingly, it ran with next to no framerate drop.


Anyway, for the three of you that haven't played Half Life 2, check out the demo:



3D Gamers

Use this as your last resort.


I mean, what other game lets you kill head crab-zombies with matresses, paint cans, and cardboard boxes?

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My spanking new broadband connection is turned on at 9am on the 10th January 2005, and the second it is i'm registering my copy. I don't see the point to do it with dial-up. Be sure i'll be rather vocal about my new-found speed here the second its on, too. Look out world (or at least the small corner i occupy) - loveme4whoiam will be broadbanded. Muhahaha!
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  • 2 weeks later...

The demo just crashes as soon as it gets to the first loading stage. I've heard reinstalling the graphics drivers fixes the problem, but I've already done that once recently and I can't be bothered.


Other than that it runs at full settings on mine (couldn't tell the difference when I set it to total max in speed or quality) but it has graphical texture glitches sadly.


Ah yes, I'm back on the new GS forums!

Guess I look like a newbie now.


Hate it when that happens *mutters and wanders off

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Half-Life 2 is linear, but I still found it very fun. Dang long loading times though, I won't be playing it through a second time in a hurry.


Oh, and about the drivers: It might not be that simple. If you have graphics-driver related issues with HL2 and reinstalling doesn't help, PM your pc details, I know a thing or two about these problems.

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Just because a game is linear, doesn't mean it's not fun. Every Mario game [excepting Super Mario RPG] is the definition of linear - and they're great fun. Warcraft III, Starcraft? Perfect Dark? Goldneeye? All great games....


Enough arguing. :P


I experienced relatively short loading times, and I'm running a decent machine. [by that, I mean that it's not an uber-computer.]

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